Cover Reveal: 'My Rock and My Refuge' {by Rachel Kovaciny}

Today, I'm honored to be participating in the cover reveal for the latest installment of Rachel Kovaciny's Once Upon a Western series! OUAW is a collection of clean stand-alone non-magical fairytale retellings set in the Old West. They're oodles of fun, and you should absolutely check them out if you've never read one.

My personal favorite of the series, so far, is Dancing and Doughnuts, which is a reimagining of The Twelve Dancing Princesses.  However . . . I gotta say, the more I hear about the newest book, the more excited I become.  I have a feeling it might edge out DaD. 😉

What is this newest book, you ask?  It's Ms. Kovaciny's take on one of the most classic of all fairytales:  Beauty and the Beast!  It's entitled My Rock and My Refuge, and it releases November 8, 2022!

And, as you might have guessed, it has a lovely cover:

Isn't that the perfect cover for a Western retelling of Beauty and the Beast?  I love it.  Now, you probably want to know a little more of what the book is about.  Here's the official blurb:

When a German baker and her brother take jobs working for a wealthy recluse, they're only hoping to earn enough money to help their parents regain the family's bakery.

But they soon learn that gold and silver aren't the only treasures to be found in the Colorado mountains.

Sounds promising, doesn't it?  I, for one, am stoked to read it.  

In the meantime, if you'd like to learn more about Ms. Kovaciny's writing, add MRaMR to your GoodReads, or get to know Ms. Kovaciny herself a little better (you absolutely should!), you can click on the links below!


  1. Can't wait for it! The cover makes me want to move to a cabin.

  2. It's just so SOFT! I want to pet it!

  3. Thank you! Thank you! I know, this is just the prettiest cover <3 I can't stop admiring it myself!


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