Lately, I've Been . . .

You know those times when you really want to blog, but you don't have much inspiration as to what to blog?  Yeah, that.  I'm in one of those slumps.

But never fear!  A good ole "currently" post is sure to come to my rescue.  Here's some of what I've been up to recently! :)

  • Season 2 of The Crown
These two are so sweet gahh I mean they clearly love each other why can't they always be happy and
communicative and and and ??!!

Watched this with the parents. :)  So this show is amazingly acted with delectable sets and visuals and compelling plots and such-like, but the seventh episode of the second season just revealed why it's rated TV-MA. :-/  I thought it was because of some of the other content, such as in the first season, but . . . nope.  Yeah.  No.


  • The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

I've watched and loved Emma Approved, so I figured it was about time saw LBD since, you know, reasons.  I don't like LBD as much as EA (there are some things I don't care for), but it sure is addictive.  I just finished this one, too, and DANG IT ALL, Darcy and Lizzie got to me.  I thought I was immune and I was not immune.  I felt feelings.

Also, props to LBD for being the first P&P adaptation to make me feel like I could actually possibly fall for Bingley.  (AND JANE WAS PRICELESS.)

And it's making me want to re-watch EA because that one is so stinking cute, too. ;D

  • Ballykissangel

(I know.  That title.)   Only two episodes into this one, so I don't have a whole lot to say yet. 


  • the Chauntecleer the Rooster trilogy by Walter Wangerin Jr. {The Book of Sorrows got me, y'all.  It got me bad.  It touched my soul.}
  • the Gospel of Mark
  • The Business of Heaven by C.S. Lewis
  • Café Theology by Michael Lloyd
{listening to}

I just discovered this band and I really like what I've heard so far!  Here are my two favorites.  Have a listen.  (Pssst, isn't "I Love You Will Still Sound the Same" like the most adorb piece of adorb you've heard in a long time and definitely future wedding video material??)

(Wait.  That sounded somewhat leading.  No.  Whatever idea might have just popped into your head, nope.  No news here. ;))

"Take All the Time You Need" is also really cute. :)

Whiiiich is basically just music that I don't have on my iPod yet/probably won't get but still like/whatever.


Lots of things.  Some constructive, some not so constructive; some happy, some not so happy.  But, y'know, we're all growing, right? ;)  {And God is always, ALWAYS working, guys.  We can't forget that.  And He loves you.  Like, He really loves you.  A whole lot.  (And He likes you, too.)}

One of the things I've been thinking:  WHAT THE HECK, SPRING.  YOU BETRAYED ME.



  • school 
  • attempting to get my room cleaned, little bits at a time
  • wasting time on YouTube and such :-P
  • singing!  {Guys, I SANG IN MY SCHOOL'S TALENT SHOW.  *bites fingernails*   It was last night and it went pretty well and it's kind of like that part in Tangled when Rapunzel's saying, "I can't believe I did this.  I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THIS!!"  Because it's totally not something I would ordinarily be brave enough to do . . . just . . . God. :)  So yeah. :)}

What have you been up to, my loves? :)


  1. You sang in the talent show!!! *tackle-hugs* Go, you!!!

    I really want to try The Crown . . .

    I've been watching sooooooooooooooooooo much Doctor Who and I'm like, exactly where has this show been all my life?? SO GOOD. Brilliant, in fact. (Yes, I just said "brilliant" in the Tenth Doctor's identical voice, and yes, I'm a little obsessed, and no, I don't see a problem here ;-) )

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. I love how you put that, m'dear--God not only LOVES us, but He LIKES us. Very true <3 I sometimes need to be reminded of that fact.

    1. Thank you so much, Jessica! *returns tackle-hugs* It was really nerve-wracking leading up to it, but then I was really glad I'd done it. :)

      Ooh, you should! It's so sumptuous.

      Y'know, I've heard so much about Doctor Who, and now you've watched it and loved it . . . I really don't like time travel in stories (for some reason it just messes with my mind??), but this is almost enough to make me reconsider . . . ;) (Haha, of course there's no problem here ;))

      Awwwwwww, yes, same <333

  2. I Love You Will Still Sound the Same is sooooo precious. Like, omw. <33

    1. Isn't it, though, Faith?!?! Just wow. <3

      Thanks for your comment! :)

  3. Das okay, I like these posts anyways. :D

    Oh, I'd never heard of Oh Honey, but man, they're my JAM!!! What fun! (I Love You Will Still Sound the Same is SO GOOD! ACK BUT SO IS THE OTHER ONE!) They almost have a Rend Collective feel (in the style of their music)...

    That's rather funny, because our autumn has been similar! It got really cool for a week or two, and then suddenly it's super hot and humid again and we've had the air conditioning going again the past couple days. (Although we've been more sensitive and fragile lately, 'cause we've all got colds, and like to moan about the weather a lot more. :P) I'd like a sliiightly cooler temperature, please! You can take our heat!

    Oh, cool! You sang at a talent show?! Ahh!! Good job!!! What did you sing? :D

    I've been doing lots of school... I've been doing lots of sleeping lately, actually, as I've been a bit sick, but I'm slowly recovering. I've been practising my driving and clocking up my 100 hours I need. I have been reading several good books, and wishing desperately there was more time in a day. I've written a play (including re-writing a couple new songs) and have begun rehearsing it with my siblings. :D I watched a *cough* "recording" of Cinderella on Broadway, with Laura Osnes and Santino Fontana while I was sick and ohhh... the musical theatre bug hit HARD again.
    I've been watching a bit more of "The Good Doctor" (!!! <3) and also coincidentally re-watched "August Rush" last night. Ahhh. FREDDIE HIGHMORE. ('Nuff said. Also, Kerri Russel is SO beautiful. And Jonathan Rhys Meyers smile makes me all kinds of happy.)

    1. Waww, thanks, dear. :)

      RIGHT?! I created a station on Pandora using them as the "baseline" or whatever, and I think I'm discovering that other than musical theatre, their kind of music -- that generally upbeat, "indie"-sounding music is one of my favorite genres. It seems like road trips, if that makes sense. (YES, like Rend Collective! I haven't heard much of RC, but from what I have heard, yes, exactly like that.)

      Haha, weather, am I right?! My cherry tree burst into bloom recently (I AM VERY FOND OF MY CHERRY TREE), and then yesterday we had snow again. I feel personally betrayed by spring. (Aww, I'm sorry you guys have been sick! Sadness :( Hope you're doing better?) Haha, deal!

      I DID!*huge grinning* I sang "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" from Phantom of the Opera. :) Thanks, love!

      Yes, you need ALLLL the sleep if you've been sick recently :( Good for you for working on the driving hours -- you'll be there before you know it! Books and time and MUSICALS and . . . yep. Relatable. Oh, also, YES, this play! I want to hear all about it! I'll email you soon, hopefully. :)

      Freddie Highmore. 'Nuff said indeed. (Dude, in his movies as a child, whenever he cries and his big blue eyes get wet, I JUST CAN'T. *gives him all the hugs*) Aack, yes, Keri Russell and Jonathan Rhys Meyers -- truth.

      Thanks for your delightful comment, dear fren. :) <3

  4. The Gospel of Mark is ONE OF MY FAVORITES. It's so incredible (though the disciples ARE SO IMMATURE AND PETTY AND HOW DID JESUS PUT UP WITH THEM???).

    I would love to see a post on Mark/your favorite book of the Bible/what you've been learning spiritually. Just a request, no prob if you don't want to. I JUST WANT TO TALK AND READ ABOUT ALL THE BIBLE THINGS. XD

    1. I love how each of the Gospels is so unique despite how cohesive they all are, too. (Haha, but aren't we all?! I'm loving finding all these verses that speak to just how relatable -- i.e. fallible, heh -- the disciples and others were, but also just how faithful and loving and "unexpected" Jesus always was.)

      Awwww, really?! *happy smiles* That makes me happy! And it's a great idea! I should try it! Thanks for the suggestion. God's been teaching me A LOT lately, and I really need to update the blogs! Ack, yes, we should do that ("talk and read about all the Bible things") more often then we do.


  5. Ooh, I still need to watch The Crown. Seriously. I need to watch that. I am resolved, I WILL WATCH IT. *ahem*

    (+ your YouTube mix has Owl City in it. I therefore approve.)

    (Also have I mentioned I love your blog look? I'll mention it now; I love your blog look.)

    1. I think you'd really enjoy it, Amaris! I mean, other than the content issue. :-/ (Just warning you, the episode I was talking about in this post is S2:E7, and it's . . . pretty bad. Extended and pretty explicit. Just so you know. :-P)

      (Haha, thanks. ;D)


  6. I really need to watch The Crown.

    LBD!! Yes, it had issues, but omo!!! It was amazing!!!

    Ballykissangel. Sounds interesting. Where did you find it?

    I've never heard of Oh Honey, I think I'll look them up.

    SPRING IS SO MEAN!!! It keeps bouncing around out here. Humph.

    WOOOOO HOOOOOO!! Way to go, Olivia!! (I don't think I could do it.)

    1. Yes, you should! :D

      YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS. (Have you seen Emma Approved, by the way? I forget.)

      Haha, indeed. My dad found it, actually! I don't know where he first heard of it.

      You should! Their music is so fun.

      FOR REAL THOUGH. I'm offended.

      Awwwwwwwwww!!!! *blushes and beams* Thank you!! :D (Sure you could. ;))

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Ooh what did you sing for your talent show?

    1. I sang "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" from Phantom of the Opera. Thanks for asking, Lissa! :)

  9. Yeah, we just got like a foot of snow and I'm like...."Happy April?" :P

    YOU SANG IN A TALENT SHOW GIRL I AM SO PROUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *many hugs and much confetti* What did you sing?? (*whisper* Do you have a video?)

    1. "and I'm like...."Happy April?" :P" << THAT. YES.

      AAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH THANK YOOOOUUUUUU!!!! *dances under the confetti* I sang "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" (and yes . . . I do actually have a video . . . I can try to get it to you ;) Thanks for asking! :)). :D <3


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I've gotten really bad about replying in a timely manner, but it's always my intention to do so eventually. (Even though it doesn't always happen. ;))

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