Movies I Want to Live In

Hello, my loves! I know I still haven't been blogging very regularly, but I would like to get back into the swing of it. I don't know whether my posting schedule will become any more consistent; my health is still an issue right now and a lot of times I simply don't have the energy to create or publish content on any platform. (We're working on it, though. Don't worry. 💛) However! I know that Hamlette's Tolkien blog party is just around the corner in September, so even if I disappear for another month, I can pretty reliably promise to at least make an appearance once that begins. 😉 For now, here's a fun, lighthearted post dedicated to some of my very favorite movie environments. You know how there are some films you just want to immerse yourself in? Films with aesthetics so inviting, so you that you'd love to step into them and experience them as reality? These are mine. ⸻⸻⸻ Maleficent (2014) Just tak...