New Look + what is possibly the most random post I've ever written

What-ho, followers all! (I am 99.9% positive I stole that exact phrase from Naomi . Apologies about that, old sport.) As you may have noticed, I have once again decided to destroy the status quo. Yes, my dear readers, that is RIGHT! I've changed my look again *cue groans of frustration* I know, I know. I do that far too often. But hey, I waited almost two months this time around! And I have a feeling this one will stick for awhile, because… guys I can't help it but I'm really in love with this update. Obviously, the background is a bit *ahem* bolder than I normally go, and the point could be argued that the colors do not perfectly coincide with the header, but right now I don't even care. I love how warm and bright it all is *happy sighs* (Plus it's my first time experimenting with a gif as my profile picture, and I'm "liking it extremely." MARIAN <3 <3 <3) But what do YOU all think? ...