The Never Have I Ever Writing Tag

I've seen this floating around, and I was actually tagged by Eva (thanks, friend!).


1. Link to and thank the blogger who tagged you.

2. Include the graphic somewhere in your post (or make your own!).

3. Answer the questions truthfully and honestly.

4. Tag 3 bloggers.

Def not going to do that last one; I'm going to take the classic coward's way out and nominate anyone who WANTS to be nominated. 😁

Also, pics for this post will be from my Pinterest board for the Rhiannon/Alejandro/Ronan story I've been working on, in celebration of the fact that I just finished the first draft!!  [Also, Imma hereafter refer to it as A Harmless Chaos, since that's the working title and it's less clunky than "the Rhiannon/Alejandro/Ronan story". 😆]

Klamotten von Jeffersam AU

Never have I ever . . .

. . . started a novel that I did not finish.

Sweet child.  The purity of this suggestion.

. . . written a story completely by hand.

I have, actually.  Not a novel, so far, but I am going to try, I think, because there are certain advantages that really do help me.

. . . changed tenses midway through a story.

Well, one of the books I'm working on right now will have a couple flashbacks interspersed throughout, and those will be written in present tense while the rest of the book will be in past.  So, technically, yeah.

. . . not researched anything before starting a story.

Yep.  I don't need that much research before starting a fantasy novel, usually.  I often have to later, but not initially.

. . . changed my protagonist's name halfway through a draft.

I don't think so, actually.  Not the protagonist.

. . . written a story in a month or less.

Stories, yes; novels, no.  Well, that is . . . I did piece a novel together in less than a month, but that was following several months of scattered scene-writing and plotting.  So I did write maybe half a novel and figure out where to place the other, previously written half in a month, but I've never plotted/written/completed a full novel in a single one-month span.

. . . fallen asleep while writing.

Nope.  I've gotten tired and decided to stop writing so that I could fall asleep while writing, but I've never drifted off over the page itself.

. . . corrected someone's grammar irl/online.

Probably, and I'm sure I've corrected my family's grammar in real life, but I don't like to do it online.

. . . yelled in all caps at myself in the middle of a novel.

Yes. 😆  At least, I'm pretty sure I have.  I've definitely Made Snarky Remarks to myself in outlines, etc.

. . . used "I'm writing" as an excuse.

Mmmmmm . . . like, just barely, I think?  (As in, when I've been "in the groove" and someone in my house has invited me to play a game or something, I've sometimes opted to keep writing.)

. . . killed a character who was based off someone I know in real life.


. . . used pop culture references in a story.

I have!  I incorporated Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" into my Susan story; it was A Whole Big Thing.

. . . written between the hours of 1 AM and 6 AM.

I'm pretty sure, but, again, just barely.  I probably wrote until 1:12 and then went straight to bed or something like that.

. . . drank an entire pot of coffee while writing.

No, ma'ams.

. . . written down dreams to use in potential novels.

I don't think so, but it's a neat idea.

. . . published an unedited story on the Internet/Wattpad/blog.

Never completely unedited, no.

. . . procrastinated homework because I wanted to write.

No, actually.  My writing tends to fall by the wayside when I'm in school.

. . . typed so long that my wrists hurt.


Oscar Isaac as King John, in Robin Hood, 2010.

. . . spilled a drink on my laptop while writing.


. . . forgotten to save my work/draft.

I've been writing by hand or on Google Drive for a while now, so not lately.

. . . finished a novel.

As of a couple weeks ago, I can finally say yes!

. . . laughed like an evil villain while writing a scene.

No. 😝

. . . cried while writing a scene.

I can't remember.  I think the Susan story made me tear up maybe one or two times, but I don't think any full tears have ever fallen.  We shall see.

. . . created maps of my fictional worlds.

Nooooo.  Nor can I ever see myself doing so.  A) I'm not together enough as an author to be able to, and B) I don't really care for maps myself.

. . . researched something shady for a novel.

Yes. 😄

Mark Ryder as Cesare Borgia Isolda Dychauk as Lucrezia Borgia

And that's it!  Would you have any of the same answers?


  1. Ahhh, CONGRATULATIONS on completing the first draft!!! I'm so proud of you, my friend!!! *throws confetti* Also, I really love that title! And the last picture in this post! <333

  2. Woohoo! Way to go on finishing a novel! *high five* I really like the pictures sprinkled through out. :)

  3. "Don't Stop Believin'" is LIFE and makes me even more excited for your Susan story :D :D


    These pictures are gorgeous. Also, may I just say, whatever you're shipping--I ship it, too. I ship it like FedEx. xD

    1. :D :D :D


      ACK. *grins like a fool* That makes me so happy. Thank you. XD (Technically the first picture are friends and the last picture are . . . maybe not friends. XD)

  4. OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SOOOOOOOO proud of you!!! <3<3<3

  5. Congratulations, Olivia!!!! :D So happy for you!!!! :)
    Also, I love the pictures and such sprinkled throughout; looks like it'll be a really awesome novel!
    Ahhh! Soooo proud of you!!!!! :D <3<3<3

    1. Thank you so much, Christina!!

      Dawww, stop it, you. ;D XD Thanks!!! <3 <3 <3

  6. What a fun tag! I enjoyed reading your answers, Olivia, and can definitely relate to a few. ;) (Though I can't relate to never having procrastinated on homework to write... *sigh* Sounds like you were a much better student than I in that area...... xD)
    Also, CONGRATULATIONS for finishing the first draft of your novel!!! That's so exciting!!! :D So happy for you, girl!!!! <3 :)

    1. Thanks, Faith! Haha, or maybe you were a more dedicated writer . . . we could spin it both ways. ;D

      Thank you!!!


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