The Animation Tag

The lovely Ruth over at Amongst Spring Blossoms tagged me back in October!  Thanks so much, Ruth!  I haven't done a tag in a while, and a tag about animated movies is even more welcome. :)  Everyone, be sure to check out Rachel's blog -- it's fantastic!! <3

Okay, here we go. *cracks knuckles*  (Since the title just says "The Animation Tag," I'm including all sorts of animated movies, not just Disney.)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1. Who's your favourite animated heroine?

Yikes, that's asking quite a bit.  Pocahontas, Esmeralda, Anna, Elsa, Rapunzel, Jane, ALL OF THEM??!!  *gasp*  Oh, and Jenna from Balto.  The last time I watched it, I was more than a little concerned that I was low-key falling a little bit in love with a female dog.

2. Who's your favourite animated hero?

You're killin' me, Smalls!  Quasimodo, Aiden (from Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus, don't judge), Dmitri, Prince Eric (which surprises me), Flynn, Shang ("Sign me up for the next war!"), Hiccup . . . again, ALL OF THEM??!!

3. If there was to be a sequel(or even a third, fourth, or fifth part)(and then I don't mean like Frozen Fever and Tangled Ever After, those short movies, but a real one) of an animated movie, where would you like it to be about?

I'm coming up empty on this one, other than the possibility of a real Frozen sequel with Jack Frost (more on that later).  And, of course, The Incredibles has been in need of a sequel since forever, so I'm glad they're finally getting that going . . . even though:

4. Which couple from an animated movie do you think is highly underrated?

I'm sure there is one that'll come to me a couple days after posting this, and it'll make me Much Annoyed, but for the moment all I can think of is that Nani and David from Lilo and Stitch are pretty cute, and they don't get a whole lot of love.  Also, Bob & Helen/Mr. Incredible & Elastigirl are actually a really cool couple.  'Cause like, they're MARRIED and they have issues and they fight but they make up and they always love each other and all that stuff.

5. Which couple do you like most?

I like Flynn & Rapunel, Anastasia & Dmitri, Mulan & Shang ("Would you like to stay forever?"), Jane & Tarzan . . .

How many times am I allowed to say "all of them" in this post??!!

6. Which song is your favourite?

But seriously, no.

(Although I'm especially partial to like the entirety of Hunchback, the Pocahontas soundtrack, the Anastasia soundtrack, the Barbie Princess and the Pauper soundtrack, the Prince of Egypt soundtrack, "Poor Unfortunate Souls" (see below), AND JUST BASICALLY EVERYTHING, OKAY???)

7. And if you should choose a song that isn't likely to be chosen by you, one that didn't immediately come up in your mind but is still a favourite, which one would it be?

Well, recently I and two of my coworkers/friends have been going through a major "Poor Unfortunate Souls" phase, and it's not the first song that pops into my head when I'm asked about my favorite.  I really, really like that song, though. :)  Oh, and "I Won't Say (I'm in Love)"!  And the second Lion King soundtrack.  And "I Am Moana".  And . . .

8. What animation movie did you first think you wouldn't like, but eventually you did?

LILO AND STITCH, oh my flippin' word. <3

9. Which two do you always consider as a couple, even though they are not a definite couple, but almost no one else does?

I think most of my animated ships are recognized couples . . . I guess, though, I used to alllmost ship Dory and Marlin?  Or, not even really ship them, but just think that they were a couple??  Also, I sort of ship Nakoma and Kocoum.

10. Which girl from an animated movie has the best hairstyle(s)?

Pocahontas and Ariel, hands down.


(Also, can we just talk about how Pocahontas is legit like one of if not the most gorgeous Disney princesses EVER??)

11. Which is the best dress?

Two of the ones I really love are Ariel's pink dress and Anastasia's opera dress.

12. Which sidekick is the best according to you?

I like Hei-Hei.

But for a serious answer: Pascal, Maximus, Mushu (of course), Meeko, Penelope and Hobie (from Barbie as Rapunzel), Scuttle, and lots of others.


Sorry, Smaug, you ain't got nothin' on this beast.  Not a bloomin' thing. 

13. What's your favourite Disney princess movie?

Eeesh . . . I think that'd have to be Pocahontas, since I think Pocahontas might be my second favorite Disney movie ever, but I'm not sure.  (I MEAN I LOVE THEM ALL.)  Frozen would probably be the second favorite Disney princess movie.

14. What's your favourite animated movie(no Disney princess movies included)? 

The Swan Princess. :)  Anastasia is a close second.  Rango needs more attention in the world.  Oh, and for a favorite Disney movie that's not a Disney princess movie, The Hunchback of Notre Dame.  And Tarzan, oh my gosh!  That movie is SUCH THE BEST. <3


15. What is your Disney personality?

I think I'm most like both Anna and Elsa, as you can read here, but whenever I take a Disney personality quiz I come out as like Ariel or Jasmine unless I specifically try to come out as Belle.  And as far as I know, I'm not that much like either Ariel or Jasmine.  So.  Go figure.

I also really relate to Shanti from The Jungle Book 2 -- like, scary a lot.  Also, my younger brother's and my relationship is basically Dash and Violet from The Incredibles.

16. Which animated girl do you think looks most like you(in looks, not in character)?

Trying and failing.  I really don't know.  I have brown hair and brown eyes like Belle . . . that's about all I can come up with at the moment.

17. Which statement do you think is true and which not(you know, those things on Pinterest that say...for example: That Elsa and Anna are Rapunzels cousins, and that Tarzan is Anna and Elsa's brother or that the oldest girl from Despicable Me is maybe Riley's mom from Inside Out)?

Well, I like the idea of a Jack Frost/Elsa ship, I think (???).  I guess I don't see a LOT of those theories . . . but, just from those examples, I don't think I agree with the theory of Tarzan being Anna and Elsa's brother, and I DO think I could see the oldest girl from Despicable Me being Riley's mom!

18. What animated movie did you expect much of, but turned out to be much worse than you originally thought?

Okay, so . . . I can't technically think of an animated movie that really, really disappointed me, so I'mma have to go with one that just didn't really wow me, and that didn't quite meet my expectations for a Disney princess movie.

Moana.  *ducks*

I'm sorry, fam!  But it just didn't do it for me -- at least, not on the whole.  There were parts that I liked, and I like the music pretty well, and Hei-Hei was fun, and I loved the general feel of the movie -- the aesthetic was really nice and I Approve Greatly. ;)  But overall, like I said, it didn't wow me.

But, again, the visuals are STUNNING AND I LOVED THEM. 

It looks like most of the peeps in my acquaintance have already been tagged, so I tag:

~ Art3mis Took
~ Lissa (Classic Girl)
~ and anyone else who wants to do it! :)  Here are the questions again:

1. Who's you favourite animated heroine?

2. Who's your favourite animated hero?

3. If there was to be a sequel(or even a third, fourth, or fifth part)(and then I don't mean like Frozen Fever and Tangled Ever After, those short movies, but a real one) of an animated movie, where would you like it to be about?

4. Which couple from an animated movie do you think is highly underrated?

5. Which couple do you like most?

6. Which song is your favourite?

7. And if you should choose a song that isn't likely to be chosen by you, one that didn't immediately come up in your mind but is still a favourite, which one would it be?

8. What animation movie did you first think you wouldn't like, but eventually you did?

9. Which two do you always consider as a couple, even though they are not a definite couple, but almost no one else does?

10. Which girl from an animated movie has the best hairstyle(s)?

11. Which is the best dress?

12. Which sidekick is the best according to you?

13. What's your favourite Disney princess movie?

14. What's your favourite animated movie(no Disney princess movies included)?

15. What is your Disney personality?

16. Which animated girl do you think looks most like you(in looks, not in character)?

17. Which statement do you think is true and which not(you know, those things on Pinterest that say...for example: That Elsa and Anna are Rapunzels cousins, and that Tarzan is Anna and Elsa's brother or that the oldest girl from Despicable Me is maybe Riley's mom from Inside Out)?

18. What animated movie did you expect much of, but turned out to be much worse than you originally thought?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Thanks for reading this mammoth post, and Happy Thanksgiving!!!


  1. Awww! I loved reading your answers to these! Love the Jenna and Toothless love. :-D
    I may have to give this a whirl! (Also, I really need to see Pocahontas some day... somehow I completely missed that one.) And HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!

    1. Thanks, DKoren! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :D Eeee, someone else who knows Jenna!!

      Oh my gosh, Pocahontas is amazing. It's so underrated.

      Happy belated Thanksgiving to you, too! Hope you had a great one. :)

  2. I know, there are so many persons to choose from! It's so hard to choose!
    I like I Won't Say I'm In Love too, it's really good! And Poor Unfortunate Souls :)
    Pocahontas is really pretty, yes. I have a younger sister who says that she is not that pretty, but I find her beautiful. And her hair! Who wouldn't wish they had her hair? Pocahontas is really a good movie!
    And the oldest girl(what is her name!? I can't remember, even though I read it somewhere and I watched Despicable Me 2 once) from Despicable Me does look a lot like Riley's mom, doesn't she? I haven't seen Moana, but I have heard some opinions that say Moana is not the BEST Disney movie ever, but then some say it was a fabulous movie! Opinions, opinions...
    Anyhow, I loved to see all your answers! :)

    1. It really is!

      Eeee, someone else who loves those songs! And appreciates Pocahontas! Agh, I love that movie. And yeah, I think she's beautiful. I'm so glad you appreciate the movie, too!

      I thiiiiink I read that the oldest Despicable Me girl's name is Margo?? Maybe??

      Yeah, I feel like Moana is one of those movies where, in general, people either really liked it or really didn't care for it?

      Aww, thanks! And thanks so much for the tag! :D

  3. ANASTASIA IS SO GOOD (and Dmitri?? <3 <3 <3). And I totally agree, Lilo and Stitch don't get enough love.

    1. ANASTASIA YAAAAASSSSSS. AND DMITRI YAAAASSSSS <3 <3 <3 Nope, it doesn't. I thought it wouldn't be that good, but then I saw it and I was like, "!!!!!"

  4. ANASTASIA!!!!!!! ME LOVES IT AND BARTOK AND VLAD AND ANYA AND DEMITRI AND...AND...AND-- *shuts down from overload of fangirling* *looks around* *makes sure no on is watching* ("...horses dance through a sliver storm...") *someone sees* *run away!*

    Back to the beginning to the post.
    There is an Incredibles 2 coming out!!!!?? *happy dance*

    Nani and David are sooooo cute!!!!

    THE PRINCE OF EGYPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

    LILO & STITCH!! It is so lovable!!!!

    Oh, Jane is awesome!!!

    *high five forever* Way to go girl!!!!!! I am not a Moana fan either!!! The music was okay, and Moana was an awesome character, but there are some problems with it. It does not meet the expectations.

    Awesome answers, Olivia!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <333333

    1. BARTOK AND ALL THE CHARRIES YAAAAAASSSS *shouts with you* *waltzes around to "Once Upon a December"*

      That's what I've heard! And they finally released a few-seconds trailer. :D

      Nani & David are QUITE adorable. :D

      The Prince of Egypt is amaaaaaaaaaaazing!!! I love it so much.

      Yes!! It really is!!!

      Isn't she?!! I'm glad someone else likes her. :D

      Haha! Yeah, there WERE some things that I liked about it, but overall it just wasn't my favorite.

      Eeeeekkk, thanks so much, MC!!!!!! <3 <3 <3333


    Ah, I love that movie. I love it so much. It's absolutely one of my top favorite Disney/Pixar films--along with Hunchback, and Wall-E. I can't get over how perfect that ending sequence was, with "Burning Love" and all the adorable vacation pics and Stitch being ridiculous and hilarious . . . *hugs self with happiness*

    "God Help The Outcasts" is my favorite Disney song. Always, forever, and the end.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I loved "Moana," I really did--it's not in my Top Favorite category, but it's up there. That's okay, though, everybody has different tastes <333



      I always thought the trailer looked kind of weird, but then I actually watched it like a year or so ago and it was legit so good. LILO AND NANI'S RELATIONSHIP, THOUGH. Ahh, I need to watch it again and relive that ending sequence. :)

      It is a wonderful song, and there's no two ways about it. *nods*

      There were things I liked about Moana, honest! I just wasn't a HUGE fan overall. But as you know, "I Am Moana" is like *awestruck emojis*

      Oh, I've seen trailers for Coco!!! I feel like that type of story/animation isn't my favorite, but I don't know? I'm just not a huge fan of the "skeletal" stories. But I'd need to actually look up the movie to be able to say for sure. <333

  6. I think I might steal this...

    YOU DO LIKE BELLE, NOW THAT YOU MENTION IT. *firm nod* Yes. Very much so.

    Argh, that pin about Flynn The Thief BUYING something for Rapunzel crusdhes my soul. I'm honestly planning a post JUST about Flynn for he is the best character ever.

    Meg's song in Hercules is the best thing ever. I... can't seem to remember Poor Unfortunate Souls right now??? I've only seen the movie a total of 2 times so...

    1. Kate, DO IIIITTTTTT.

      Awwww, thanks!! That's so sweet of you. :D

      Eeee, I want to read your Flynn post!!

      ISN'T IT GREAT?! Ack, Poor Unfortunate Souls is really really good.

  7. So sorry I didn't comment sooner! Thank you for tagging me! I flipped out (happily) when I saw I was tagged, because I rarely get tagged! I will do this tag, for reals, it just may take a while, as I already have december planned, although I may fit in anyways haha ;) Thank you!

    1. No problem, Lissa!! Haha, yeah, I'm really bad about letting people know I've tagged them. :-P So I'm glad you found it!! Heehee, I know all about that -- don't worry about getting it done soon! Just enjoy it. :) You're so welcome; thanks for the comment!! <3

  8. "Sorry, Smaug, you ain't got nothin' on this beast. Not a bloomin' thing."


    Just gotta say, this post was super fun. :D

    1. It's seriously the truth tho. (Toothless is sort of everything. <3)

      Awww, thanks!! :D


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