A Li'l Life Update

Hi, friends! I'm popping on here to let you know that if I seem really absent in the blogging world lately, it's not for lack of enthusiasm. I've been wanting to write several different posts, but due to some health issues I'm having right now, I haven't had much physical or mental energy to finish them. Same with comments: I'm still reading (and loving , may I add) many of your posts, but commenting isn't always doable for me at the moment. I'm used to peaks and valleys in my blogging motivation, since I've had this blog for almost seven and a half years. So that's nothing new, and that doesn't scare me. But this feels like the longest stretch I've had in a while in which I'm posting so infrequently and commenting so tardily, and I did want to explain that . Just so you guys don't think I'm yeeting myself out of the blogosphere or something. 😉 All that to say, I'm still here, and I still love this blogging communi...