My Top 10 "Beautiful" Movies

It's been a while since I did a "top ten" list, so today I thought I'd share with you darlin's a list of ten movies that I think are visually stunning.  By "beautiful," I don't necessarily mean that the movie is my favorite (though some of them are), but rather that it has gorgeous lighting, costuming, camera angles, etc., and how those elements all combine with the music to make a beautiful film.  A count-down, list, by the way, with the #1 movie being the most beautiful that I have personally ever seen.  (At least, until I decide that it's not, which, since I'm horribly indecisive and fickle, may be pretty soon.)  Here we go!:)

#10:  Brave (2012)

#9:  Broken Trail

#8:  One Night with the King

#7:  The Lord of the Rings

#6:  Cinderella (2015)

#5:  Sense and Sensibility (2008)

#4:  Pride and Prejudice (2005)

#3:  October Baby 

#2:  We Bought a Zoo

and #1 is…

… *drumroll* …

August Rush


  1. The scenery in Broken Trail is soooo beautiful! All the green grass and big skies and horses...*sigh* :-)

    And I love Pride and Prejudice. I don't care what anyone else thinks. I love it. *sticks nose in the air*

    Oh, I'd like to see We Bought a Zoo! Especially since I'm a bit of a Matt Damon fan. Have you seen True Grit, by the way? (Because if you have, we need to talk. ;-P)



    1. Isn't it, though? *sigh* All the perfections of that movie...

      Haha, yes, I do enjoy the '05 P&P:) Some things about it bother me a bit *ahem*, but the sentimental part of me, especially, quite likes it.

      Yes, watch We Bought a Zoo! Unless you get a version that has the alternate audio track (like mine), though, be prepared for a fair amount of language. I don't think there's anything worse than in Broken Trail, except that Jesus' name is taken in vain at least once. And there may be a G-d, but I can't really remember.

      YES. Let's talk True Grit, no?;) That movie. Is so great. The music is awesome, the acting is awesome...speaking of Matt Damon, are we supposed to ship Mattie and LaBoeuf? I'm never quite sure. He is sooo much older than her, but then there are times when it almost seems like they're supposed to "be a thing." Anyway, yes. I've seen it and REALLY liked it. A lot;)


      Oh my goodness! I've watched it three times and it's been my favorite western since pretty much the first. ;-) Right up there with Lonesome Dove. I love the refreshing simplicity of it, and the strong storyline and characters. Mattie Ross is basically my favorite heroine in literature.

      Have you read the book? It's one of the best works of literature ever, in my opinion. And the movie is spot-on, capturing all the most important elements of the book. Hailee Steinfeld IS Mattie Ross. And Jeff Bridges, well...let's just say everyone was spectacularly accurate!

      Ehhh, I never thought that about Mr. LaBoeuf and Mattie. I do really like it how he doesn't take her seriously at first, but then he realizes how tough she actually is and starts to respect her for it.



      I think I might actually rewatch it today--it's been awhile and this is rekindling a desire to see it again;)

      I've never read the book, but I shall look into it! Oh my gosh, yes, the casting was awesome. I know I have to watch the original John Wayne one eventually, but I find it slightly hard to believe that there was a Rooster Cogburn before Jeff Bridges;)

      I'd never really thought about it either until the last time I watched it, and then I was thinking, " I missing something?" That scene in her room though: *pulls back jacket to show off badge* "I'm a Texas Ranger."

  2. I have seen most of these movies and say that they are all so beautiful and amazing. Especially LOTR, my favorite.. ;)

    1. Yes, aren't they? *happy sigh* LOTR FOREVER. Yes indeed:D

  3. I LOVE this post idea! Do you mind if I steal it, perhaps, one day? :-)

    Cinderella. I STILL haven't seen it yet, but I would put that on my list because I've seen pictures and I've fallen SO in luuurve.
    I have to admit I really do not (and by that I really mean NOT) like P&P05, although the scenery is pretty. I just find the way they made it too dewy and modern-feelsy with all those special effects and angles and stuff like that. Sometimes they just had showings of landscapes for relaxing minutes and then they suddenly went ahead and rushed the story. It's like: rushrushrush aaaand then... slow scenery and romantic Keira-Knightley-eyes and then rushrushrush again. I just want to enjoy the story of Pride and Prejudice. :-) But the scenery is quite pretty. Now and then. :-P (Yeah, I'm not a big fan. Soary.)
    Sense and Sensibility 2008's scenery is GORGEOUS. It's so windy and shell-like and green and grey. :-) I love the seaside in general.

    Thanks for the lovely post!

    ~ Naomi

    1. Not at all; I'd love to read about your top ten beauties!:D

      Yes, Cinderella is adorable. So. Cute. And beautiful, of course!;)

      Haha, I go back and forth on '05 myself. There are things I like and things I don't like. (Such as that part after Darcy proposes the first time, and they take five minutes to see Lizzy moping around the Collinses' house. ???) But I think the scenery, music, and lighting/camera angles are gorgeous, even if they're a bit too modern for P&P:)

      Isn't it, though?! Oh my goodness. I love the shots they have of the tide coming in and going out over those lovely dark pebbles...*sigh*

  4. Some of my favorites on this list are October Baby (I love that movie sooooo much), S&S '08 (need. to. watch. it. again.), and P&P '05 although I will be a '95 diehard fan forever and ever. The main things I like about the '05 is the music, the beautiful sweeping shots and all that, the music, and......that's all I can think of right now. :) I own it but haven't watched it in a long time.
    And Cinderella......I am DYING to see it!!!!!!!

    1. Oh my word, isn't October Baby stunning? Wow.

      Oh, I know! I love P&P '95, but I do think that '05 is technically a more beautiful movie in that sense of the word;)

      I can't wait till you watch Cinderella. We're gonna fangirl;)

    2. Yeeeeesss. Not only is it beautiful, but it's heartbreakingly beautiful, much like that one scene we discussed...
      AhEM. We won't go there.
      Yes!! I can't wait to see it. :) :)

    3. Hem, yes, that one scene that totally breaks your heart but makes you happy at the same time...
      Eeeek, you're gonna love it:)

  5. I haven't seen some of those movies, but the ones I have seen on your list, I agree! Have you ever seen The Forbidden Kingdom? There are parts in that movie that are beautiful!

    1. I haven't ever seen The Forbidden Kingdom, but it sounds cool! What's it about? I'll have to look it up:)

    2. Oh my, you definitely NEED to see it. It is a combination of kung foo and a fairy tale (in my opinion at least). It is one of my favorite movies. A lot of it takes place in beautiful parts of Japan. You really have to see it. Both my daughters love this movie, too. I'm pretty sure you would love it.

    3. Awesome! I'll definitely need to check it out:D

  6. I've seen 10, 7, 6, and 4, and I really want to see a few of the others (especially We Bought a Zoo and One Night with the King). The ones I've seen are definitely gorgeous!

    1. Aren't they?! Ooh, you should definitely watch WBAZ and ONWTK. They're incredible! And they both have great music, especially the latter, so that's a plus;)

    2. I actually bought ONWTK a while back, but I haven't watched it yet. YET! I will.

    3. Ooh, well, I'm glad you have it!;)

  7. I LOVE The Lord of the Rings!!!!! And I really want to see Brave (I ADORE the song Touch the Sky), the 2008 Sense & Sensibility, One Night with the King and Cinderella. Did you know that 'Denethor' plays one of the bad guys in One Night with the King?

    1. LotR, world without end, amen:D
      I love Touch the Sky, too! That scene is quite exhilarating. Yes, you must watch all of those! Ha, yes, I did know that, and it makes it difficult for me to stomach that bad guy, either. XD

  8. I just got to see "August Rush" for this first time this last week. It was very sweet. Really loved John Rhys Meyers in it, but I quite like him in everything I see him in. And Robin Williams was just perfect.

    And it certainly doesn't get more visually beautiful than LotR! That's for sure!

    1. Finally, someone else who's seen August Rush!! Isn't it great? It took awhile to grow on me, but eventually it did:D Yes, I think the actors were all great.

      No, LotR is incredible indeed!:)

  9. I loved loved loved Lord of the Rings and Brave!! Very beautiful, and I wanted to live there possibly forever (possibly in Lothlorien or Rivendell....or Gondor)

    1. Aren't they great, Brittany?! Oh, I definitely wanted/want to live in Rivendell!!!


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