Why I Love . . . {Faramir} || Hamlette's Tolkien Blog Party

Some people are a little confused when they find out that Faramir is my favorite Lord of the Rings character. Not only my favorite, in fact, but my favorite by a long chalk . Just a little puzzled, you understand. Not judgmental or contemptuous, just puzzled. "I mean, he's nice and all, but . . . what does he do ? What's so great about him? Why isn't your favorite Aragorn or Gandalf or SAM or Frodo? " And honestly? Up until about two days ago, I was still floundering a little bit myself as to why. I knew that I loved him deeply and unchangeably and would protect him from all comers, but I didn't know--fully-- why he had such a hold on my heart. My general answer would be that I loved how he remained gentle and kind despite the emotional abuse his worm of a father dished out. And, on the surface, that's still the answer. But I just uncovered a whole new layer to that, and that's what I'm going to talk about today. ...