Melodrama & Music Videos

What-ho, all, and a happy Valentine's Day to you.

I love music, and I love fanvids, and I love acting like a 13-year-old fangirl over fictional couples that I like.  Smoosh those three passions together and you've got today's post.  First, I'm going to share some tragic love songs that really bring out my inner middle schooler, and then I'm going to finish with some happy fan videos because we like to end things on a positive note around here when possible. 😉

So to it!  Drama and sissy stuff and spoilers and innuendo and mild swearing and all that jazz to follow.

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"All I Want"

You took my soul and wiped it clean; our love was made for movie screens.

This has such a wistful, sweet, pure sound to it.  Especially that line. ^^  It's also quite satisfying to sing.

"Already Gone"
Kelly Clarkson

You know that I love you, so I love you enough to let you go.

When I first heard this, I was in the throes of experiencing That Old England Show for the first time, and I instantly thought how painfully perfect this song would be for a tragical fan video of Robin and Marian.  Emotional times, peeps; emotional times. 

But, seriously, I love this song on its own, too.


And all I gave you is gone . . . 

This is one of those songs that's, like, made to be exploited in fan videos for every fandom ever.  The bridge building and leading back into the chorus is especially satisfying. 😛

Taylor Swift

Something's made your eyes go cold. 

Ahhh, angst of my youth.  To be real, though, this one still gets me all hyped up. 😝  The instrumentals are So Very Dramatic, and I love it. 😍  It also makes me think of Robin and Marian.  I can picture a perfect fanvid and it hurts my heart a little bit.  (But I mean in a good way.  Because apparently we're all masochists here??)

"I Know the Truth"
Aida soundtrack

I closed my eyes to so much for so long, and I no longer can. 

This is the first song I loved from the Aida soundtrack, and it's still one of my favorites.  I love how plaintive it is, while still having this air of resignation about it. 

Sleeping at Last

With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite: how rare and beautiful it is to even exist.

I know, I know; you've heard this in every fan video everywhere.  BUT IT'S GENUINELY GORGEOUS.

"With or Without You"
Scala & Kolacny Brothers

My hands are tied, my body bruised; she's got me with nothing to win and nothing left to lose.

I know this is originally U2's song, but I really prefer the Scala version.  I love it as choral piece.

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[Stronger innuendo in this first one, fyi.]

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There you have it, my good Mesdames.  (And Messieurs, of course, if you're here. #HeForShe 😉)  What are some of your favorite sad love songs?  How about romantical fanvids?


  1. Gaby and Illya!!!!!!!!!! What a fun song for them.

  2. As a fellow Inner Middle Schooler obsessed with emo songs and emo fanvids . . . this post makes me very happy. <3

    Here is an EXTREMELY EMO, pre-Endgame, Steve and Peggy video that will never not reduce me to a puddle of #feels:

    1. Haha, good; I'm glad y'all relate. XD

      Ooh, yes, I remember that pairing (that couple w/ that song). I like basically all of that vidder's edits.

  3. I first heard Saturn on a Robin and Marian video and I love it!!! <3 :')

    That Faramir and Eowyn one, though. <3

  4. Such a fun post! I especially like Haunted and the Han + Leia video. 😉 I have totally gone through phases when I had a few highly emotional music videos of favorite screen couples that I watched on repeat and got teary-eyed over! 🙈

    One of the first that I discovered some years ago was this one:


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