Tolkien Blog Party | My 2023 Tag Answers

I am once again asking for your financial support enthusiasm in celebrating Rachel's annual Tolkien Blog Party, which began yesterday and which always brightens my September considerably.  This year, I have a couple of additional posts drafted for the party and am very much hoping to get them polished and published before the festivities conclude on Saturday.

For now, here are my answers to this year's tag questions, accompanied by our beloved aesthetics, courtesy of an insanely talented Tumblr creator(There's one "outsider" among all of these, actually, and I don't know for sure who made that one, but I'm running out of the original series, so we're making do.)

Which of each pair do you prefer, and why?

1. Rohan or Gondor?

Hmm.  Starting out with a tricky one, for me.  Neither are among my favorite Middle-earth locations, so it's hard to say.  But I suppose it'd be Rohan, because it's more rural as a first impression (as opposed to Gondor, where the city aspects spring to mind first).  I also love how Tolkien describes Rohan in this line: 

"It is like to this land itself; rich and rolling in parts, and else hard and stern as the mountains."

On the other hand, I have a sneaky suspicion that I actually like Gondor's rural areas more than Rohan's, but I'll have to see if I'm right once I reread The Return of the King.  So, maybe better to say that it's a toss-up?

2. Rivendell or Lothlorien?

Rivendell.  I like Lothlorien a lot, but there's really no contest, for me.  Rivendell is just . . . well.  I'll direct you to my blog title and header image.

3. Erebor or Moria?

Erebor, though I think Moria is disadvantaged because we only hear bits and pieces of what it once was.  We only ever "see" it when it's fallen into decay.  But I love what Gimli says about it in The Fellowship of the Ring:

"This is the great realm and city of the Dwarrowdelf. And of old it was not darksome, but full of light and splendour . . . "

Still, I think Erebor would win out in any case, since I like the lone mountain setting and the breadth of the land in front of it.  And its proximity to/association with the city of Dale.

4. Bilbo or Frodo?

I love Frodo and absolutely think he deserves more appreciation, but my personal choice is Bilbo.  Martin Freeman's version is actually in my top five favorite Middle-earth characters — on which, more later this week.

5. Merry or Pippin?

Merry — on which, again, more later this week. 😉  But, of course, Pippin is wonderful, too.

6. Galadriel or Elrond?

Elrond, that dear, noble guy.  But Galadriel is a verifiable boss babe, don't get me wrong.

7. Eomer or Faramir?

Well, Faramir, obviously (if you know me), but they are both excellent men who deserve all the love.  Eomer is especially underappreciated.

8. Fili or Kili?

Um . . . I guess Fili?  They hardly get any page time in the book, so I'm going off of the films, I suppose.  I seem to recall liking Fili's personality more.

9. Bard or Beorn?

LISTEN.  Bard is incredible and I love him, but the way I would risk it all for book Beorn —  

He's literally my dream man.  So, it's gotta be Beorn.  Even though Bard is probably technically better.

TO CLARIFY:  The man pictured is not my dream man. 😂  No hate to him, of course; but as I said, it is
the OG book Beorn who is the object of my affection.  However, I am nothing if not committed to the
bit of these aesthetics.  And this one's beautiful.  So.  Unnecessary caveat over now.

10. Gandalf the Grey or Gandalf the White?

I think I'm going to go with Gandalf the Grey, actually.  There's something very humble and homespun and human about him in his pre-glorification state.  You can see the weight of all the ages he's lived and all the cares he's assumed on behalf of others.

(Though, of course, Gandalf the White's epic rescues are extremely satisfying. 😜)

Head on over to The Edge of the Precipice to get in on all the party fun (including a giveaway)!


  1. Are you doing a post on Merry? Because I'm doing one on Pippin

    1. I'm not, but I'm talking more about him in a different post. Looking forward to your Pippin post!


    Listen, I remember nothing about Bard from the books except that he was vaguely moody and had a very large bow. Beorn wins hands down.

    (Lovers of Movie Bard, please do not come for me in the night--I am aware that the two are on vastly different levels XD)


      Haha, I love Bard too (especially Movie Bard), but yeah . . . he just can't beat out a vegetarian beekeeper.

  3. Beorn is extremely magnificent, and I actually felt a little bad pitting Bard against him because probably Bard won't get chosen a lot this week. In retrospect, I would have changed that up a bit, but oh well.

    The aesthetics are ::chef's kiss:: as usual -- I have scrolled through this twice just to drink them in.

    1. Ha! When I got to that question, I was all, "why, Rachel??? what have we done to deserve this??" Hehe.

      Aren't they just sublime? *happy sigh* I'd like that creator to post more . . .

  4. I will always give my financial support and enthusiasm when it comes to Tolkien. XD

    I love the lines that you pulled from the book! It's making me want to go and reread them. <3

    Galadriel should always be referred to as a "veritable boss babe." *nods*

    Gorgeous post, Olivia!

    1. It's much appreciated, my dear. xD

      Ack, yes! Do itttt.

      Thanks so much, friend! <3

  5. A Tolkien Blog Party sounds like a fantastic idea for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien's works. Here's a sample invitation or introduction for such an event.

    Calling all Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves, and humans of Middle-earth, as well as fans from all corners of the world! It's time to celebrate the rich and enchanting world created by the legendary J.R.R. Tolkien.

    1. Yes! Rachel always does such a fabulous job with this event.


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