Summer Look + NEW BLOG REVEAL!!!

YES, you read that correctly. I'm here to reveal a new, second blog. And since I'm assuming y'all are more interested in that than my puttering about the new look on this blog, I shall address it first. So. Several months ago -- during the second half of last year, actually -- I began to get some new and exciting leadings from the Lord regarding my post-high school plans. I won't go into all of it here, since I talk a lot about it on the new blog, but suffice it to say that one of these promptings was to take the plunge and create a second, more personal blog, on which to document what happens next. (And technically I was supposed to have this ready to reveal at graduation, more than two months ago, but oh, well. Better late than never, eh?) And don't worry, I have every intention of continuing THIS blog for many, many years to come. It will probably still be my main blog. :) This new blog will probably take a while to get up and run...