"The only healthy way to live, as I see it, is to learn to like all the little everyday things."

~ Getting a little stuffed bear at your choir's secret Valentine exchange and naming him Herbert Pocket because you just finished reading Great Expectations ~ The ending of the book Christy --every single time ~ Unreasonably shipping Henry Gowen and Elizabeth Staunton (don't you dare judge me, Lizzy) ~ Mentally pairing future profile pictures with future headers ~ Raindrops falling on a puddle like tinkling little musical notes ~ Trying, with a friend, to unravel the intricacies of Luke Goss's portrayal of King Xerxes in One Night with the King and finally settling on the verdict that he's basically a lovable, flawed puppy ~ Songs like this one , or this one ~ Sunrises with God ~ The ridiculous hilarity that is The Man Who Knew Too Little ~ Looking blissfully forward to spring and summer and outdoor explorations and sunshiny books ~ Planning a blogiversary post for October ~ Words like 'gossamer' ~ That feelin...