Favorite Onscreen Couples of 2017

I'm shamelessly copying the awesome Faith over at Just Way Too Boss . She wrote a blog post about -- can you guess? -- her favorite onscreen romances of 2017 , and I told her that I might steal her idea, and she told me to fire away, so here I be. :-P Like Faith, I'm not necessarily talking about couples who made their screen debut in 2017, but those that I first saw in 2017. And I'm afraid I'll probably forget some, as I didn't keep track of all the new movies I watched this year, unfortunately. :-/ But thankfully I was reminded of a few important ones that I almost omitted. ;) So here we go! Let's review my favorite onscreen couples of 2017. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * Bella & Vernon * This Beautiful Fantastic As I mentioned in my review , these two charries were not only adorable and extremely shippable together, but they were fantastic (heh) individually as well. Loves them lots. <3 (Also, who first came up with ...