Life Hacks

Because I'm so good at life ;D (Ha. Hahaha.) INDEX CARDS I have recently discovered that index cards are kind of magical. Like, if you're into making bookmarks or other paper crafts, those things are awesome. They're cheap, they're easy to get, and they're versatile: you can use the plain side of them like a piece of card stock, and (again) they're much cheaper :-P Also, naturally, there's the traditional use of flashcards when needed. MUSIC Music helps, guys. Of course, I'm not saying we should be constantly listening to music and never taking a moment to clear our minds, but at times a good tune can be motivating or calming or comforting or whatever else is just the thing we need at the moment. (Aren't you impressed with the originality of these tips? I mean, all the things we never knew . . . ) And this song , in particular -- a life hack in and of itself ;) PINTEREST For real, though. It's so beauti...