Movies: Month in Review {February 2018}

First things first: I changed my blog look!  March 1st is the first day of spring to me, and "I will brook no argument."  So that means, for me, that SPRING HAS BEGUN!!!

Obviously, I can't keep a winter blog look if I think it's spring, now, can I? ;)  What do you all think of it?  I'm pretty happy with it, though I may change the sidebar back to the right-hand side, and I might change my profile picture.

And now, the post.


Captain America: Civil War (2016)

First of all, it probably would have been better if I had seen Avengers: Age of Ultron before watching this, but no matter.  My brother was able to fill in the gaps for me.

This one excited many mixed feelings in me.


I'm holding off on sharing my thoughts about most of the characters until I can get caught up on the rest of the Marvel movies (I've watched several but am quite behind on some others), but for now: I don't know whose "team" I'm on in terms of the Accords thing, I still ship Steve and Natasha, and I liked Black Panther (eventually).

Oh, and I loved the new Spider-Man guy!  He was adorable, and now I'm looking forward to watching Homecoming. :)


Citizen Kane (1941)

I had to watch this for my film appreciation class.  It was good, I suppose. :-P  I mean, I don't have a lot to say about the story aspect of it, other than that, on the whole, it's actually not quite as depressing as it could be.


Hitch (2005)

Mehh.  I wasn't impressed for the first half or so, but it got a little better.  I thought the romance between Kevin Hart's character and the lady he had a crush on was neat.  And Hitch and Sarah were cute, too.

Overall, it was relatively entertaining, just not an outstanding chick-flick. 


Hoodwinked (2006)

Finally got around to watching this!  I remember people in one of my old co-ops used to talk about this movie sometimes. :)

While it certainly didn't become a favorite, it was very witty and I loved some of the lines/characters.  I also kind of liked how random it was, if that makes sense. ;D  And it's neat to see a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood -- even though it's not one of my favorite fairytales, one doesn't see it talked about very much, so that's kind of cool.


Hugo (2011)

I had never been interested in this, but then I read Naomi's mini-review of it and decided I must try it. ;)  I'm not sorry I did!  It's a fun, very unique little movie, and I found the storyline doubly interesting since I recently learned a little about Georges Melies in the aforementioned film appreciation class. :)

The film has a nice aesthetic, too.  Very blue.  I liked Sacha Baron Cohen's character and his little romance with Emily Mortimer's character. :)

*SPOILERS!*  Oh, but I kept hoping that Hugo's dad didn't really die, so it was a little disappointing when it turned out he did. :(  *END OF SPOILERS*


The Imitation Game (2014)

*sniffles*  This was sad.  I am saddened. :(

But good movie, nonetheless, and it probably wouldn't have been so sad if I didn't know how it ended.


Thoughts? :)



    Olivia. Your new blog design.

    I don't know how each one keeps getting better and better but they DO! It's BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *Will come back later with a coherent comment*

    (Seriously, wow. I am stunned by how much prettiness it all is.) (Now you're making me want to redesign MINE again....)

    1. AWWWWWWWWW!! *blushes and smiles excessively*

      THANK YOU, NATALIE. You are the sweetest. :)

      (Oh my gosh. Stahp it. :'))

    2. Incredibly Late Coherent Comment is Finally Here! :D

      Okay. Down to business. Movies.

      Aghhh, YES. Civil War was probably the most feels-y Marvel movie, for me. I'm 100% Team Cap....but I felt so bad for Iron Man and the things HE had gone was definitely a movie that made you think about all the different "sides" involved...Cap...Iron Man...Bucky...Black Panther...the innocent people who've gotten hurt. Wow. It was a lot.

      (Steve and Peggy will always be my ship, but since things didn't work out for them, I definitely think Cap and Natasha could be a possibility. They support each other really well and are great friends. The only thing that makes me hesitate is that they have VERY different morals and beliefs, methinks. But yeah. Topic for another day. :P)

      SPIDER MAN THOUGH. ♥♥♥ ("I don't know if you've been in a battle before, but there's usually not this much talking." "Oh sorry, my bad." xD)

      Ugh. I only watched Citizen Kane once and HATED IT.

      I only recently watched Hugo, too! Some friends showed it to me. It was very cool and artistic, though the robot thing kind of creeped me out, to be honest. :P I liked the police man and his romance with the flower lady, too. They were cute. :)

      Aaand, that's all I've seen. :D Great post, my friend!!!

  2. I really like your new blog design!! :D And I adore the lace background! <3
    (I guess with the sidebar, you could consider which part you'd rather people notice first -- the post section or the sidebar. Since we usually read left to right, maybe whichever one you'd like your readers to take notice of first should be on the left? I don't know, just a random observation. xD)

    Oh, Hoodwinked! I'm glad you got around to watching that one! It's a pretty funny, clever movie, no? xD

    1. Awww, thanks, Faith!

      (Yeah, that makes sense! Thanks for the input. :D)

      Yes, me too! I enjoyed it a lot. :D It's very clever! :D

  3. This blog look makes me happy. *sighs contently*

    Hugo is good, though I like the book better. And, I was with your thoughts there.

    1. Awwww, thanks, MC! Glad you like it. :)

      Oh, yes, there's a book! I should try it. :)

  4. YES YES YES!!!!! Today was my first official day of spring too!!!! I literally woke up thinking, today is the first day of spring!!!

    1. Erica, OKAY THANK YOU!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one!!!

      (But then it started snowing and getting really cold again. Spring betrayed me. *sad face*)

      Thanks for commenting! :)

  5. OLIIIIVIA! Your new blog look is GORGEOUS!! I love the luscious pink tones in your header. And the lace background is so pretty and...yeah...I LOVE IT!!! All of it. Well done, girl. :D :D

    What a coincidence! I just watched Hoodwinked for the first time recently, too! I didn't like it all that much (I washed dishes for a good part of the time it was playing, haha) but I did think it was rather cool how all the original suspects turned out to be good guys. Especially the wolf. Once he started telling his story I really wanted him to be a good guy because, I don't know. It just seemed like a fun twist to the story. :)

    Great post, Olivia! I always enjoy your movie review posts! :)

    1. Awwwwww, thank you, Miss March!!! I'm so glad you like it! :D :D

      Haha, really? That is a coincidence! Heehee, yeah, it was a little odd, but I liked it. :) And yeah, I loved the wolf -- probably because he was voiced by the same guy who voiced Kronk in The Emperor's New Groove, which was basically my childhood, so. ;)

      Aww, thank you, dear! :)

  6. Zee new blog look eees veddy spiffy.

    (I need to go to bed. Ye gods and little fishes, it's 11:11pm. Why am I still awake? I will go to bed as soon as I post this comment.)

    I feel like I should watch Citizen Kane a second time because... my reaction to it was about the same as yours. I mean, "on the whole, it's actually not quite as depressing as it could be" is basically what I think of it too. But I'd like to see it again because a) Alan Ladd has a teeny walk-on role, b) I like Joseph Cotten now and I wasn't his fan yet when I saw it before, and c) I was intrigued by the movie RKO 281 about the making of Citizen Kane (but I can't recommend RKO 281 cuz of content). So yeah, I should watch it again. One of these days, like when I run out of Alan Ladd movies that I haven't watched at least twice already.

    1. Hahaha, well, thank you for staying awake long enough to comment -- I appreciate it! ;D And thanks about the blog look, too. :)

      Ooh, does he really? Where? I didn't know he appeared. :) And also, who is Joseph Cotton? ;-P Yeah, I did enjoy learning about the history behind it. Heehee, sounds like a plan. ;)

  7. I love the new design! It's so pretty!! Fabulous movies, too. :D

    ~ Abby

  8. OOh! Nice blog design! It's fun, different, and a little different! The only movie I've seen on this list is Hugo, but my family and I really like it. I was so glad it was clean and family friendly. It was also very aesthetically pleasing. :)

    1. Aww, thanks, Sarah! Yes, Hugo was a very pleasant movie, wasn't it? :)

  9. Ahh! I love your new look, Olivia! It's so pwetty! :) Sounds like the movies were great, too!

  10. Heh heh. Spring indeed. (IT IS SNOWING AS I WRITE)


    And I think Hugo is an adorable movie. Isn't it so aesthetically pleasing? All the clocks. I love the look of clocks.

    1. Yeahhhh . . . it did the same thing to me. :-P


      It was indeed! Very nice, very nice indeed.

  11. PS I really want to watch 'The Imitation Game'

  12. Lots of good movies this month! I am an avid Marvel fan, so Civil War broke me. XD And yay for Hoodwinked!! That's one that I grew up watching all the time, so it has a very special place in my heart.

    The Imitation Game makes me cry every time I see it (and that soundtrack is just stunning).

    1. Yeah, it was a good month! Heehee. :) (Psst, I'll give you a hint about some of those "confusing feelings" that Civil War gave me: I think it may have totally changed my perception of Tony Stark. Positively.) Hoodwinked was great!

      Ooh, I need to listen to the soundtrack. It was a really good movie.

  13. First of all, great new blog look! It's so cheery. :)

    Secondly, "I don't know what I'm feeling but there is a lot of it". :D :D Totally made me smile today.

    Thirdly, "The Imitation Game". Totally yes, so good, but so sad.


    1. Thanks, Amaris!! :D

      Hehehe, I'm glad you liked it. I liked it, too. ;D


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. YOUR BLOG DESIGN!!!! The shot of color is INTENSE, yet somehow you did it with such delicacy that is it both vivid and strong, and daintily sweet at the same time. LONG LIVE THE MAGIC YOU MAKE!

    *claps hands wildly and then blushes at my corny statement*

    Seriously though, I can hardly look away, it looks so much like the most delectable of ice cream cones that I can nearly taste it. :)

    1. AWWWWWW, EOWYN!! *blushes* THANK YOU SO MUCH, MY DEAR! I so appreciate this comment, m'dear. :D :D <3 <3 <3

  16. I watched Citizen Kane so I could say I did, since it's always referred to as one of the best classic films ever made. I doubt I will watch it again, though. Also, I adored Captain America: Civil War because....Bucky!!! And Steve too. Their friendship is just everything.

    1. Haha, yeah, I'm that way about a lot of books. I know, they're all like, "It's the best movie ever made!" And I'm kind of like, "Really? Can you OBJECTIVELY say that it's THE BEST movie EVER made??" Hehe. I think I overthink it. ;-P

  17. The new blog look is lovely <3 Fresh and spring-like.

    Really, really want to see Hugo and The Imitation Game.

    Also--have you seen The Winter Soldier yet? Best. Marvel. Movie. Ever.

    (And if you ship Steve and Nat, you'll be very *ahem* pleased with certain moments ;-) )

    1. Aww, thanks, dearie. :)

      Ooh, I think you'd love both. *nods*

      I have! It was the one that got me started shipping Steve and Nat, actually. ;)



    Ahh, I keep meaning to watch Citizen Kane. Did you enjoy it, would you say?

    Hoodwinked! It's not exactly a great piece of cinema but I loooved that movie as a child. In fact it's probably better I watched it as a child. xD

    Awww Hugo is so good. Everything is so well executed and what-his-name's acting is so cute. (Asa Butterfied. That's his name)

    Have you seen Inception? I just watched it for the first time a few months ago and it's one of my favorite movies now.

    Allllso, speaking of movies...what did you think of The Last Jedi??

    1. Haha, I'm planning to! Glad it has your recommendation. ;)

      Um, well . . . I enjoyed certain aspects of it, but probably mainly because I'd learned so much about it. (And because it's referenced in "Over the Hedge" and I find it unreasonably funny. XD)

      Hahaha, well, but it's great in that it's clever. ;)

      Asa Butterfield's acting! Yes! It was very good. :) Reminded me a little bit of Freddie Highmore, actually.

      Hehe, I STARTED Inception . . . I had to stop it 'cause it was messing with my mind and freaking me out, heh. #beinghonest

      I LIKED IT VERY MUCH INDEED. What about you??

    2. Haha, that's fine! It's not for everyone! :)

      YAY!! I'm so glad you liked it because I thought it was great and it makes me so sad when other people didn't. But yeah I loved it and any scene with Rey and Kylo was the bessst. :D

  19. Aw, I feel kind of the other way round about Hitch! I love the first half where he's tutoring Albert and trying to win Eva Mendes over, but I think it loses momentum a bit towards the end. And I love Albert and Allegra but I'm less convinced by Hitch and Eva Mendes. And I really need to watch the Imitation Game!

    1. Aw, really? Haha, that's funny. Yeah, I wasn't impressed overall.

      Yes, it's good! I don't agree with everything in it, but it's very good.

  20. It's SUCH a pretty header! (And gosh, with the first of March came the first day of autumn for us, haha! It's actually been quite COOL! I've had to pull out a JUMPER!!! (Or, sweater, is what I think you guys call them. :P) I love spring. *sniffles*

    Well I don't understand ANY Marvel movies so you're one up from me, heh.

    Hugo! Yes that is a good movie. I've alllmost seen it too many times but it is still good. :P

    The Imitation Game! Ahhh... such a good cast, such a story that pulls you in and then tears you apart. I need to watch it again though.

    You know, you watch SO many more movies than I do! :P I think I saw two movies this month, haha. (And if I remember correctly, both of them were re-watches.) I guess I tend to watch more TV shows, although I don't see THEM that much either. WE'RE JUST TOO BUSY. :P Do you normally watch movies at night? That's when I generally watch them. When the little kiddies are in bed and we can see "the big kid movies". ;)

    1. Aww, thanks, Gabby! (Haha, well, it's been unreasonably cold here, too, if that's any consolation. ;) Yes, I love spring too!)

      Hahahahah, I feel, though. I feel ya.

      Yeah, I get that.

      Yes! Very good.

      Haha, I do watch a lot of movies! And yep, usually at night or during the weekends. :) Yesssss. <3 ;)

  21. Oooooooh!! Your blog is changed! I love the picture of you - the cowboy boots and jeans and books. Very nice. Also the header is GORGEOUS, per the norm for you. ;)))

    I SHIP STEVE AND NATASHA TOOOOOOOOO. Thank goodness I'm not the only one in the world!!!!! No one agrees with me. *pouts* I just think they balance each other out and work as a team so well!!!

    Hoodwinked. Ha!! That was an old childhood favorite. Still very witty, like you said, but sheesh! The animation. Oh my. *crying-laughing*

    1. D'awww, stahp it, you. ;D ;D

      OKAY THANK YOU! Yes, I'm glad I'm not the only one, either!

      Hahaha . . . yeah . . . ;D

  22. Free movies 2018 on zmovie watch online now. The reboot of director Shane Black, who has been involved in the original movie, is a remake of previous Predator films. There are more Predator-like predators (2010), set in a suburban setting like Alien v Predator: Requiem, the filmmakers set to kill monsters in the forest analogous to Predator's original 1987 movie. and then in the same boat as Predator 2 in 1990. With Fox's limited budget for this movie, do not expect much in the big fire scene. However, what the trailer shows that the film still has the image for the Predator and action scenes look beautiful without looking "cheap".

    With the participation of Trevante Rhodes, Sterling K. Brown, Boyd Holbrook, Jacob Tremblay, Olivia Munn and Keegan-Michael Key, The Predator is set to launch on September 14, 2018.

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