Dream Cast: The Silver Chair {by C.S. Lewis}

I've toyed with the idea of fancasting more of the Narnia books for quite some time.  I've already shared my vision for The Magician's Nephew (which you can read here), and I'm (for the most part) satisfied with the Warner Bros. adaptations of TLTWATW, Prince Caspian, and TVOTDT.  But what about the three remaining Chronicles?  What about them, pray?  Sure, The Silver Chair has technically already been adapted by the BBC, but — well.  "Perhaps, on this point, it will be as well to be silent."  

(Actually, I quite like the BBC version of TSC, from what I remember.  "Laugh all you choose, but you will not laugh me out of my opinion," and all that.  It's simple and cozy and faithful to the book.  However, I do think it's fair to say that we could do with an upgrade at this point. *ahem*)

So!  Since I just reread all seven Chronicles this May, I decided to bite the bullet and go ahead and make a dream cast for The Silver Chair, at least.  I may or may not ever do one for The Last Battle, or The Horse and His Boy, but for now, here's what I'm thinking for TSC.


Jill Pole
Isla Johnston

As usual, I had to look up current child actors to see what we're working with.  I haven't seen The Queen's Gambit or any of Johnston's other work, but I feel like she gives off a bit of a Jill vibe.

Eustace Scrubb
Felix Jamieson

SO LIKE.  Will Poulter was p.e.r.f.e.c.t. as Eustace.  Let's all concede that.  But, even by Hollywood casting director standards, an almost 30-year-old man obviously cannot play a literal child.

And I gotta say, this kid looks EXACTLY like Eustace, in my opinion.  He seems a touch young in this picture, but can you imagine Eustace's sour looks and annoying remarks (tempered by his post-VOTD improvement, of course) coming out of that face?  'Cause I certainly can.

Bill Nighy

I think there are several actors who could do great things with Puddleglum, but Bill Nighy is the one I can most easily picture embodying everything I love so much about the character.  He would be hysterical, but he's also clearly capable of delivering on the gravitas that the role would carry along with its humor.

Prince Rilian
Jonathon Bailey

This just feels Correct, to me.  Partially because — and I say this with love — Rilian is a complete and utter himbo.  There is not a productive thought behind those eyes.  But he is also extremely passionate and excitable, and that combination — himbo energy, passion, excitability — seems to be a quality which Jonathon excels at evoking.  (And yes, I know that Rilian is blond in the books, but I think Jonathon could make a blond wig work, if necessary.  I also don't think it's a big deal to change the character's hair color. 😉)

Lady of the Green Kirtle / Witch
Laura Osnes

Laura would perfectly evoke the disarming beauty and ingenue essence that disguise the Lady's practiced, subtle evil.  I'd love to see her play a wicked role and I think she'd rock this one.

Warwick Davis

Does anyone else want to jump down into Bism when Golg is talking about squeezing the travelers "a cupful of diamond juice" and picking rubies to eat?  Man, that part scratches a very specific itch in my brain.

I think Warwick has a kind of aristocratic nobility to his features that would suit Golg.

Peter Dinklage

Why not have Dinklage reprise his role from the 2008 Prince Caspian?  Plus, I think he'd be genuinely hilarious as the extra-grumpy senior citizen version of Trumpkin.

Giant Queen
Fortune Feimster

Feimster seems like a good choice to me for the comedic aspects of the giant subplot.  She'd probably go full chaos with this character, and it'd be fantastic.

Giant King
Joel Edgerton

*shrugs*  Idk, seemed to fit.  Plus, for some reason, I feel like he and Feimster would be a riot together.


There are so few other characters that I can't think of any more worth dreamcasting.  Caspian appears momentarily, but only from a distance until the very end, and I don't feel like figuring out who should play him as a reincarnated tween.  I'm also not as good at voice-casting, so I don't have any ideas for Glimfeather or any of the other owls.  Nor for the bullies at Experiment House.  C'est la vie, as they say.

What say you?
Who do you picture in these roles?


  1. "Rilian is a complete and utter himbo. There is not a productive thought behind those eyes." THOU HAST SLAIN ME

    Bill Nighy as Puddleglum would be everything my heart could desire. And Laura Osnes as the Green Lady would be equal parts terrifying and delicious.


      Right? Nighy would be the perfect gloomy, protective fussbudget and Osnes would be slinky and scary and perfect.

  2. "Sure, The Silver Chair has technically already been adapted by the BBC, but — well. "Perhaps, on this point, it will be as well to be silent." Lol. I know I saw the BBC The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe ages and ages ago, I think we watched more, but I'm not sure.
    "But, even by Hollywood casting director standards, an almost 30-year-old man obviously cannot play a literal child." Bwahahahaha.

    "Rilian is a complete and utter himbo." He absolutely was. He drove me bonkers. How did Caspian have such a dumb kid? I was, like, irritated with Caspian about him.

    Love the Bill Nighy and Jonathan Bailey choices.

    1. Lol, we watched all three of the BBC adaptations a lot growing up. TSC was always my favorite of those.

      Seriously! I didn't notice it as a kid, but rereading it last month? I was all, "Oh. He kinda dumb." xD

  3. Oh my goodness you had me at Laura Osnes!! PLEASE CAN WE MAKE THIS HAPPEN!! 🙌

    Gabby A.

  4. "But, even by Hollywood casting director standards, an almost 30-year-old man obviously cannot play a literal child." BUT WILL POULTER XD

    Great cast! I know almost none of these people, but they certainly look the part. Laura Osnes as the Lady of the Green Kirtle would be FANTASTIC. And Peter Dinklage is always a good idea.

    1. I KNOW. XD He was perfect. Alas for the ravages of youth, and all that.

      Thank you! Wouldn't she be stunning?!?! And yep, I agree -- Peter Dinklage is always superb.

  5. Ahh I love this! I must confess to not being familiar with most of these actors but nonetheless I enjoyed seeing your vision. I'm currently rereading the Chronicles myself (just finished Prince Caspian) and have been having lots of Grand Thoughts and Ideas about how I would make movies for the books that don't ave them... and (probably) remake the ones already made (I cannot approve of the blatant lack of Bacchus in PC ;P). Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Thanks, Maya! Glad you enjoyed it. Ahhhh, isn't rereading Narnia the BEST? It was so good for me right now. ("the blatant lack of Bacchus in PC" << ok that made me laugh. xD)

  6. Bill Nighy as Puddleglum. YES. I quite liked the BBC Silver Chair too, think I saw it before I read the book though. I just need them to do The Horse and His Boy before the old kids get too old! (They could bring back Peter instead of Edmund since he's the only one who doesn't still act.)

    1. Right? He just seems like the best fit. The fact that the actors are all the perfect age for THAHB kills me a little. It would be so gooooooood, and they're probably not going to do it. :'(

  7. I would watch this solely for Bill Night as Puddleglum and be 100% happy with my life choices.

  8. Felix Jamieson looks SO MUCH like a little Will Poulter!! They. are. twins. What. even. He would be perfect for them to pick up the series and continue making those movies. *coughs rather loudly in the direction of any movie producers*

    I don't know why I have such trouble picturing Bill Nighy in ANY movie, and I don't know why. (Maybe because I've mostly seen him when he has a squid face? XD). But, that having been said, I think he could be a really fun Puddleglum! I mean, not that Puddleglum himself is the dictionary definition of "fun", but...you know what I mean. xD

    Katie and Livia already beat me to saying this, but I'm going to say it again: "Partially because — and I say this with love — Rilian is a complete and utter himbo. There is not a productive thought behind those eyes." I DIED. Yes, you are 100% correct, m'dear! XD

    I've never seen Laura Osnes in anything, but for this casting YESYESYESYESYES. I actually just saw Fortune Feimster in something for the first time the other day, and I agree with this casting. *nods sagely*

    1. I hadn't even really thought about it, but he does kind of look like Will Poulter! Now it's even better! :D Thanks for pointing that out.

      "when he has a squid face" << I understood that reference. xD Well, if it helps, he'd have a "Marshwiggly" face in this one, too, so *shrugs*

      I MEANNNNNNN . . . Ahh, Rilian. We love him, but he's an idiot. xD

      Right?! Ooh, what did you see with Fortune Feimster in it?


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