Agent Carter {Seasons 1-2}

"What's your name, darling?"

My feminist soul, grabbing anyone who'll listen and shaking them by the shoulders:  "hAVe YoU eVer HeARd aNYtHinG sO glORioUS iN YoUr LIFE?!?!"

agent carter aesthetic

As you may have guessed, I recently finished watching Marvel's Agent Carter television series.   


But before I do so, I first have to share what will probably turn out to be a rather lengthy recap of my history with Marvel — both in general and in particular as relates to the Captain America universe.

I feel it incumbent upon me to warn you that Unsavory Revelations may follow.  I may be about to say Hurtful Things about Beloved Characters.  (I am definitely going to.)  Ideals may be about to be shattered.  You may never think of me in the same way again.  I'm telling you like it is so that, when the time comes, you'll be prepared.

Okay.  Now that we're all on the same page:  A Not-So-Brief History of Olivia's Relationship with Marvel Studios. 

Basically . . . I don't like it.  I do enjoy some of the characters (Thor, Loki, and the Iron Man bunch, if you were curious), but I just. can't. stand. the movies.  

And when I say that, it's important to understand that I essentially mean that I can't stand any kind of superhero movie, period.  They are Just Not My Jam.  The amount of affection I may have for individual characters is not, unfortunately, strong enough to counteract the intensity of my aversion to the style of show as a whole.

(To be clear, there's nothing wrong or inferior about said style.  It just grates on every last story nerve that I have, personally.  It doesn't interact well with my individual story sensibilities, that's all.)

That being the case, even though I watched the majority of the Marvel films, it was Extremely Rare for me to find one that I actually, genuinely, unequivocally loved.  In fact, before Agent Carter, I'm not sure if there was a single Marvel show that I adoredI liked the Iron Man movies and I loved Thor: Ragnarok, but I don't know if I found a Marvel offering that I wholeheartedly enjoyed in general, across the board.  (Not just enjoyed "for a Marvel show," if you get what I'm saying.)

So.  Those are the basics.  Now for the specifics that are relevant to a review of Agent Carter.

Agent Carter Season 1 Episode 4 Review: “The Blitzkrieg Button”

*big sigh*

Some of you already know this and some of you don't, but I'm just going to come right out and say it:

I don't like Steve Rogers/Captain America.

I know.  I just lost you all. 😄  But it's true.  In fact . . . not only do I not particularly like him; I sort of actively dislike him. 😬  (And by 'sort of,' I mean 'definitely,' but I am keenly aware that some of my dearest buddies love him very much and I JUST DON'T LIKE HURTING MY FRIENDS, DANG IT.)

Now, for the record, I used to like him.  There are a lot of reasons why that changed — why I now feel the way that I do about Cap — but I don't want to give them unsolicited because I've been on the receiving end of someone else denigrating something that I love, and it's Not Fun.  Even all the disclaimers and caveats and "but that's just me, though!"s notwithstanding. 

me, always

I'm only telling you now because I thought it might be important for you to know that that is the point of view from which I watched (and loved) Agent Carter.  Because if you feel differently about Steve, then you might have a different reaction to this show.  I don't know.  I'm just telling you in case.  (I do have one friend — hi, friend *waves* — who loves both.)  

Also:  I have watched all three Captain America movies and a couple of the Avengers movies.  I more or less know the basics of where Endgame left everybody.  (Whether I accept those basics is another conversation altogether, but wE WON'T START THAT CONVERSATION right now . . . )

I haven't watched any of the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. spin-off — nor do I plan to — so any further explanation of where these characters ended up, as developed in that show, is irrelevant to me.  

Basically:  I have these characters firmly where I want them, based on my own interpretations and on the ending of Agent Carter.  I have written my own ending, and I don't really care what else Marvel has to say about it. 😁  (One's got to be Firm with these franchises, sometimes.)

I've known about Agent Carter for a long time now, but I had always sort of dismissed it out of hand as something I was unlikely to enjoy.  Again, that's because I knew that I didn't like Cap, so a story that (I thought) would revolve around his girlfriend's life after he supposedly died didn't seem that enticing to me.  Especially since, while I'd liked Peggy well enough in her appearances in the various Marvel films, I hadn't been enthralled by her.  

(*cough* # i now strongly suspect # that that was because # before Agent Carter # she'd only really seemed to be included # in reference to # and as an accessory to # Steve *cough* BUT AGAIN WE WON'T TALK ABOUT THAT RIGHT NOW.)

So, as I said, I knew about the show but was never that interested in trying it.  But then I started seeing fan edits of fun Peggy/Jarvis moments and what-not, and the aforementioned nonexistent interest was piqued.  I started thinking, "Hmm, maybe I would like that show.  Maybe if it doesn't have too much connection to the rest of the Marvel franchise?  Hmmmm . . . "

And then I got Disney+.  And I noticed that AC was offered.  And I added it to my watchlist.  And, eventually, I started it.  And I got hooked.  (I know that's not grammatically appropriate.  Hush.)

In case you didn't know, Agent Carter follows Peggy Carter as she works for the SSR, uncovering international security threats and trying to do right by both her country and her friends.  There is some tie-in to the Captain America plot, obviously, but AC is a strong story in its own right. 

When Tony says goodbye to his dad, we learn that Tony's A.I. system is named after Howard Stark's driver, Jarvis — he's played by James D'Arcy, who portrayed Jarvis in the Agent Carter TV series. 35 "Avengers: Endgame" Details That'll Make You Say, "How Did I Not Notice That?!"


I've realized that, while I am not a character-driven reader — or even, really, a character-driven moviegoer — I am more character-driven when it comes to TV shows.  If I'm going to spend x number of seasons with these people, I need to be invested in them.  I need to want them to end up well and happy.  Fortunately, Agent Carter's characters check all of my boxes.  I love every single one of the (good) recurring MCs.

Ana Jarvis, with her sass and her sweetness and her sewing skills. 

Roger Dooley, with his 99 problems and his Tired Dad™ aesthetic. 

Angie Martinelli, with her spunk and her bluntness and her fake crying.

Howard Stark, with his ethical stupidity and his love for his friends.

Jason Wilkes, with his eagerness and his scientific prowess. 

Jack Thompson, with his humor and his utter lack of self-awareness and his cHARACTER GROWTH CAN I GET A HOORAH.  

Daniel Sousa, with his love and his determination and his whole entire being literally he is an angel boy and we must all Adopt Him.

Edwin Jarvis, with his suits and his loyalty and his darkness.

And, of course, The Queen herself, Peggy Carter, with her Literally Everything.

And speaking of those last four . . . 


As I said, the dynamic between Jarvis and Peggy was one of the first draws of the show, for me, and I wasn't disappointed.  They are a dream team.  Best of buds who become hopelessly reliant on each other in a wholly platonic way is one of my favorite things, y'all.  I am Utter Trash for a good romance — and this series is no exception, as you shall see *beams* — but a solid guy/girl friendship is incredibly refreshing.  You've got the same bone-deep commitment without all the messiness of sexual tension and "will they or won't they?" games.  (I have no quarrel with "will they or won't they," on principle, but it does tend to get a little Complicated & Stressful.)

So yes.  Peggy and Jarvis for the win. 

Then there's Agent Thompson.  Thompson can be a bit of a puzzle.  He keeps you guessing.  Pretty early on, you know that he's not an Utter Monster; but you still don't know if he's genuinely good or not.  His moral ambiguity carries on right up to the end of the second season.  (AND NO, WE ARE NOT GOING TO SPEAK OF THAT LAST SCENE WITH HIM.   As I said, I have written my own ending.)

But all that greyness notwithstanding, you start to pick up on the fact that he cares about his people, in his way.  And he cares about the mistakes he's made, in his way.  And in that way, he makes you care about him in turn.

(Plus there's the whole "Peggy and Daniel running around frantically trying to protect their Annoying Older Brother and keep him from messing everything up all the time" thing.  Which is adorable.)

(I just grinned like a fool and rewound it about fifty times.)


You guys.  I can't even. 

Daniel is Peggy's love interest, and HE IS PERFECT.  THEY ARE PERFECT.  Okay?  I have spoken.  

I just . . . *waves hands inarticulately*  I'll talk more about the "romantic conflict" of the second season — ahem — below, but beyond that, I don't want to go into too many specifics about why I love these two so much.  I just do, and they make me happy, and that's all that needs be said on it, right now. ♥


Oh, wait, except this:  

I feel I should tell you — because apparently I'm just going all-out with the hurtful opinions thing today — that I don't ship Peggy and Steve.  And . . . I don't think I ever really did?

I totally understand why people do ship them; and it's not like I absolutely hate them together, or anything like that. It's just, I don't ship them. I don't see enough romantic chemistry there to keep me interested. 

And I don't mean that in a, "they don't bicker enough!" way. After all, Daniel is hardly the Han to Peggy's Leia, either. I just don't . . . see Peggy/Steve.  They don't "fit," in my mind.  I don't know quite how else to explain it to you without getting into a lot of tangled detail, but I promise that I did feel this way about them before I watched Agent Carter, even if I didn't know to articulate it. 

I tell you that because, again, your mileage with the Agent Carter show may vary based on your feelings about the Steve/Peggy ship.  I love the show and I love its romantic element, but I never loved Peggy's initial romance that happened before the show started.  So. *shrugs*



Here's the thing:  The first season has a better plot, but the second season has better exposition, specifically in the relationship department. 

Unfortunately, the second season also feels the need to insert The Dreaded Love Triangle.  (Or love quadrangle, really, since new love interests are added for both Daniel and Peggy.)  *collective groans from the audience*

I know, I know.  I wasn't a fan of it in this instance, either.  

To be clear, I am not of the opinion that a character is automatically fickle or less self-actuated if they get sucked into a love triangle.  I am not categorically opposed to all love triangles in fiction.  However, I do think that this one was, if not wholly unnecessary, at least mostly so.

But on the other hand, I think the second season was stronger for Jason Wilkes's character; and I actually like the dynamic between Peggy and him.  I am hardcore Team Daniel, but I still think Jason and Peggy would make a good couple, as well.  

Agent Carter Season 2 Recap: 2.3: Better Angels | Gossip & Gab

BUT ALSO.  I must address The Musical Scene.


Y'all.  What is up with this trend?  It's as if, at a certain point in their show, producers just go, "Hey, you know what this story needs right at this exact moment?  What we have Never Once Included but definitely should now because it won't be Jarring or Distasteful in the slightest?  A 🎇 ~ musical angle ~🎇!"

You guys.  I love musicals.  But, with musicals, it's sort of got to be an all-or-nothing scenario.  You can't just randomly decide to foist a song-and-dance number onto an Extremely Unrelated episode just for kicks and giggles.

(Yeah, Once Upon a Time, I'm looking at you.) 

You mess up your entire story-world.  You create chaos and confusion where there was order and clarity.  You become dIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for the dISINTEGRATION OF YOUR STORY'S STYLISTIC INTEGRITY —

Okay, I'll stop. 😛

(but also just pointing out that it seems unworthy of Peggy's character direction to suggest through a random dream sequence that her subconscious priority in the midst of a Very Serious, Life Or Death situation would be, "but which guyyyyyyyyyyy, tho?!?!?!")

Peggy and Daniel
me trying to watch the opening to "A Little Song and Dance"

There you have it.  Agent Carter, in all its glory.

I feel like this review isn't as polished as I want it to be, but I'm tired of writing it so I'm going to published it anyway.  

Basically:  I love this show and I'm happy I got to watch it. 😊

What about you?

Have you seen

If not, have I convinced you to try it?

(also am I alone in not loving Steve??)


  1. Yes, another Agent Carter fan!! I feel like this show gets shoved under the bus a bit. Jarvis is amazing!! He and Peggy's banter adds so much to the show! I also was never a real fan of Steve and Peggy together. Definitely liked Sousa a lot better. He was such a good character! Although, I did not like Wilkes. Personally I just didn't connect to him and felt that his relationship with Peggy felt forced. All in all though a pretty decent show!! :)

    1. Yes! It definitely deserves to be more talked about. ;)

      JARVIS. Jarvis and Peggy are life.

      Oh, good, someone else who doesn't ship Steve and Peggy! Sousa is A Very Good Boi. <3 Ah, well, to each their own. ;)

      Yes, definitely! :)

  2. Hmm. I tried the show when it was first airing. Watched the first 3ish episodes. Got pretty annoyed with the "every man is a misogynist jerk who must be put in his place by the woman who is inherently smarter than him because she is female" vibe it was having, and never watched more. But then I got Disney+ and added it to my watchlist. And then I fell into the Mandalorian pit in which I currently still wallow gloriously and still haven't watched it. But I'm open to it.

    Except I do love Steve. Like, a ton. Not the way I love Thor, let's be clear. There is only one MCU corner in my heart and he needs all the room in that he can possibly get because he just... has such a big heart himself. That got messy. Let me backtrack or something. Nope, too late to backtrack, got to put kids to bed. Let's just ignore all that and say that I do love Steve. Like he's my big brother, but also like he's my alter ego. If I had giant muscles, was a dude, and also was a superhero, I would be... well, actually, I would probably be Thor, but if Thor already existed, I'd be Steve. And if loving Steve means I'm not going to like Agent Carter, I'm sticking by my Cap. It's a loyalty thing, you know? Which, also, Thor and Steve have going on. Like, loyalty that will kill you because you can't relinquish it. Sigh. Swoon.

    Where was I? Not putting kids to bed yet, obviously.

    ANYWAY. If it is possible to love Cap, but also to enjoy Agent Carter, I may manage to do that. I'm pretty good and just shoving bits of franchises in separate boxes when they conflict. (This is very essential in order to love nearly all of the X-Men movies, which I do, because they basically quit making sense together after the first 4.) So... I will try it again at some point, since YOU like it so well.

    But, you know, still wallowing in the Mandalorian goodness over here, so it could be a while.

    1. It is definitely possible to love both Cap and Agent Carter!!! Daniel and Jarvis are both guy characters who are awesome. <3 (I've only seen the first season, though I'm now planning to watch both in order.) And Howard Stark is in it too! He's great. I would really like to hear your thoughts on at least the first season, if you ever take a break from Mando. ;)

    2. Personally, I see the show as simply depicting the historical reality of sexism/misogyny, and refusing to palliate it to make its male characters feel better. I like that Peggy is never opposed to working with the men in her life; she just knows when to call them on their nonsense.

      But anyway, yes, I'd definitely be interested to see what you think if/when you try it again! And, as Eva says, it is definitely possible to like both Steve and AC. Like I mentioned in the post, I know of at least one other friend who does. So. There you go.

      And hey, The Mandalorian is great in the meantime. ;)

    3. Well, like I said, it's on my watchlist, so I will... watch it eventually :-) Trying to finish up the cool behind-the-scenes Gallery eps about The Mandalorian right now, and then delving into some other things that have been waiting and waiting while I finished OBA, so... I'll get there eventually :-)

    4. Yay!

      Ahhh, I know, making-of featurettes for your favorite shows can be so enriching. I watched that "Into the Unknown" one about the making of Frozen 2, and now I love the movie even more, lol.

  3. So yeah, you're not alone in not loving Marvel full stop. ;) But this does sound quite interesting! I don't have Disney+ but my sister does... *cogs start turning* Hmm... maybe after we finish re-watching White Collar (which has literally taken us two years and we're only on season 4 because um, we don't really watch much TV XD) I may convince my sister to try this with me. :D

    1. "Well, that's a mercy, anyhow." ;)

      Cool! Haha, sounds like a plan.

  4. I'm torn about "Agent Carter," because like ... FEMINISM AND STRONG FEMALE LEADS, CAN I GET A HALLELUJAH ... but I'm not sure if that's enough to counteract the things that whisper to me I probably wouldn't enjoy the show in actuality. *throws up hands*

    I don't tend to like watching or reading fictional stories about a woman fighting to succeed in a sexist world and a male dominated line of work, even though said stories are VERY IMPORTANT, because the constant anger I feel tends to raise my blood pressure a wee bit higher than is perhaps healthy. ;) Like, that's not the way I want to relax, especially with a TV show, which I only ever consume at night and which is all about relaxation, for me.

    Also, the 1950s. The '50s aesthetic upsets me because it looks too perfect and too polished ... I know that's a weird reason to dislike something, but it really sets my teeth on edge, lol.

    Steeeeeeeeeeeeve. Is still my Marvel crush, and always will be. ;) He's a Grand Example of What I Want Men In My Life To Be Like. He's steady, pragmatic, principled, kind, and a strong leader who can roll with the punches and take a lot of heat. But I can understand why others might have a different reaction to him, of course--just as not all my friends share my extremely negative reaction to Tony Stark, for example.

    1. I for one, increasingly want to punch Stark in his self-righteous, something not printable head much of the more recent movies. And yet, I'm not exactly sure I dislike him, I mean he IS an Avenger.

      While I love Cap, he is a little, just a shade goody-goody. I'm not actually sure I know which superhero is my favorite.

    2. I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO PUNCH TONY STARK xD Avenger or not, he gets on my nerves, and while he did eventually improve ... eventually ... it took him long enough ...

      Cap's my boi. And personally, I don't mind that he's so set on being good. He is Enneagram 1, after all, it's natural to him. ;)


      But yes, it sounds like AC wouldn't be the show for you, then. Especially bc of the whole "women fighting through sexism" thing, bc obviously there's quite a bit of that in this one. :-P

      It seems to me that people tend to either love Steve and hate Tony, or love Tony and hate Steve. And I . . . am firmly on the love Tony/hate Steve end of that spectrum. ;-P Although, like I said, my opinion used to be different -- I used to like Cap and dismiss Tony. Now that opinion is Very Much Reversed and I will take Tony over Cap ANY day of the week, lol.

    4. You two can punch Tony and I can punch Steve and that way we can all be angry together. XD

    5. Oh, yes, I would say that's definitely true, about the Marvel fandom! Tony and Steve are polar opposites in personality, moral code, worldview, all the rest of it, so it does make sense that they appeal to opposite groups of people.

      ESFP 8w7 Slytherin vs ISFJ 1w2 Gryffindor ... fun times, fun times, fun times ;)

    6. Haha, yes. So, for me, when people pitch Steve to me as "the most morally upright Avenger!" or "an Unfailingly Good person!," I'm left over here scratching my head and going: *Thor voice* " . . . Is he, though? 'Cause his moral code looks . . . highly defective . . . from where I'm standing . . . "

      We all have different perspectives on ethical/political questions, so we interpret the same person's ethical/political decisions in different ways.

    7. Yeppppppppppppppp. Different perspectives make for very different answers to the same question. Which is Very Okay. ;)

      I agree with Steve on most things, and definitely agree with all the major decisions he makes in the MCU canon ... so I appreciate his stubbornness in standing up for what he believes. Since it's ALSO what I myself believe, and what I myself would do.

    8. Exactly! Whereas I strongly disagree with many of Steve's major decisions, so I have a different reaction to his beliefs because they directly conflict with my own.

      *shrugs* C'est la vie.

  5. YES. YES TO ALL OF THIS. (except part of me still does love Steve but not as much as Daniel Sousa because he's a perfect bean and is the actual love of my life) Peggy and Jarvis fill my heart with so much joy it's ridiculous. I even ended up loving Howard through this show and I wasn't sure that was possible xD (everything he ended up doing with Tony still wasn't cool, but I like to imagine Peggy was Tony's godmother and it makes everything better xD) Anyway yes I love this post a lot thank you for bringing attention to this incredible show (whyyy did it end I am Upset ;-;)

    1. "Daniel Sousa because he's a perfect bean and is the actual love of my life" << BUT YES THO. Like, dang. What a precious human.

      AND YES TO PEGGY & JARVIS & THE JOY THEY BRING. It is Considerable. :D

      Oh, for sure. Them Stark boys have their (significant) flaws and nobody can deny it. ;) But yes, I do love Howard in THIS show.

      Yes!!! I think it was your IG stories that motivated me to actually buckle down and finish the show, so thanks for that. ;)


  6. Oh, I really want to see Agent Carter (I mean I really like Marvel, I have Disney+, nearly all of my friends have recommended it to me......really not sure what my excuse is at this point).
    Oh, so I'm not the only blogger who's not a huge Captain America fan. I mean, I don't hate him, but he is a little bit of a goody-goody.
    Ugh, random musical episodes. *shudders* They're the worst.
    Anyway, thanks for the review. I now know that I absolutely NEED to see it.

    1. Yes!!! Let me know what you think of it if/when you watch it! :D

      The Iron Man movies made me love Tony that much more. <3

      THANKS BE, I'm not the only one who doesn't love Steve! My problem with him isn't that he's a goody-goody, it's that he (ahem) thinks he's more of a goody-goody than he actually is (cough).

      You're most welcome! I hope you enjoy it! :D

  7. So when this first aired I really wanted to watch it, and I didn't even know who Agent Carter was because I wasn't into Marvel yet, but it sounded so good! I never got around to it though. When I finally saw a Marvel movie, it was Captain America (but the second one, I'm all mixed up XD) and didn't care that much. In 2018/2019 I watched basically all of them and finally became a fan. I'm neutral on Cap, (Besides the Avengers films which hit me hard in the feels) but I'm rewatching his movies and am looking him better. If there is any character whom I actively dislike it's Thor, but, Ragnorak is one of my favorites because it is so funny! My favorite Avenger is the most underappreciated and needs either a movie or series of his own, Hawkeye!!! <333

    Sorry, got into rambling. XD I REALLY liked this post! You have rekindled my want to see this!

    1. Isn't it fascinating how many different opinions there are on Marvel characters? Ragnarok is probably my favorite Marvel movie, too! And Hawkeye is great!

      No, never apologize! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post and that it piqued your interest in AC. :D


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