The Honestea Tag

The beautiful Ivy Miranda tagged me for this! Thanks, Ivy. {Rules} - no lies allowed. if an answer is too shameful to expose you may substitute the answer with a gif/image of someone drinking tea. - there are optional bonus additions to questions but these are not for the faint of heart. - if you complete the tag having answered every question + the bonus additions (no gifs used), you are dubbed a certified tea chugger, and you deserve a badge to show the world that you are not afraid of a steaming hot cup of TRUTH. - tag at least one other person (a tea party with just one is not very fun. trust me.) untagged persons are more than welcome to fill it out as well (nothing cooler than crashing a tea party). {Questions} what is a 'bad' (generally disliked) movie that you actually love? The Phantom Menace , maybe? I don't know if that one is generally disliked or just generally mocked (which, fair). Either way, I enjoy it. Some other candidates (except I won't conc...