Inkling Explorations {December 2015}

Time for Heidi's link-up!  This month's prompt is:

a Christmastide movie scene

WELL.  What better time to post it than on the very Eve of Christmas?  [Or, as we like to say in the security business, Christmas Eve.  (If you got that reference, though…)]

I'm going to select the scene of Jesus' birth, as portrayed in The Nativity Story, a movie of which, as I'm sure you all know, I think rather highly ;)  

Here it is.  DRINK IT IN.  And then go watch the whole movie, as I plan to do tonight, and drown in the music and the atmosphere and *cough* Joseph and just the general epic-ness that is this movie.


  1. I'm most intrigued! I think I've seen pictures of this here and there (and I know I remember you posting on it ;)). How close does it stick to the Biblical account??

    (And I added your link. Yay! :))

    Merry Christmas!!!!!

    1. P.S. Oh, forgot to mention I'll have to see about possibly watching the link itself sometime early in the morning. :)

    2. You should try it, Heidi! I think you'd like it :D

      It's pretty meticulous. The only error that I know of is that, for the sake of the story, they have the Magi arrive at the stable mere hours/minutes after Christ's birth. There may be other fallacies, but I don't think there are…

      It's also nice because it's tasteful. It doesn't sugarcoat anything, but it doesn't make it gruesome.

  2. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I just can't believe it! IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE! :)


    2. YES!!!!!!!! And a Happy New Year :)

      I just wanted to put a comment letting you know about the two fan videos I've made. I finally figured out how to do it and it was SO FUN. I think you might enjoy them. I made one for P&P '05 and one for Emma '09. The links are below. No pressure, of course, and all that :)

    3. Happy New Year! :)

      Those are great, Rosie! I especially liked the first one--which is sayin' somethin', since I'm not even fond of Mr. Darcy ;) Well done!!!!

  3. "For unto us a Child is born . . . to us a Son is given . . ."

    Merry Christmas, dear friend :-)

    1. Glory to God in the highest!

      Merry Christmas, dear! :)

  4. "The Nativity Story" is officially on my To-Watch list now. THAT VIDEO. It made me cry. :'-(

    1. I KNOW IS IT NOT FANTASTIC. Naomi, you'll like it. I feel it in my bones, as it were;)

  5. Merry Christmas, Olivia!!!!
    And oh my....that video. -sniff- So beautiful! :")
    I definitely want to look into that movie some more!

    ps. I agree about Joseph. ;)

    1. Merry Christmas, Natalie!!!! :D

      Isn't it gorgeous? Yes, definitely investigate! I think you'll love it :)

      (Ahem, yes. That is to say, rather. ;P Joseph is my favorite character in that movie. He's just such a SWEETHEART.)


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