Yet Another Humongous Tag Post, Part I

** EDIT ** Apparently, I initially marked George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four as read, but I have only started it. So, really, I have read 19 of these books, not 20, and have started 6. My bad. :-P So, I'm behind on tags again (shocker), and I was planning to have another huge post, but . . . I think it'd actually be too long, this time, to fill out all the tags in one post. Ergo the "Part I" addendum to the title. Thank you so much to the two lovely ladies whose tags I will be filling out in this first edition! Y'all rock. <3 Let's get started! ~ The "100 Books the BBC Think Most People Haven't Read More than 6 of" Tag ~ (courtesy of MovieCritic) Rules: 1. Be honest. 2. Put an asterisk next to the ones you have read all the way through. Put an addition sign next to the ones you have started. 3. Tag as many people as these books that you have read. Here we go! *cue all the aesthetic book pictures* B...