Lately, I've Been . . .

You know those times when you really want to blog, but you don't have much inspiration as to what to blog? Yeah, that. I'm in one of those slumps. But never fear! A good ole "currently" post is sure to come to my rescue. Here's some of what I've been up to recently! :) {watching} Season 2 of The Crown These two are so sweet gahh I mean they clearly love each other why can't they always be happy and communicative and and and ??!! Watched this with the parents. :) So this show is amazingly acted with delectable sets and visuals and compelling plots and such-like, but the seventh episode of the second season just revealed why it's rated TV-MA. :-/ I thought it was because of some of the other content, such as in the first season, but . . . nope. Yeah. No. Anyway, we finished this a little while ago, and MAY I JUST SAY THAT THE END OF THE FINAL EPISODE WAS VERY SATISFYING AND IT GAVE ME FEELINGS. <3 The Liz...