Legends of Western Cinema Week || Ten Westerns That Are High on My To-Watch List(s)

Why the parenthetical 's,' you ask?  Because I have two different kinds of to-watch lists, you see.  There's the "absolutely plan to watch this, no questions asked" list, and then there's the "am in interested in watching this but have some qualms about it" list.  I thought it'd be fun to share examples from each. 😉 

Five Westerns That I Definitely Want to Watch

Silverado (1985)

I'd actually planned to watch and review this for this year's party, but 'twas not to be.  Maybe next year!  I think I'll enjoy it.  The trailer amused me ("Can't you tell this horse loves me?"), so that's a good sign.

Slow West (2015)

Another one that I was hoping to get to this year, but would you believe it?   It was removed from the streaming service on which I'd been banking.  The audacity!

Anyway, looking forward to watching this whenever I do.  It looks like one I'll enjoy.

The Harder They Fall (2021)

I can't WAIT to watch this one, honestly.  It looks fantastic.  My only qualm is that I'm picky about "revenge plots," and it sounds like this might be one of those?  We'll see.

The Drover's Wife (2021)

I'm always looking for unique and/or female-centric Westerns, and this seems like it'll check both boxes.  Plus, it looks like Sam Reid (John Davinier in Belle) makes an appearance, and it'll be interesting to see him in such a different film.

Support Your Local Sheriff! (1969)

Multiple friends have recommended/discussed this one, and I've been getting more and more invested in finding another comedic Western to love, so I'm hoping that this one will satisfy that craving.

Five Westerns That I Might, Perhaps, Maybe Want to Watch

The Wind (2018)

This is a Western horror film, and I could probably count on one hand the number of horror stories I've ever seriously considered consuming.  I've also (purposefully) spoiled the plot for myself, and I don't think I'd love the way it's executed.  But if I ever got the chance to try it, I probably (?) would.  (And then I'd probably regret it. 😅)

The Homesman (2014)
I accidentally spoiled myself for this one, and I really don't care for one of the plot points — at least, on paper.  But I kind of want to watch it anyway so I can see what I think of it in real time.  I'm especially interested in its portrayal of women on the frontier.

Rooster Cogburn (1975)

I actually don't care for John Wayne's take on Rooster Cogburn (at least as he appears in the 1969 True Grit), so I would potentially be setting myself up for failure with this one.  BUT, it does also star my beloved Katharine Hepburn, and that is no small attraction.  She's a queen, she's a goddess.  We love to see her.

No Country for Old Men (2007)

It's probably a bad idea for me to watch this, as Chigurh sounds like he gives off too many serial killer vibes for my mental health's good, but the performances are so highly praised that the cinephile in me is tempted to try it anyway.

The Unforgiven (1960)

I only just found out about this one's existence.  I read and liked LeMay's Searchers several years ago, so the film's connection to that story intrigues me.  I'm also interested in seeing Audrey Hepburn in a Western role.  However, again, I know how the story turns out, and I'm not sure how I'll feel about it.

Have you watched any of these Westerns?
Do you recommend them?
What are some Westerns on your to-watch list(s)?


  1. Support Your Local Sheriff is SO fun, and I think you might really like the main female character Prudy (Joan Hackett). She's a bit of a unique character, imo, and pretty delightful to watch.

    I was surprised by how much I loved No Country for Old Men (I was just talking about it with my brother the other day, saying how much I like it), but it definitely has intense and creepy vibes. So I can't recommend it to you wholeheartedly. :( But if you ever DO watch it, I'll be very interested to hear what you think!

    1. I've heard nothing but good things about SYLS, so I have high hopes. ;) And now I have a female character to look forward to, as well, so thanks for mentioning that!

      Hehe, yeah -- I keep going back and forth over whether or not I could take NCFOM. We shall see. :-P But yes, I'll definitely let you know how I feel about it if I watch it! It was one of your posts that first made me seriously consider it, so. ;)

  2. I really, really want to try The Harder They Fall, but there's a tiny voice in my head whispering "blood..."

    The Drover's Wife sounds super cool.

    1. I’m loving that my American friends are discovering Henry Lawson and this Aussie work! ☺️

      ~ Miss W

    2. HL wrote the original The Drover’s Wife

      ~ Miss W

    3. Katie, lol, fair, fair.

      Miss W, oh, neat!

  3. OHMY Okay so! The Drovers Wife is actually based on a short piece of (I could be wrong here so my apologises if I am) fiction by an Australian author/poet Henry Lawson in 1892. I did it at uni in my first year when we had to do the mandatory Australian Literature course… I just wanted to chime in and say if you can read it before seeing the film that would be preferable and I will tell you now there are a few plot twists that’s for sure.

    ~ Miss Winifred

    1. Also a Drover is generally an Aussie term for stockman, aka someone who drives cattle or sheep long distances generally over property from one place to another and it’s generally done by horseback (well it is in my family). ☺️

      ~ Miss W

    2. Ahh, cool! Yep, when I was first looking into it, I saw that it was based on/in Australia, which always makes for a good time. ;) How neat that you did it in uni!

  4. Silverado and Slow West are two of my favorites. I have to say, even though I am a John Wayne fan, I can't stand his True Grit. Just nothing about that movie works for me. I do, however, like Rooster Cogburn quite a bit. Not a favorite or one I own, but definitely watchable.

    1. Right? I've always liked John Wayne, but I can't really find anything to appreciate about his version of True Grit. Like you said, "just nothing about that movie works for me."

      Still, it's good to hear that RC may be more watchable, even though I don't like his TG.

  5. Hey, neat idea for a post! Of the titles on your list, I've only seen parts of Rooster Cogburn and Support Your Local Sheriff on TV. Cogburn struck me as basically a remake of The African Queen (Hepburn and all), though I'm guessing probably without the romance.

    I haven't decided yet whether I want to watch The Unforgiven, the reason being that I liked the book, then read the movie synopsis and was furious at some of the changes made to the story and characters! I'd still kind of like to see it though...maybe.

    The top Western that's definitely on my to-watch list right now is Westward the Women; and I haven't seen The Sons of Katie Elder all the way through either so I want to catch up with that.

    1. Thanks! Yep, I get a similar vibe from Rooster Cogburn -- though I expect that I'll still like The African Queen significantly more. xD

      Fair enough! I've been wanting to reread the book, so I may decide to do that first and then try The Unforgiven.

      Westward the Women is on my list now, too, thanks to Hamlette/Rachel! Do you tend to prefer older or newer Westerns?

  6. Ah, "Support Your Local Sheriff" is awesome. I like the way he gets the baddies to stay in the cell with no bars on it. :-)

  7. The way you explained the differences between these lists makes so. much. sense. I love it and totally do the same thing without realizing it!

    I wasn’t that big a fan of Rooster Cogburn BECAUSE I love True Grit so much, but I think otherwise I would have liked it better.

    The Unforgiven is a western?? How did I not know this! I've owned that movie for years but haven't watched it, but you can bet your bottom dollar I'm going to now.

    1. Haha, thank you! I do the same thing with TV shows and books, too.

      Ah, interesting! So you like Wayne's True Grit as well, or are you talking about the book?

      Apparently, sort of?? Like, it's loosely based off a Western novel that was later adapted into a John Wayne movie? At least, that's what I gather from what I've read about it.

  8. This is such a fun idea! I should do something like this next year.

    Oh man, Silverado is SO GOOD.

    I have Slow West on DVD. It is weird. But amazing. But also weird. Like, too weird for me to show my husband because he would just get hung up on the weirdness. But so good. We could watch this together sometime. My goodness, MIchael Fassbender is fantastic in it.

    Support Your Local Sheriff isn't just a good comedy, it's also a good western. And that combo is unbeatable.

    No Country for Old Men is one I've also kinda wanted to see, but only maybe. I have both Rooster Cogburn (...And the Lady) and The Unforgiven on my TBR shelves, but haven't gotten around to them yet.

    1. Ooh, I'd really love to see this kind of post from you!

      I think I'm really going to like Silverado.

      Lol, yep. That's definitely the vibe I get from it, based on your review. But I think I would enjoy it. ;) Ooh, yes, we could watch it sometime! So many movies on our watch-together list, so little time. *sigh*


      Exactly. I sort of want to watch NCFOM, but I'm not 100% sold yet. Maybe we'll brave RC and/or TU together one of these days.


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