Have I ever mentioned that I love Christmas?

Pinterest and I, together with a severe case of "Christmas in July" daydreaming, teamed up to explain to you all why the yuletide is actually the most wonderful time of the year.  This is the result.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

First things first:  Jesus is literally the reason for the season, and none of this would be so nice if He had not come to us.

This post will mainly be about the more "shallow" side of Christmas, and hence the above "disclaimer," if you will.

For one thing, the holidays give you kind of the best of everything.  (Except weather, I suppose.  But then again to some people winter weather IS the best kind of weather.  So.  There you are.) 

Decorations and such go without saying, so I shall provide examples of other things.

  • The Nativity Story 

[I know I've mentioned my extreme love for this movie before, and I know I've mentioned Oscar Isaac's Joseph before . . . but seriously Oscar Isaac's Joseph, though.  ALL THE HEARTS IN THE WHOLE WORLD. <3 <3 <3]
  • While You Were Sleeping
  • Elf   [It's entertaining and it's a lot of fun to quote, if nothing else. :-P]
  • Little Women   [Hey, the beginning is Christmas-y.  It can count.]
  • A Christmas Story

[This movie is legit hilarious. XD  I had heard a lot about it and had actually watched some of it several years ago, but I didn't get all the love for it that I kept hearing a lot of people express.  But then I watched the whole thing last year and I got it, dontcha know. ;)  It's seriously awesome.]

Music  (titles are linked to YouTube where possible)

I might go a little bit overboard in this section.  Just warning you. :-P

Favorite tracks:  "Magnificat" ~ "O Savior of Our Fallen Race" ~ "How Suddenly a Baby Cries" (GUUUYYYYYS) ~ "Fullness of Grace" ~ "Joy to the World" ~  REALLY ALLZ OF THEM <3 <3 <3
Favorite tracks:  "Go, Tell It on the Mountain" {BEST VERSION EVER.  (Maybe.)  I love how unbelievably relaxed and chill it is.  And the finger-snaps?!} ~ "Christmas Dreams" ~ "Heaven Everywhere" ~ "Christmas Is" ~ "You're Here" ~ "Be Born in Me" ~ "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" (I am SUUUUPER picky about renditions of certain traditional carols, and this one isn't EXACTLY what I want from a version of this particular carol -- more on that later -- but I like it.)
Favorite tracks:  "Angels We Have Heard on High" ~ "Auld Lang Syne" ~ "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" ~ "The Little Things" ~ "Some Children See Him" ~ "Mary, Did You Know?"



I mean. 


I love seeing how most of us change our headers for the winter!  (I'm not remotely suggesting that there's anything wrong with NOT changing your headers with the seasons, though, just to be clear.)  It makes me happy to explore all the new looks. :)

I've loved ever so many of y'all's headers, but one of the winter ones that has really stuck in my memory is this one, made by zee lovely Naomi:

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I seem to remember she paired it with a lovely background that was soft, deep blue, and it was awesome. :D


Y'all have a collection of special Christmas picture books, right?  Because THEY ARE THE BEST. <333  I love One Wintry Night (that's a little more than a picture book, actually), The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey, and The Boy with a Wish particularly. <3

The Nutcracker

The Nutcracker deserves its own category.  I grew up going to see it every year, and I still love it very muchly. <3

The music (have y'all listened to "Pas de Deux" lately?!), the dancing, the aesthetic, the actual story itself . . . gahh, it's beautiful.

I love basically everything about Christmas, is the point.

"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Are you a huge fan of Christmas, too?

P.S.  Oh, and by the way, I'M DONE WITH FINALS AAAAGGGHHHH!!!  I'm very happy. :D  How are my fellow college peeps doing?


  1. Gaahhh, CHRISTMASSSS. <3

    (Yes, I'm a huge fan of Christmas too. ;))

    (Christmas weather is one of my favourites, because it's our summer, and that's when everyone is on holidays and having their break and it's just SUCH RELAXATION AND FUN AND LAUGHS. <3 <3)

    I don't really have the time to listen to all the music, so I picked the first one that struck out to me - Francesca Battistelli. I only know her by the song "It's Your Life" from Soul Surfer and I really liked her voice, so when you mentioned her album... !! I just listened to the first two songs from that playlist and ohhhh YES!!! (Go Tell It On The Mountain! That's so my jam! :D)
    (I LOOOVE Michael Buble's Christmas album. We own it and it's literally been played SO MUCH.)

    Those aesthetics... I can't even... <3 <3 <3

    Hey I know that book "One Wintry Night!" We have that! :D We'd read it every Christmas, and Mum would have it on display 'cause the pictures were so pretty!

    This post was perfection. <3 <3 <3 I love it and you! :D

    1. I'm glad we agree. ;D

      (Haha, it's still strange to think that our weather for Christmas is so different from each other!)

      Oh, neat! Aren't they cool?! Ooh, I really need to listen to some Michael Buble. *nods*

      RIGHT. <333

      Oh, twinsies! *high fives* I know, the pictures are gorgeous!

      D'awwww, thank you!! RIGHT BACK AT YA. ;D

  2. Yeeeees! Christmas! Oh, I also love the Nativity Story! We borrowed it from our old church a couple years ago O_O It is so good! AND A CHRISTMAS STORY XD That movie made me laugh soooooo hard :P The Nutcracker is also amazing! I haven't seen it live that many times, but I've danced in it about four times :D


    1. ISN'T THE NATIVITY STORY THE BEST?!?! I love it so much. :D

      Haha, me too (about A Christmas Story). And The Nutcracker! Oh, wow! That's so cool! My oldest sister danced in the show several times, which is why I always went to see it. :)

      Thanks for the comment! :D <3


    I AM STOKED FOR CHRISTMAS. And I just made a new Christmas playlist with all the music you recommended. Going to get my holly jolly on.

    1. SAME, GIRL.

      Haha, really?! That's fantastic. XD

  4. Agh! I love all the Christmas things!!!! You inspired me to update my blog header (it was rather springish).

  5. YES, CHRISTMAS IS SO WONDERFUL!!! YAY!! But, to be completely honest, I've been having to push myself a little bit more this year to get into the Christmas spirit... just because it seems like it's much too early for Christmas to be rolling around again. But anywho, I'm kind of getting over that some now, especially after reading your post here! :D
    Oh yes, and you must see The Christmas Card sometime soon! (that is, if you can take all the "heartbreaking drama" and all... XD)
    Lovely post, Olivia! <3

    1. Faith, that makes sense!! I can't really relate since I've sort of been in the Christmas spirit since July, hehe, but it totally makes sense. :) (And awww, glad to be of some service. ;))

      Yes, indeed I must! (Hahahaha, I hope I can handle it . . . xD)

      Aww, thanks, m'dear! <3

  6. Christmas is heaven on earth. Literally, and figuratively ;) I love it so much GAH


    Ugh this just brought back all the best christmas feels and I love it . That is all. <3

    1. Haha, I like that: Literally and figuratively. ;D


      Awwwwwwww :D <3

  7. I love Christmas. <3

    I'm ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLMOST done with finals and am incredibly stressed out :/ But by tomorrow night, all will be well. :-)

    1. Me too. <3

      Eeeee, hurray for being done! How did it go?

  8. LOVE THIS! I am sadly so lacking in Christmas Posts this year! *Scurries away to blogger*

    1. Haha, "*scurries away to blogger*". I believe in you! ;D

  9. OOOOOHHHH!!! *hearteyes* Yes, I'm in love with Christmas too. This post was full of beauty and delight and your blog theme was the icing on the cake. I forget if you've mentioned Pentatonix before, but they have great Christmas music. My friends and I are learning to sing their arrangement of "Mary Did You Know". And "A Christmas Story" is a family staple. :) But "It's a Wonderful Life" probably takes top pick for our family. I hope you have aa blessed Christmas season! *hugs*

    1. Awwwwww, thanks so much, Sarah!! Ooh, yes, I need to listen to Pentatonix more, but I've heard a little of their stuff! Whoa, that's so cool that you and your friends are doing that! I really like "Mary Did You Know." "It's a Wonderful Life" isn't my favorite, but it IS a really good movie. :D

      You too!!!! *hugs*

  10. I am listening to The Nutcracker right this minute. I decided to listen to it whilst mixing up a batch of sugar cookies to cut, bake, and decorate tomorrow with my kids.

    I LOVE CHRISTMAS! Just... so excited. Every year.

    And I also love seeing people's Christmasy headers. I thought I wasn't going to do one this year for the Soliloquy, but then I did. Haven't managed a lot of Christmasy posts yet, but... I have a week.

    1. That is a remarkably Christmas-y thing to do. I'm proud of your aesthetic taste. <3

      SAME HERE!!

      Ooh, you did? *checks Soliloquy* D'aawwww, it's adorable!! So festive. :) And haha, that's right -- you've got time. ;D

  11. Yaaas! Christmas is one of the "most wonderful times of the year"! And the Nativity Story...;) I also extremely love that movie, too. :)<3
    Haha, yes. I'm soooo happy exams are over, too!
    Great post, Olivia!:)
    Merry Christmas!!!! :D

    1. It really is!!! *ahem* Yes, quite. We've talked. ;) (I also just watched most of it again.)

      Yessss!! Freedom! Haha. ;)

      Aww, thank you! You too!!! :D <3

  12. Christmas truely is "the most wonderful time of the year!" (Talking of songs and singing, have you ever heard Claire Ryann Crosby? *heart eyes*)

    A Christmas Story is the one of the best Christmas movies!! It is sssooooo funny!!!!

    Have a wonderfully Merry Christmas, Olivia!!!! <3

    1. MC, it really is! (Ooh, no, I haven't heard of Claire Ryann Crosby! I guess I should look her up, then?)

      Oh my word, my dad and I just started it again last night -- it is HILARIOUS!!

      You too, dear friend!!! <3333

  13. I'm really behind on blog posts and am trying to catch up without losing my mind. So please forgive me, this comment will be really short. <3

    1) The Christmas aesthetic of this post is BEAUTIFUL. All the yes.

    2)I'm actually in the middle of watching The Nativity Story for the first time!!!!! Squuuuueeeeeeeeee.

    And yes. Oscar Isaac's Joseph. I already loved him as Poe but this is...just too much. ♥♥♥

    We shall talk. ;)



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