wordless wednesday / / collages

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  1. Beautiful. I especially love the Little Women edit. :)

    1. Isn't it <3, Evangeline?! (And hey, look, you're using your real name! :D)

  2. Those are gorgeous! I was having a hard morning and now I am smiling, so thank you. :) Also I love love love the Leverage collage especially--the way the characters are sad first and then happy. It's a great reminder of the way they lift each other up.

    1. Awww, Art3mis! I'm so glad they were a pick-me-up for you! And thank you for sharing that; it made me happy. :) I KNOW I KNOW RIGHT. SO STINKING PERFECT. <3 <3 <3 (Also, you've seen Leverage!! Let's fangirl. :D)

    2. YES LET'S. Although tbh I've only seen Season 1, since I got sucked into the Marvel tv show section of Netflix and it has not yet let me go. *crazed laughter* I love Eliot and Hardison's bantering buddy relationship, and Parker's character development from a damaged orphan to someone who has emotions and protects other people, and the fact that all the members of the team called Sophie for help in that one episode but they didn't want to admit it...all in all the characters are adorable and they make up for a rather cheesy plot. :D

      And a random story: when I was on a plane ride with my friend I told her that I pretty much have the same hairstyle as Eliot and she laughed so hard that our moms told us to be quiet and stop disturbing everyone. xD

  3. Aww Robin and Marian! and ELIOT AND PARKER AND HARDISON. All these are making my heart melt right now <3

  4. My thoughts while scrolling through this post:

    - aw they kinda cute
    - Dawn Treader!! *squeals*
    - More Narnia yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas
    - don't know who they are but they kinda cute
    - nice pink flowers
    - oh that's the funny movie about the twins
    - dang I need to watch N&S
    - those people look saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
    - Sound of Music! Yeah!!!
    - idk what this is
    - Little Women?? maybe?
    - More Sound of Music!
    - <33333333333333333333333333333

    Basically :-)

    1. Eeeeeek, THANKS, JESSICA! Your picture-by-picture commentary made me too happy. Thank you. :)

      (And yes, you need to watch N&S, and yes, HUNCHBACK, and yes, the movie about the twins! I love that movie! And yep, that was LW. And I, too, close with <33333333333333333333333333333333333333 :))

  5. Aghaghaghhhhhh!!! All the pretttyyyy!!!

  6. *GASP*

    ALL THE PRETTIES. <3 <3 <3

    Also, I have a soft spot for "The Parent Trap". Kinda sorta likea really love that movie. :D

    Oh, and ALSO, have you seen that Phantom of the Opera movie?? What was it like??

    1. MISS MARCH!

      YOU LIKE THE LINDSAY LOHAN PARENT TRAP, TOO?!?! Ach, thank the Lord! I feel like you're one of the only people I've met who also prefers the LL to the Hayley Mills version!! <3 <3 (I've watched part of the HM version, and I plan to finish it. It IS good, but . . . the LL will always be MY Parent Trap. :) LET'S FANGIRL 'CAUSE THE MOVIE IS LEGIT ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS.)

      And I have indeed seen that PotO movie! It's good! I prefer the 25th Anniversary Concert at the Royal Albert Hall (*realizes how pretentious that sounds*), but I also really like the movie. It's NOT as bad as some blogger reviewers have made it out to be (naming no names *ahem*). I actually did a comparison between these two versions of PotO (you can find it on my Reviews page, all the way down under 'Comparisons', if you're interested :)).

  7. Oooohh!! All of them are stunning! Did you make them? <3 Love it!

    1. Aren't they?! Oh, bless you, no -- I wish! ;)

  8. Ahhh these are all so beautiful...Ross and Demelza...Aslan's Country...Robin and Marian....the golden Sound of Music one...BUT ALL OF THEM, REALLY.

    I may or may not have stolen a bunch of these. ;)

    1. Natalie, squeeee, aren't they?!

      Haha, steal away. ;D

  9. Agghhh yes to all the Pinterest gorgeousness. The Sound of Music. And North and South. And my heart burst at the Little Women one.

    Not to mention Narnia. YES.

    1. Abigail, YAASSS PREACH. *fist pump*

      (Also, okay, so I'm re-reading/listening to The Chronicles of N., and WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK. HOW ARE THEY SO AMAZING.)

    2. RIGHT???? I'm constantly blown away by them. Constantly. My love for that series knows no bounds.

  10. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You included Voyage of the Dawn Treader ones, Sound of Music ones, a Hunchback of Notre Dame one, a Little Women one, and a Robin Hood one!!!!!!! *hugs* So prettu, definitely made my day.


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