My Top Ten Non-Disney/Pixar Animated Movies

OKAY. So, the title is pretty self-explanatory. And, as you might expect if you know me well at all, I agonized over the exact rankings of each movie to a perfectly ridiculous extent, and even now, if I study them much more, I might come to different conclusions. But I've tried. :-P

Also, yes, three of these are Barbie movies. JUDGE ME IF YOU DARE.

[Really hope I didn't forget any. :-P (Titles linked to a related post where applicable.)]

#10. Rango (2011)

"You're cuddlin' me."

As I have a review of this one, I won't say that much about it, but I really love it. IT'S SO FUNNY. ;) Seriously one of the wackiest, cleverest movies I've seen.

#9. Barbie as the Island Princess (2007)

OKAY SO I KNOW IT'S A STUPID MOVIE BUT I. DON'T. CARE., FAM. :-P I know the song lyrics are cheesy, but I love them. They make me really happy. :) Especially "I Need to Know" and that lullaby. And the villainess is fun and the prince is nice and her animal friends are so fun, except for Tika. I'm sorry, but SHE'S SO ANNOYING. (I mean, she's an animated elephant in a Barbie movie, so what did I expect, but still. :-P)

#8. Ice Age {1 & 3} (2002 & 2009)

Yep, I'm counting both the first and the third movies as one, for the purposes of this post. I think I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves. :-P

Basically #childhood. That is, the first one is #childhood, but I really love the third one, too, because Buck. (Actually tbh I like them all, progressively worse though they have been.)

#7. Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus (2005)

AIDAN. (Or "Aiden," whichever it is.)

That is all.  

{I mean, I like other things about the movie, too, but seriously, Aidan and Annika have actual #sass. [Also Cloud Kingdom is pretty. (And this picture down here makes me happy.)]}

#6. Balto (1995)



[As with most of the movies in this post, I have Great Childhood Nostalgia connected with this film. (Plus it's just like objectively amazing.) Also, I have actually SEEN, with mine own two eyeballs, the Balto statue in Central Park. Just sayin'.]

#5. The Prince of Egypt (1998)

Your argument is invalid.

ASKLAHDFGKLAHDKGOLASFHJ *hyperventilates and chokes and clutches throat and makes The General Inarticulate Noises of the Fangirl* THIS MOVIE. HOW IS IT SO GOOD. I DON'T UNDERSTAND.

Fun fact: "When You Believe" is one of my Favorite Songs Ever. It nearly makes me cry. It was one of the songs that really helped me through a pretty dark time a while back, and it will always mean a lot to me in my walk with the LORD. :)


#4. Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper  (2004)

This says it all.

(But also PREMINGER and the two different couples *smilessss* and yes, the music and JUST EVERYTHING.)

I honestly feel guilty about putting this in third place, because IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME and for a while there, when I was younger, it was my favorite movie ever. And the intro is literally one of my Biggest Fangirl Things. BUT, the movie in spot #2 is technically the one that I'm more likely to watch all the way through now. So. (To my brothers who grew up with this movie as well and to whom I'd probably look like a traitor if they read this post, I'm sorry.) 


But anyway! This movie. Well, I've linked to my review of it, so I suggest you go read that if you want more of my crazed, excessive ranting thoughts on this one. :)

But seriously go watch it -- if you can appreciate animal movies *pointed looks at those of you who can't* (not really) -- because it's amazing and beautiful. 

#2. Anastasia (1997)



*is happy just thinking about it*

And coming in at first place is . . .


The Swan Princess (1994)


I don't know exactly what to say about it.  It's beautiful, whimsical, delightfully fairytale-ish, musical, fun, nostalgic, and lovely.   Sometimes 'tis difficult for me to express why my feelings on certain stories are the way that they are. :-P  (But I've actually got a review of this one in draft, so . . . I hope that gets done sometime.)  In a nutshell, yes, I love this movie. :)

(Seriously the opening Does Things to me every time and the rest of the movie does too.  ALL THE HEARTS.<3 <3 <3)

[And there's Jean-Bob and Speed ("Mr. Lorenzo Trudgealong") and Puffin and Uberta and Rothbart and Rogers and everyone. <3 <3 <3]

[You should know, though, that it's V.E.R.Y. cheesy.  And pretty shallow.  (The humor might redeem the cheesiness for some people -- it does for me -- but then again it might not.)  So, y'know, if you haven't grown up with it and loved it (as I have) . . . I just don't want someone to see this here and go, "Oh, this is Olivia's favorite non-Disney movie ever, it must be really good," and then watch it and be like, "What."  'Cause that, as Basil Stag Hare would say, would be "perishin' awkward."]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

What are some of your favorite non-Disney/Pixar movies?
(Or your favorite Disney/Pixar movies.  Either one. :-P)


  1. I WILL NEVER JUDGE YOU. You just make me want to watch said Barbie movies again. :D

    AHHH BARBIE AS THE ISLAND PRINCESS. AFTER HOWEVER MANY YEARS IT'S BEEN (10??) I STILL HAVE THAT SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD. "Here on my island the waves say hello..." Or something like that. (It's the tune more than the words. :P)

    Ice Aggggeee. Yes.

    Awww. Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus. I saw that AND I had the doll. :D #realfan (totally joking) I might still have the doll, actually. I probably do. (*whispers* I don't really get rid of childhood toys. If I need an excuse, I blame Toy Story. :P)

    I have never seen Balto.


    I feel like I should. *nods*


    The Princess and the Pauper was one of my absolute FAVORITES. I had the doll. Well, one of the dolls. What's her name. The blonde. I should know thiiiiisss. Umm. OH! Annelise! Right. :P (PREMINGER EWWWW.)

    RIIIIGHT?? Spirit was like one of my #1 favorite movies for awhile, too. I loved it so much. We are so similar. Ever notice that? (Also, this is really sappy but what with September 24th fastly approaching I MISS YOU TONS. How has it already been a year????)

    ANASTASIA IS FOREVER AND EVER HANDS DOWN MY FAVORITE NON-DISNEY ANIMATED MOVIE WORLD WITHOUT END. (Wait, dang it. There's "How to Train Your Dragon"....well, I may need to put more thought into this. Hmmm.)

    Awwwwwwwwww. I gotta say, when I re-watched "The Swan Princess" not too long ago, it didn't hit me the way it did when I was younger. Some parts were a leetle weird. :P But it was still good because it was my childhood and nolstagia and yeah.
    (I remember loving it SO much at one know, I went through my phases of "favorite movie at this moment" when I was a kid just like I do now. Huh. Maybe that's super obvious, but it just kind of hit me. And yet, when a new movie "took it's place" I didn't lose my love for the "old" just wasn't the glittery new favorite anymore. Again, like now. Okay, I'll stop rambling...)

    This was a very, very fun post. :D

    1. THANK YOU MY FRIEND. (Yesssss. You should rewatch said Barbie movies. :))

      Hahahahaha, I so relate. "How do I still have that song in my head?!" #life ;) Haha, yes, "Here on my island the sea says hello -- dolphins are waving wherever I go --" :D

      Ice Age forever. <3

      Haha, yeah, Toy Story will sure make it difficult to throw away childhood toys. ;)

      YES. YES, YOU ARE CORRECT. YOU SHOULD WATCH BALTO. (Although, of course, I can't guarantee that it will blow you away as it does me, since I grew up with it and I have all that nostalgia. You know. But you should still try it. :D)


      Isn't Princess and the Pauper the BEST?!?!?! Ahh, lucky! I love the merchandise they advertise on the DVD. :) (Heehee, I like Preminger just because I like the actor who voices him, and his villain song is really fun. :D)

      YES I'VE NOTICED. <3 (Oh my gosh for real though I legit miss you like a whole freaking lot right now. Oh my word. YES EXACTLY. How has it already been a year?! Okay believe it or not I actually had a dream recently that we were visiting again. :') That sounds a bit creepy, but FOR REALLLLL. Miss you tons, dearie. <3 <3 <3 *bear hugs*)

      ANASTASIA IS THE BEST AMEN AND AMEN. IT IS FANTASTIC. (Haha, "Wait, dang it. There's . . . " << Okay but that's me whenever I try to compile a list of favorite anythings. :-P)

      Oh, I so know what you mean! Going through "favorite movie at this moment" phases/going through the same thing now . . . absolutely! And yeah, that's how it happens sometimes -- revisiting movies/books for the first time in a while and them not being quite so affecting as they used to be. But that's okay! We can still appreciate them, right? :D

      This was a very, very fun comment and made me very happy. So thank you! :D

    2. I will definitely try to find Balto and give it a try sometime. :D

      SAME, GIRL, SAME. I miss you so so so much times a million. <3 It's just not fair that it's already been a year since that glorious weekend. Someone should stop time or something. :P (But then we wouldn't be able to move forward to the day we can hopefully meet again so...yeah.) NO THAT DREAM SOUNDS AWESOME. I'm pretty sure I've had similar dreams, though not recently. LET'S MAKE IT A REALITY SOMEDAY SOON, OKAY? *bear hugs* <3 <3 <3

      We can DEFINITELY still appreciate them. For instance, I used to be a complete Star Wars geek when I was like 10 years old. :P I still love the movies and have such special nostalgia for everything related to the franchise. But I don't fangirl over everything like I used to. ;)

      Awww I'm so glad!!! :D

    3. Yes, do. :D

      OKAY YAY I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE. <333333 YES, amen, we definitely need to make it happen soon!!! *bear hugs*

      Oh, and by the way, I re-watched "How to Train Your Dragon" recently! OH MY GOSH IT WAS SO MUCH CUTER AND MORE AMAZING THAN I REMEMBERED. :') I've been wanting to re-watch it AGAIN ever since re-watching it -- experiencing a touch of movie hangover, I suppose! ;)

      Yeah! Heehee, I'm still a fairly big SW geek, but I definitely know what you mean -- I'm pretty confident I have similar fandoms that used to be HUGE deals to me, that aren't my absolute favorites anymore, but that are still very special. :)

  2. Two words: Barbie Movies. They're amazing. "I need to know" and the lullaby. Yes, Tika is pretty annoying. Like seriously, why are you so jealous? Aiden and Annika. "Ollie like lunch." Princess and the Pauper. Probably one of my all time favourite Barbie movies. The songs, the characters. How could I refuse to watch it?

    Anastasia and Balto and Spirit and Ice Age (in no particular order). Some I've watched more times than others, but they are so wonderful. SQUEEE

    Rango, The Prince of Egypt, and The Swan Princess I actually haven't seen, but I should.

    Wonderful post about wonderful movies.


    1. Kendra, RIIIIGHT?! They are indeed amazing and SOME people need to appreciate them more. *ahem* ;) Haha, "Ollie like lunch." Yes! Princess and the Pauper might be my all-time favorite Barbie movie, too! But I don't know . . . I love so many of them so much . . . (And I just picked up two of my favorites at Goodwill recently! I was happy. :D)

      OH MY GOSH. THE PUN YOU MADE WITH THAT JOKE. "How could I refuse to watch it?" << You ARE clever. ;D

      "SQUEEE" is exactly the correct reaction to practically all these movies. :)

      Oh my goodness, you definitely should! The Prince of Egypt is just incredible, and I'm so very fond of The Swan Princess. Rango is wonderful if you're into really wacky, hilarious Westerns.

      Aww, thank you, Kendra! I really enjoyed your comment. :)


    It made me ridiculously happy that someone other than me still has a soft spot for old Barbie movies. <33 AND YOU LISTED SOME OF MY FAAAAVES. *clutches heart* Granted, it's been ages since I've watched any of them, but I was really obsessed with the Island Princess movie. Like. Really. Obsessed. I had the doll (probably still do?), named one of my stuffed animals after Sagi, the red panda...and watched the movie on repeat. Hehe. :P Gotta be honest, "I Need to Know" STILL loops through my head at random times. XD

    *makes incoherent squealing sounds because BALTO* :D :D :D (I just love this movie so much.) I watched it again for the first time in about seven years, and's even better than I remembered. :')

    SPIRIT. I loved that movie as a kid!! Again, haven't seen it in forever (seeing a trend here?), but I had a Bit of a Thing for it when I was a youngling.

    How did I know Anastasia would be on your list? *wink, wink* I have rather complicated feelings on this one...I was simultaneously terrified and enthralled by the movie as a kid. All the curses/demons/creepy magic stuff is...unsettling to me. XD BUT BUT BUT. The characters!! And the sass!! And the humor!! ME LOVES IT. Like I said, complicated feelings on this, even after rewatching it for the first time in about ten years.

    LOVED THIS POST, MY DARLING. It brought back so much nostalgia. <3

    1. Okay, Mary, your summary of a soft spot for old Barbie movies is SO. ACCURATE. It makes me happy that others have them, too! :D I know, right?! "I Need to Know" is just one of those songs. ;D

      OH MY GOSH YOU KNOW BALTO GAAAHHHH *tackles you* (I mean, I think I knew that, but I'd forgotten it.) I KNOW, RIGHT. Rewatching it is amazing. :') (MARY. THE PART WITH THE WOLF AND THE NORTHERN LIGHTS.)

      Haha, I know all about having a Bit of a Thing for movies . . . ;)

      Heehee! Oh, hey, when I FIRST watched it -- actually probably the first couple times I watched it -- I was like "Nope nope." Waaaaaayyy too creepy and demon-batty for me. But . . . I don't know, I guess my feelings just took a drastic turn when I re-watched it several years later? I think Bartok helped a lot for me, with Rasputin, who was like legit terrifying. (And still is, if you think about it.) Because Bartok is just SO FLIPPING AWESOME. I mean, his LINES! "Stress. Eet's a keeler, sir. My nephew Lenny, he just keeled over one day, mid-mango." xD And now, I'll confess, I find Rasputin's villain song kind of fun. WHICH DISTURBS ME. Because why though?! Anyway. YES YES YES, the characters and the sass and the EVERYTHING.

      Daww, thank you, my love! I really loved your comment; I had a feeling we'd have mutual faves to discuss. :D

    2. Okay, good, because I thought my college friends and I were the only ones who thought Rasputin's "In the Dark of the Night" song was severely sing-able.

    3. Hamlette, OKAY FOR REAL THOUGH. I mean, as I said, it's kind of a new development, but . . . a wholehearted one, indeed. It's soooo "severely sing-able"!

  4. I love that Spirit made it onto your list. Random story--it was one of my favorite childhood movies, and apparently one time when mini me was watching it with headphones on one of those clunky old DVD players on the airplane, I decided to yell "THE EAGLE IS THE HORSE'S FRIEND!" at my dad. xD You inspired me to watch it again because it's been forever and a day.

    Oh, and my favorite non-Disney/Pixar movies are definitely VeggieTales and any of the old Muppet movies. :D

    Speaking of Anastasia (awesome movie, by the way), have you listened to Peter and Evynne Hollens' acapella cover of the credits song? It's gorgeous and there are costumes! <3

    1. OH MY GOSH GIRLFRIEND TOTALLY WITH YOU ON THE "SPIRIT" LOVE. Haha! That story is awesome. XD "THE EAGLE IS THE HORSE'S FRIEND!" xD And ohhhh, "those clunky old DVD players." I actually have one of those, that my grandfather loaned to me! It's quite temperamental and doesn't play DVDs from 20th Century Fox, but it's seen me through many a minor sickness. :)\

      Ahh, VeggieTales! I actually haven't seen a ton of those, but I LOVE the "Lord of the Beans" spoof and I have Fond Memories of the Jonah one. :) And one of our "family favorites" was the Muppet Christmas Carol! :D Which VeggieTales/Muppet movies are your favorites? :)

      ER MAH GERSH ANASTASIA YASS. Ohhh, I just now got into the credits song (I guess I never really listened to it before?), and I really like Peter Hollens, so I will definitely have to try that out!

      *watches it* Oh, I like ittttt!!! The preciouses. :D (And now I'm watching the acapella version. We'll see which one I like better!) Thanks for the recommendation!

  5. Aww, gosh, I haven't actually seen ANY of these!! No, wait... I think I saw Ice Age once ages ago, and Spirit, but I don't remember them very well. (I don't think they made a big impression. :P *ahem*)

    I'm not CRAZY about cartoons (I do love a really good one though!), but if there are any here I'd really like to watch, it'd be "Anastasia". Only because I've recently discovered that it opened on Broadway and I've been listening to the soundtrack and learning some songs and watching backstage things and EEEKKK IT LOOKS SO GOOD. So now I want to watch it. :D

    My favourite animated movie of all time (regardless of whether it's Pixar/Disney/not at all) is The Adventures of TinTin: The Secret of the Unicorn. GAAAHHHH. I love it SO much.

    1. Aw! That's too bad. :-P But it's all good. ;D

      Hey, that's fair! My mom's not very big on them, either. OH MY GOSH WHEN I LEARNED IT WAS COMING TO BROADWAY. :') From what I can tell, it seems like they've changed it from the animated version a good bit, which makes me just the teensiest bit disappointed, BUT they've kept in the main points, so that's the biggest thing. :D I've listened to a few of the new songs; they're really good! (Also, I've watched a few interview videos with Derek Klena and, um . . . I'm a little in love. *ahem* But also Christy Altomare is SO STINKING PRECIOUS I just can't. :D) Watch it! (But like I said, it's a little different -- no Rasputin in the Broadway show, heh.)

      Ohhh, I've seen an "Adventures of TinTin" movie! I'm not sure which one it was, but it was monstrously clever. :D

  6. RANGO! Why do I forget Rango when I'm listing off favorite animated movies? Probably because I've shelved it with my westerns, not with the kids movies. I may have to switch its location on my shelves. Totally dig Rango.

    And I adore Anastasia.

    1. Eeeeee, I re-watched Rango a couple times recently. And it's SO GOOD. It actually makes me happy. :) (I think, if ever we get to visit at one of our houses, we should try to watch that one -- what say you? :)) Yeah, it's not really a kids movie, is it? So fabulous, though. :)



    (I love Ice Age. XD Sid is the best.)
    Also Prince of Egypt is my fav animated movie of ever!!! (right next to Treasure Planet)

    1. EVANGELINE I THINK YOU'D LIKE IT. (I mean, like I said, you have to prepare yourself for its being Rather Cheesy, but 'tis very good, nonetheless. :))

      (SID FOREVER. "You're a very shrewd mammal." "Ah! A dandelion!")

      PRINCE OF EGYPT YIIISSSS. (We've talked. ;)) Oh my goodness I need to watch Treasure Planet STAT.

  8. I enjoy the Ice Age movies (they are all rather scrambled in my head); so many hilarious lines. I didn't know they weren't Disney/Pixar. I don't exactly pay attention.

    My sisters and I enjoy Anastasia and Swan Princess. The music! And some really funny lines, particularly the latter movie.

    1. Livia, yes, the Ice Age movies are so wonderful!!

      Oh my goodness, SAAAAME. The Swan Princess has some fabulous lines, too -- "What do you sink I was doing with zee flowers and zee alligators going 'Chomp, chomp'?" xD "Acknowledge -- ACKNOWLEDGE!"

  9. Dude, Barbie movies were my life as a kid! And those were some of my favorites :D ("Princess and the Pauper" was a big deal because it was the first time that there were two princesses, so my sister and I were very excited xD We had the matching dolls and everything.)
    But Prince of Egypt is amazing and Anastasia is great and this is a really great post :D

    ~ Abby {}

    1. Abigail, right?!?! (Aww, did you really?! That's so awesome. :D One of my sisters had the Barbie doll for Barbie and The Nutcracker, and the book, and a Christmas tree ornament. I still love those. :D)

      YAAASSS agreed and aww, thanks so much! Really appreciate you stopping by! :D

  10. I love the Barbie movies when I was a kid! They were beautiful, and I LOVE THE SWAN PRINCESS AND ODETTE and I loved Anastasia!!!

    1. Brittany, LITERALLY ME. Oh my goodness, I love TSP and Odette TOOOOOO. :D Thank you so much for the comment!

  11. While i was surprised, I would never judge you for liking Barbie movies. Goodness knows I owned all of them until just up to a couple years ago. Now, movie by movie, i find myself mostly conquering on your list :D
    Swan Princess--I also love the movie for nostalgia reasons. And youre correct, the comedy is gold!
    Anastia--ahh, yess, i watched that again just this past April will a friend. It still makes me warm inside <3
    Spirit--I've actually never seen that one, but it looks good.
    Barbie Princess/Pauper--Ha, i remember that one well :)
    Prince of Egypt-- YESSSSS. I would watch this over and over again! I havent seen it in almost two years, i really need to again.
    Balto-- I've seen numerous clips of this on youtube, and therefor get the gist, but again, never fully seen it. I shall add it to my "to watch" list.
    Barbie Magic/Pegasus--This is actually what got me in to horses for awhile, until I later watched the premier of MLP;FiM. I was hooked.
    Ice Age 1&3--I have seen every movie installment in that series, and I agree that the third one is one of if not the best. I quite like the sea shanty from the fourth one though. Im not sure if its good or not but whenever i'd watch it as a kid thats what stuck out.
    Barbie Island Princess-- The lullaby was rather nice. (I think my favorite Barbie move was either Barbie and the Three Musketeers or Barbie and the Twelve Dancing Princesses)
    Rango--HECK. YES. As i said on your review, I simply adore Rango! It's hilarious and unique and bizarre and--ahh, yes!
    So overall, amazingly listed, and well written! Love your use of photos and gifs!

    1. Bekah, ahhh! You've seen most all of them! How fun. :D

      "It still makes me warm inside <3" << That's a perfect way of putting it. :)

      Oh, what is "MLP;FiM"? It sounds promising, but I couldn't figure out what it stood for. :-P

      Eee, yay! I'm so glad someone else likes the 3rd Ice Age, too!


      RANGO ALL THE YES! I'm so glad you love it, too. :)

      Thanks a bunch, m'dear! Aww, thanks, I had fun picking them out and captioning them, so I'm glad you liked them. :)

  12. Okay, I have written this comment out twice and accidentally deleted it twice. Opps. Anyway...

    I have seen 4 1/2. No, wait a minute, 5 1/2.

    (WARNING: There will be rants)

    10. Hm, I've never seen Rango 'cause it looked a little weird to me, but everyone else seems to like it. What is it about?

    9. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY SISTERS AND I LOVED THAT MOVIE!!!!! (I still do, but I don't know about my sisters...) And my mom hated all the Barbie movies. But we didn't care, we still watched it. *mwahaha* I love the songs, and I love the characters and everything. I haven't seen it in years though.

    8. Here is where the 1/2 comes in. I have only seen Ice Age 1, but it is pretty funny. Manny is the best. My sister loves Syd though.

    7. My sisters and I had/have (hm, I need to go check, as I said my mom hates all the Barbie stuff, so we might not have it any more) a book of this that was based on the movie. My sister had seen the movie and said it was nothing like the book. Boom, it's what made me a critic.

    6. I have seen advertisments for this, and it looks so amazingly good! I mean, you can't go wrong with a dog/wolf movie!!

    5. :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE MOVIES EVER. The songs are so amazing, the animation is so amazing, just it is... :O :O :O :O :O :O.

    4. What!!?? I have only seen the Wishbone version (Have you seen Wishbone, as I said you can't go wrong with a dog movie...) of the Prince and the Pauper, but a Barbie version... :O. My sister's and my favorite Barbie movie ever was the one with the girl in the mirror (I'm sorry, I can't remember the title), we loved it to pieces.

    3. SPIRIT HORSE!!!!!!!!!! My sisters and I watched this movie everytime we visited these friends. We never got tired of it.

    2. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3!!!! I love this movie!!!! (Okay, it might be because Anastasia is a special name to me *couchmycoughmiddlecoughnamecough*) Anyway, my sisters and I quote this movie all. the. time. And my dad had never seen it and he was always wondering where in the world all these quotes were from and so we showed it to him. I think he liked it but he won't say so. But, you forgot to mention the best character...BARTOK! "Wow! I tell you what, wow!" He is the cutest bat EVER!!! "Is this the face of a bat who would lie to you?" "What ever happened to the party?" Okay, ranting for this movie over.

    1. So, for as long as I can remember I have heard of this movie and I wanted to see it so badly, so when I saw it on here as the number 1, I went to YouTube and watched it. That's why it took me a while to comment (that and sleeping, eatting, working, deleting comments, and finishing TLOR for the first time. Just the usual stuff.) that is what makes the 4 turn into 5. AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so much more amazingly beautiful then I imagined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Odette was the best character ever, and Derek learned a lesson, and the other guy's arrow slew the beast, and the frog is the funniest character ever, and the puffin is excellent, and Speed really can go fast, and I was so sad when William.. :'(, and the creepy guy was so creepy. Wow, what an amazing movie!!!

    Anyway, I'll chat later!

  13. Okay, I have written this comment out twice and accidentally deleted it twice. Opps. Anyway...

    I have seen 4 1/2. No, wait a minute, 5 1/2.

    (WARNING: There will be rants)

    10. Hm, I've never seen Rango 'cause it looked a little weird to me, but everyone else seems to like it. What is it about?

    9. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY SISTERS AND I LOVED THAT MOVIE!!!!! (I still do, but I don't know about my sisters...) And my mom hated all the Barbie movies. But we didn't care, we still watched it. *mwahaha* I love the songs, and I love the characters and everything. I haven't seen it in years though.

    8. Here is where the 1/2 comes in. I have only seen Ice Age 1, but it is pretty funny. Manny is the best. My sister loves Syd though.

    7. My sisters and I had/have (hm, I need to go check, as I said my mom hates all the Barbie stuff, so we might not have it any more) a book of this that was based on the movie. My sister had seen the movie and said it was nothing like the book. Boom, it's what made me a critic.

    6. I have seen advertisments for this, and it looks so amazingly good! I mean, you can't go wrong with a dog/wolf movie!!

    5. :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE MOVIES EVER. The songs are so amazing, the animation is so amazing, just it is... :O :O :O :O :O :O.

    4. What!!?? I have only seen the Wishbone version (Have you seen Wishbone, as I said you can't go wrong with a dog movie...) of the Prince and the Pauper, but a Barbie version... :O. My sister's and my favorite Barbie movie ever was the one with the girl in the mirror (I'm sorry, I can't remember the title), we loved it to pieces.

    3. SPIRIT HORSE!!!!!!!!!! My sisters and I watched this movie everytime we visited these friends. We never got tired of it.

    2. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3!!!! I love this movie!!!! (Okay, it might be because Anastasia is a special name to me *couchmycoughmiddlecoughnamecough*) Anyway, my sisters and I quote this movie all. the. time. And my dad had never seen it and he was always wondering where in the world all these quotes were from and so we showed it to him. I think he liked it but he won't say so. But, you forgot to mention the best character...BARTOK! "Wow! I tell you what, wow!" He is the cutest bat EVER!!! "Is this the face of a bat who would lie to you?" "What ever happened to the party?" Okay, ranting for this movie over.

    1. So, for as long as I can remember I have heard of this movie and I wanted to see it so badly, so when I saw it on here as the number 1, I went to YouTube and watched it. That's why it took me a while to comment (that and sleeping, eatting, working, deleting comments, and finishing TLOR for the first time. Just the usual stuff.) that is what makes the 4 turn into 5. AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so much more amazingly beautiful then I imagined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Odette was the best character ever, and Derek learned a lesson, and the other guy's arrow slew the beast, and the frog is the funniest character ever, and the puffin is excellent, and Speed really can go fast, and I was so sad when William.. :'(, and the creepy guy was so creepy. Wow, what an amazing movie!!!

    Anyway, I'm off to read your reviews, I'll chat later!!

    1. Eeee, yay! I love ranty comments. :D

      #10. Rango IS weird. REAAAAALLY weird. But it's also hilarious and brilliant, IF you're okay with that sort of thing (wackiness). I'd direct you to my review for more of a glimpse as to what it's about. :)

      #9. BARBIE MOVIES FOREVER WHO CARES WHAT MOMS SAY! Haha, just kidding. ;) (But seriously . . . )

      #8. Ahh, Ice Age! You should give the other ones a try -- they're VERY different from the first one, but you get introduced to some fun new characters who join the family. :)

      #7. Oh, interesting! Ooh, seriously?! So THAT'S how that happened . . . ;) Well, I'm glad for the blogging world that you became one! :) <3



      #4. Oh, hey, the Wishbone Prince and the Pauper is one of only like two Wishbones I've seen! Hmm, the Barbie movie with the girl in the mirror? I feel like I should know it . . . Rapunzel, by any chance?

      3. YAAASSSS.

      2. OH MY GOSH LET US SQUEAL TOGETHER. Wait, for real?! Your middle name is Anastasia?! That's so cool; it's such a gorgeous name! OHHHH MC I WAS DEBATING PUTTING A GIF OF BARTOK IN THE POST BECAUSE HE'S ONE OF MY FAAAAAAAAVES! But, it came down to the fact that the gif didn't work aesthetically and I decided to be shallow and go with the "pretty" ones. :-P But ALL THE YES. BARTOK IS MAGNIFICENT. (Hey! Heehee, the copy I have actually includes a second movie all about Bartok, which for some absurd reason I haven't watched yet, and it's called Bartok the Magnificent! What a coincidence . . . ;)) My favorite lines (I think) are: "Stress. It's a killer, sir. My nephew Lenny, he just keeled over one day, mid-mango." and "Oh, sure, blame the bat, what the heck, we're easy targets." xD SO QUOTABLE! Oh, and Art3mis Took gave me a great recommendation for a fun cover of the credit song from this movie, "At the Beginning." It's by Peter and Evynne Hollens, and there are two versions: one with background instruments, one acapella. You should try it out and see if you like it! :)

      1. "So, for as long as I can remember I have heard of this movie and I wanted to see it so badly, so when I saw it on here as the number 1, I went to YouTube and watched it. That's why it took me a while to comment (that and sleeping, eatting, working, deleting comments, and finishing TLOR for the first time. Just the usual stuff.) that is what makes the 4 turn into 5. AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so much more amazingly beautiful then I imagined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Odette was the best character ever, and Derek learned a lesson, and the other guy's arrow slew the beast, and the frog is the funniest character ever, and the puffin is excellent, and Speed really can go fast, and I was so sad when William.. :'(, and the creepy guy was so creepy. Wow, what an amazing movie!!!" << THIS! THIS WHOLE THING!! Girl, that made me SOOOO happy! You actually watched it?!?! And loved it?!?! GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH HAPPIES *tackles you*

      Thanks so much for the awesome comment, my friend! :D <3

  14. OH MY GOSH ANOTHER HUMAN WHO HAS SEEN Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus!!! I'm so shocked right now!

    1. Lissa, hahaha!! Me, all the time. <3 ;D Do you like it? :D


    *shakes head at my own meager movie-watching experience*

    Seriously, I really do. I haven't seen Anastasia OR Balto OR Prince of Egypt and that's a travesty and it must be remedied immediately.

    Favorite non-Disney animated movie? Well . . . about the only one I've ever seen is Wallace and Gromit's "A Grand Day Out," but that also just happens to be the first movie I ever, ever saw and I love it to little bits and pieces. It means so much to me. I can't even explain it, but it DOES. #childhood

    1. YES, MY DEAR, YOU DO. *shakes head with you*

      "I haven't seen Anastasia OR Balto OR Prince of Egypt and that's a travesty and it must be remedied immediately." << Again, I can but agree with you! (Haha, not really. But yes -- you should DEFINITELY watch them. :D)

      "I love it to little bits and pieces. It means so much to me. I can't explain it, but it DOES. #childhood" << THAT'S LIKE EXACTLY HOW CHILDHOOD MOVIES ARE THOUGH. I relate so much. <3

  16. Oooh, I want to watch Rango!


    Apparently I need to watch Anastasia...

    1. Kate:




      *ahem* ;D

  17. Oh!! Wonderful post!

    The only Barbie movie I watched I think was Swan Lake. I'm not entirely sure if that was it though. That was eons ago at my grandparents' house.

    ANASTSASIA!!! :O <3 <3 <3 Yessssss!!!!! And now the new Broadway soundtrack is giving me a whole new love of it.

    Some other favorite non-Disney/Pixar animated movies are Epic (2013), The Pirates Who Don't do Anything (2008), Oh!! And The Peanuts Movie (2015)! One of my most favorites though is The Tale of Despereaux (2008). I love the animation, the story, the adventure, and the mouse. He's so courageous, cute, and funny. Not to mention he has a great imagination. But yeah... I think that and Anastasia are my #1 favorites!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Sarah!!!

      Oh, Swan Lake is such a wonderful Barbie movie, too! It almost made it onto this list. :D

      Anastasia YAAAASSS and the Broadway soundtrack! Oh my goodness. Derek Klena and Christy Altomare are both fantastic. <3 (Plus, RAMIN KARIMLOO.)

      Oh, Epic! Goodness me, what a love-hate relationship I have with that movie. I'd love it SOOO much, but IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY THAT TARA DIES. She and Ronan had the most BEAUTEOUS relationship and it was nipped in the bud so suddenly and IT MADE ME MAD. aaaahhhhh. Thinking about it still upsets me. :-P But it is still a very good movie. "Hey, look, it's Ronan: defender of the weak, pooper of parties, here to ruin all the fun." xD

      I thiiiiink I've seen The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything?! At least, I've seen a cameo of them in another VeggieTales movie. And I LOVE the book The Tale of Despereaux! SOOO good. I haven't seen all of the movie, though.

      Good choices! ;) Thanks for commenting, dearie! <3

  18. I'm impressed you could rank these XD Anastasia and Spirit are some of my all-time favorites!! Ice Age is SO good and I am still totally enjoy The Princess and the Pauper <3 I made my little bros watch it the other day and I still knew all the words XD #oops I really need to rewatch Prince of Egypt because everyone goes on and on about that one. I also really love The Bee Movie and Chicken Run XP

    1. Haha, thanks, Abigayle! I typically have a really hard time ranking favorite movies, but dividing them into categories helps. :) ICE AAAAAGE! Oh my goodness, did you really?! Haha! That is fabulous and I Approve Greatly. ;D Oh, The Bee Movie is really good, too! I've only ever seen commercials for Chicken Run, though. :D

      Thanks for stopping by! :D

  19. Replies
    1. Stanley, oh, are you talking about the animated version of The Lord of the Rings that they made a long time ago? I haven't seen them, but a friend of mine has at least one of them, so I know them "ish." :) Anyway, The Lord of the Rings is basically the best of all best stories, so . . . yeah.

  20. OKAY, THAT GIF WITH THE WHALE. I REMEMBER THAT FROM WHEN I WAS FIVE. But I had no idea what it was from. I obviously assumed it was from an Exodus film (because, duh. It's a parted sea.) but when I mentioned it to my sister she looked at me like I was crazy, haha.

    1. Haha! Had you seen it when you were five, or just pictures . . . ? Either way, isn't it a cool gif? ;D

    2. I saw the movie. I'm pretty sure I liked it. And it's SO cool!


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