Tolkien Blog Party | My Top Ten Middle-earth Characters {Right Now}

HELLO HI I'M VERY CONFLICTED.  Top ten lists are often difficult for me, but it feels especially wrong, this time, to exclude some of the characters I've excluded.  In an attempt to assuage my conscience, I've included a pool of honorable mentions at the end of the post, but still.

In the end, I've had to console myself with the thought that these are just my ten favorites at this specific moment in time.  They may shift over time, and their rankings certainly do.  So, before you come for me for ranking one character ahead of another, just know that I'm probably even more upset and confused about it than you are.  I'm 100% confident of the #1 spot.  That's . . . that's about the only one, though.

I've absolutely no more time to dither over this list, however, as today's the last day of the 2023 party, and if I don't get this post published this year, I shall be Quite Put Out.

Forth, Eorlingas!

#10.  Eomer

I've run out of time to wax loquacious on Eomer's many virtues, so I'll just say that I love his loyalty to his kin and country, his grim bravery in the face of battle, and his open-hearted joy in the face of hope.

He's a tremendous guy and he deserves more attention from the fandom.  I'll direct you to Eva-Joy's 2022 post for the deeper dive I can't provide today.

#9.  Goldberry

Really, I love Goldberry more for the idea of her than anything else.  Just . . . her aesthetic, man.  You know?

But also, I love what Goldberry offers to the four hobbits in a very concrete sense:  rest and refreshment, hospitality and hope, majesty and mirth.  At the very beginning of their journey, when their nerves are already frayed by early peril and their mettle is not yet tempered by long toil, she offers a helping hand, a wise acknowledgement of danger and evil, and a smiling rejection of both.  

(Also, I love the mystique surrounding Goldberry, her life, her union with Tom, her connection to the Withywindle, etc.  I have questions, and I simultaneously want answers and am delighted to do without them, because that leaves me free to concoct my own in my imagination.)

#8.  Arwen

Those of you who've been here for a while will remember that when I first entered the blogosphere about a decade ago, I used Arwen's name as my pseudonym.  Clearly, she made an impression on me. 😜  And I still love her, all these years later.  Do I wish that Tolkien himself had devoted more time to her and given her more significance within the narrative?  Absolutely.  But Jackson rectified that oversight in at least some measure, and I, for one, support him wholeheartedly therein.  I love how he incorporates the backstory that Tolkien wrote in the Appendices while also fleshing out her character a little more.

Arwen's courage and defiance in the face of tremendous loss and certain grief are admirable.  She's a beacon of hope, and she even uses her own sacrifice of immortality to Frodo's advantage, granting him her place on the last ship bound for Valinor.  

Plus, her entire vibe is just . . . *chef's kiss* peerless.

#7.  Meriadoc Brandybuck

Deciding who is my favorite of the Lord of the Rings hobbit quartet is always A Process, but it usually comes out to Merry.  I think he's the most underrated, for one thing, and right out of the gate, that's some incentive to show him extra appreciation.  But also, I think his personality just appeals the most to me.  He's lighthearted and humorous but also has a great deal of sense, fortitude, and reliability.  In the book, especially, his character shines a little more:  we see more of his administrative capabilities and how much his friends depend on him (e.g., when he's helping Frodo with the distribution of Bilbo's estate at the beginning of Fellowship).  He also seems a bit more naturally adventurous than the other hobbits; for instance, I love that he spent a good deal of time exploring the Old Forest when he was younger, even though everyone else was afraid of it.

And, for some reason, I feel the most at peace when I think of him (as opposed to the other hobbits).  There's a straightforwardly homey but layered quality about him that I really like.

#6.  Boromir


This sweet, sweet man.  He's so gentle and angry and loyal and fierce and honorable, and I love him so much, and he hurts my heart.

His sense of duty is unshakable; he'll be your ride-or-die even if he disagrees with you, and if he makes a mistake, he'll own it and more than rectify it.  Book or film, Boromir remains a treasure.

#5. Beorn

I've always liked Beorn, but somehow I'd forgotten exactly how magnificent he is until I reread The Hobbit last month. A shapeshifting, beekeeping vegetarian who lives on a spacious, secluded estate/animal sanctuary surrounded by a brambly hedge, is canonically ripped, and strikes the righteous fear of God into anyone who even thinks about denuding the forest or harming the wildlife?

Listen, I'm only human, guys. In real life, I don't even know that I want kids, but I would bear (heh) him many, many children without a second thought.

I do feel the need to clarify that I'm exclusively talking about book Beorn, here.  I'm not talking about movie Beorn, because — how can I put this politely? — no.  But the original?  He's enough to turn me into Meredith Grey. "Pick me. Choose me. Love me — "

#4.  Bilbo Baggins

This spot, in a direct inverse of #5, owes its occupant almost entirely to the film franchise.  I like Bilbo in the Hobbit book, as well, but Tolkien's narrative tone towards him is a bit effacing and patronizing, so the enjoyment is marred and it's harder to view him on an equal footing with the other characters.  But, in Jackson's films, Martin Freeman's performance (WHICH I STILL CONTEND DESERVED AN OSCAR) shoots the character towards the top of my list.  He's hilarious, brave, loyal, resourceful, and wise, and he feels so deeply for everyone around him.  He's a very wholesome bean and I love him dearly.

Also, he voluntarily relinquishes the Ring after possessing it for decades, and that's actually incredible.

#3.  Elrond

In case you're new around here, this is as good a time as any to clarify for you that in this household, we love and respect Elrond Half-elven for the wonderful and upstanding guy that he is.  You can read this post to find out why, if you're so inclined.

#2.  Gandalf

As with Elrond, one of my biggest draws to Gandalf is his love for the mortal races of Middle-earth and his efforts on their behalf.  What makes me love Gandalf just a smidge more than Elrond, however, is how directly Gandalf involves himself in the fate of Middle-earth, especially in the Third Age.  He's not afraid to "get his hands dirty," so to speak.  (Of course, I'm not saying that Elrond is, or that he hasn't done more than his fair share of hands-on fighting in other Middle-earth battles.  But I'm talking specifically about the War of the Ring, and you know what I mean.)  Gandalf works tirelessly to apprehend and thwart the enemy's plans:  he's everywhere at once, often researching copiously before making a move, brainstorming with trusted friends (or not so trusted friends, in some cases *cough* Saruman *cough*), swooping in at the last moment to save the day in a showstopper of a rescue more often than not (because he has a solid sense of Dramatic Effect, let's be honest.  In fact, I feel like Gandalf would really vibe with that tongue-in-cheek line in Taylor Swift's "End Game" when she says, "I swear I don't love the drama; it loves me").

Some of my favorite Gandalf moments, though, are the ones when we see him unguarded:  quiet and contemplative, old and bent, with a lonely, burdened look in his eyes, yet tempered with a youthful innocence and hope that just make me want to hug him.  He's the grandpa of Middle-earth, and what a banger of a job he does.   

(Plus, he loves and appreciates the lovely lad in spot #1, which demonstrates terrific judgment and which endears him to me even further. 😉)

#1.  Faramir

The man, the myth, the legend.  This guy's been my favorite since the first time I watched The Lord of the Rings, and he shows no signs of being unseated anytime soon.  I love my golden boy.

Honorable Mentions:

Este ("healer of hurts and of weariness . . . gray is her raiment, and rest is her gift" literally goals??)
Luthien ("she's an icon, she's a legend, and she is the moment — now, come on, now")
Eowyn (it's the civil disobedience for me ✋😭)
Frodo Baggins (you did good, kid; you did real good)
Tom Bombadil (faces the embodiment of evil and literally laughs in its face — icon behavior)
Bard (YOU 👏 LOOK 👏 AT 👏 ME 👏 😭)
Radagast (the pacifist counterpart to Beorn; another Middle-earth patron saint of animals)
Peregrin Took (a ray of sunshine and a courageous hero in his own right; read Ivy's post about him here)

Did my list surprise you at all?
Who are your favorite Middle-earth characters?


  1. I'm so pleased that you've rediscovered Beorn, aka our Canonically Ripped Vegetarian. This affords me great personal satisfaction.

    1. Thank you, thank you! I am, as well, very pleased to have rediscovered our Canonically Ripped Vegetarian.

  2. First, I absolutely love this idea and will probably be stealing it next year. XD

    I’m most surprised by how low Arwen is on this list! Mainly because I think of you when I think of Arwen...

    MERRY!!! <3 Thank you for giving him and Eomer some love. I LOVE that he's your favorite of the four hobbits.

    Mwahaha, the Funny Face picture. XD

    I LOVE the description of Gandalf as the grandpa of Middle-Earth. <3

    And Faramir. FARAMIR. One of my favorites from the books, too. I didn’t like what they did with him in the movies, but I haven’t seen the extended editions yet…

    1. Can't wait to read your list next year, Chloe!

      Listen, I'm just as confused as you are. xD Seriously, I went back and forth SO many times on the rankings for this list, and I'm still not satisfied with them.

      YES! Merry and Eomer are both just lovely. <3

      Yesh, my boy. <3 I'm one of the (apparently?) few who actually love Faramir just as much in the movies as in the books, but I understand why many don't.

  3. I need to reread the Hobbit and rediscover Beorn.

    I haven't read the books lately, so I don't know about all my ratings and how they would differ. But Eomer is my number #1 man, he'd be my choice of spouse, unless I was a hobbit, then I would marry Merry. Merry and Pippin, Aragorn, Gandalf, Bilbo, Arwen, Legolas, Arwen's brothers and the Dunedain (the movies really shorted us there). In the movies at least, Haldir.

    1. You definitely should! He's magnificent.

      Honestly, Eomer might be my choice of spouse as well, but like you, I'd probably marry Merry if I was a hobbit. Arwen's brothers are so cool!!

  4. YES YES YES thank you so much for this phenomenal post. I agree with Absolutely Everything Here. However, I feel like some other Wonderful Characters have been left out. For instance…
    Arwen’s brothers, Elladan and Elrohir, phenomenal twin terrors that they are.
    ARAGORN. Do not get me started on his Many Virtues, or you’ll be up all night. “Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised.” Need I say more?
    Haldir. How dare Peter Jackson kill him?!
    Tolkien’s just a genius. That’s all I’ve got to say.

    1. Thanks for commenting! Oh, believe me, I was keenly aware of all the wonderful characters left out, haha. Elladan and Elrohir are such a fun concept; I need to refresh my memory of their exploits.

      Fab characters, all!


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