The Reluctant Godfather {by Allison Tebo} ~ Blog Tour Relaunch

As you may know, Allison Tebo , author of The Reluctant Godfather , is relaunching the book in celebration of its new cover! (I think I got that right?) The Reluctant Godfather is one that I've been wanting to read for a while now, and, y'all, I finally got to! Ms. Tebo was kind enough to supply me with a review copy. SQUEE GUYS IT WAS SO GOOD! I know you've probably all heard this so many times before, but it truly is an excellent novella. {In fact, it contributed to making me late for work one morning. So WAY TO GO, ALLISON. *scowls* (Not really.)} Burndee, in particular, is as grumpy and lovable as you've heard. I think the humor is the best thing about this story -- the wit, the little twists that seem counterintuitive to the fairytale as we've come to expect it (such as Ella being terrified of mice, or Burndee's spell not working perfectly at the first try, etc.). Also, I still love the idea of changing it to...