New Look?

So…whaddya guys think of the new look I'm trying?  I'll be fiddling around with it over the next couple of days, but some input would be helpful!  I know I changed my look not too long ago, but I kind of wanted something a little more springy and cheery.

Thoughts?  Advice?  Is there too much going on with the background?  Thanks!:)


  1. That is a very big change from your other one! It looks more bright and cheery.

    1. Yep, I was getting a little tired of the black and white;)

  2. Oh my wordy! Very profesh and distinguished-looking! Well done.

    Well, the background might be a teeny bit distracting as it doesn't match the width of your blog. I don't really mind though, the salmon-coloured flower is gorgeous. :-)

    1. Thank you!

      Gotcha. I think, based on the input I've received, I'll just stick with a simpler blogger design:)

  3. Oh my gosh! I love it! :-) The background is adorable, though like Naomi said, it could be a tiny bit distracting since it's not quite lined up. But I think you've done very well!

    I don't mind a change in your blog look so soon (says the girl who changes hers every other month). ;-P I loved your black and white theme, but this is much springier and happier. :-)

    1. Daww, thanks!

      Heehee, thanks - for the record, I don't mind that you change yours so often, either;)

  4. By the way, I took the Audrey Hepburn quiz too and got Breakfast at Tiffany's Audrey. I've never seen the movie, so I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. ;-P

    1. Oh, fun! Well, I've only seen part of it, so I couldn't really tell you:P But from what I remember, Audrey's character at least was quite sophisticated and kind:)

  5. This is so cute! Although I have to admit I adored your other look.
    Your header is soooo pretty. And, I have to agree with Naomi, the background is a little distracting but it's so cute, so I guess it's your call. :) I love the color of it!!

    1. Thanks! Oh, I liked it too--I just want something a bit springier for right now. I might bring back the black and white later, like possibly in the fall/winter?
      Thank you! :D

  6. The background might be a little big, but hey, have fun with it!

    BTW: Your name is so pretty! I love how elegant it is and whenever I hear it I always think of Olivia de Haviland and Livy in The Magic of Ordinary Days (the movie). Two very lovely things in my mind! :)

    1. Yup, I'll be experimenting with the background, most likely:D

      Aww, thank you so much!! Ah, yes, those are two lovely women, aren't they?

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you! That's what I was going for, so yay:D

  8. My only quibble is that whenever I hover my mouse over a link, it totally disappears. Other than that, very spring-ful!

    1. Ah, yes, I'd noticed that too. I've fixed it now:)


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