Legends of Western Cinema Week || Wrap-Up

Well, folks, we've come to the end of another Legends of Western Cinema Week. Nothing gold can stay, and all that.

A couple of reminders for this last day of the party:

  • Be sure to visit Rachel's and Heidi's blogs to enter their fabulous giveaways (Rachel's is here and Heidi's is here)!  I believe that both giveaway close at midnight tonight, so this is your last chance!
  • If you've published any Western posts this week, please add your links to the widget below!  We all want to read what you've written.

That's it for me, folks!  As always, thanks loads for making this week such a rollicking summer tradition. 😃


  1. I had SO much fun with this year's LoWCW! Probably the most fun I've ever had at this event, which is saying something. =) Thanks so much for hosting!

    1. Aw, really? That makes me happy! Thanks for participating!

  2. This was so much fun! Thanks for hosting, pal. <3


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I've gotten really bad about replying in a timely manner, but it's always my intention to do so eventually. (Even though it doesn't always happen. ;))

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