Top Ten (Animated) Disney Movies

*EDIT*  These rankings are no longer quiiiiite accurate; but more importantly, I want to clarify that I have added a caveat to my linked review of Pocahontas, addressing the film's harm to Indigenous Americans. 

Original Post:  G'morning!  Just dropping by with your daily dose of wholesome childhood nostalgia.  Enjoy. ♥

[Also, since Pixar and Disney merged a while back, some of these were produced by Pixar but officially released by Disney.]

[Also (again), I'm having the opposite problem this go-around that I did last time.  This time, it's when we get closer to my top favorites that I'm having trouble.  Numbers 1-4 are anybody's game, really.  I don't know which is my favorite.  Don't hold me to any of these rankings.  Whatever.]

#10.  The Rescuers Down Under (1990)

First of all, let's give it up for a killer opening, shall we?  (Oh, come on, you got excited as a youngster when the music started going and the camera started speeding over that field of wildflowers and then the rock formations showed up and you could spy the house getting closer and closer.  You know you did.)

I love the setting and the characterization and the lines.  "I'm gonna kill her!  I'm gonna kill that dumb, fat salamander!"

#9.  The Aristocats (1970)

I love the aesthetic of this one.  The dainty, blossomy Parisian feel, alternating between the classy city and the humble countryside.  Plus, of course, the characters and, again, the lines. 😉  My brothers and I always especially loved the two farm dogs.  We were big fans of the Hank the Cowdog franchise, and those two always reminded us of Hank and Drover.  "Now, hold on a minute.  Ah'm the leader; Ah'll decide when we go. . . . Here we go."

#8.  Ratatouille (2007)

I don't know what it is about Paris, but ⎼ though I've never been profoundly interested in visiting it myself ⎼ I love movies set there. Films just seem to take all the iconic things about the city and make them brighter and more textured and more desirable. *shrugs* I don't know.

Anyway, I love the focus on food in this movie. It's all sunny-colored, with golden eggs and crackling baguettes and green sprigs of parsley and creamy soups and waxy kitchen floors. *hugs self contentedly*

#7.  Tarzan (1999)

I know I'm at risk for sounding like a broken record, and it'll only get worse from here.  But y'all.  The lines.  

"And Daddy, they took my boot!"

"Are you sure this water's sanitary?  It looks questionable to me!"

"That's it!  I have had it with you and your emotional constipation!"

#6.  The Incredibles (2004) + The Incredibles II (2018)

Fun fact: my younger brother and I are basically Dash and Violet. 

Best way to experience the Robin Hood legend without dousing yourself in feels. *ahem* 

I love the animation and the music in this one.  Really just an excellently put-together film, on the whole. 😛

#4.  Finding Nemo (2003)

This has such a soothing aesthetic, and it's such a classic, and . . . well, you get it.      

#3.  The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)

This drags in certain places, but the things it gets right it gets SO right.  I get chills every single time. 

#2.  Frozen (2013) + Frozen II (2019)

I know, but 'tis true.  The setting and the sister dynamic and the music and the different personalities (with their different struggles with mental illness) and so on and so forth . . . I love it. 

#1.  Pocahontas (1995)

I've covered basically all I have to say about this movie in the post linked in the title, so . . . off with ya. 😉

What are your favorite Disney movies?


  1. Oh yes!!! Great choices! I especially love The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Incredibles, Tarzan, The AristoCats, and The Rescuers Down Under.

    Two of my favorites that aren't on this list are UP and Mulan. 😊

    1. Thanks!

      Ahhh, yes, good choices! I really like those two, too. ;)

  2. I've seen the original Rescuers, but not that one! Ah, your descriptions of it make me want to, though!

    It's funny because my sister and I are like Violet and Dash, too! XD

    All of these are so good!! <333 I LOVE The Hunchback of Notre Dame! It's been forever since I last saw Pocahontas but the music is the most epic ever!

    1. I like both of them, but this one makes me happier with the setting and the aesthetic and the characters and everything. :-P

      Really, haha? That's cool. Which one are you?? ;)

      YES. <3

    2. Nonsense, Dash is fantastic. XD

  3. Hunchback and Frozen I and II--you have excellent taste, my dear, my dear. <3

    1. Thank ya, thank ya. *removes top hat and sweeps a bow*

  4. This is quite interesting. I've actually not seen a lot of these, and of the ones I've seen the only one I really like is Robin Hood. Some of them could probably do for a reach watch though, and maybe my opinion would be different.

    I've seen Frozen several times and I liked it (at any rate I liked it more than I like Tangled), but I think the more I watched it the less I liked it. I don't know...sometimes I think I'm just not a huge cartoon fan in general...though I do like a lot of the older Disney cartoons such as Cinderella, Winnie the Pooh, Peter Pan, and The Jungle Book. you're making me want to write up a quick post of my favorite Disney animated films. :)

    This was a fun post, Olivia. I enjoyed reading it. :)

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D

      I like Frozen more than Tangled, too. *nods* I love Winnie the Pooh and The Jungle Book 2, but I've been wanting to re-watch some of the other oldest ones, such as those that you mentioned, because they're typically not my favorite but I do like the various "aesthetics". ;)

      Do it!

  5. Oh, I like this! All the nostalgia! :)

    I watched The Aristocrats and Robin Hood so so so many times when I was little!! I love both those movies to bits. And I very much agree about the aesthetics of The Aristocats. So lovely. <3

    I recently saw Tarzan for the first time, and I really enjoyed that! And of course Frozen is lovely. My absolute FAVORITE Disney movie would have to be Tangled, though.

    1. Yay! :D

      Saaaaaaame. So. many. times.

      Tarzan was one that I first saw when I was a little older, too, and I found it hilarious.

      Okay I have a confession. *lowers voice* For some reason, I can't get into Tangled. AND I DON'T KNOW WHY???? Like, I can recognize that it's a great movie, with great visuals and great characters . . . *sigh*

  6. Yesss! Any post on Disney and I AM HERE FOR IT. ;D

    The Rescuers Down Under! Ah yes, lots of childhood nostalgia in that. I always liked The Rescuers, too. Madame Medusa was just too much fun to impersonate. ("Madame Medusa's Pawn Shop Boutique, speaking!") xD

    Actually, as I'm going down the line here, I'm realizing that these were ALL part of my childhood... well, actually, except for Tarzan and Pocahontas. I think I've seen them both maaaaybe once, but a long time ago?

    Oh, yes, movies about Paris, though! Ratatouille is one of my favourites because I just LOVE the setting and all the glorious food! :D

    My fun fact about The Incredibles is that I wasn't introduced to them until I was around 17 years of age. And I saw the second one first. :P

    Robin Hood is always a favourite!
    "As your lady in waiting... I'm waiting!"

    Yess! I always loved the stereotypical Aussie accents in Finding Nemo too. xD Most Amusing.

    We never watched the Hunchback that much, because it was always deemed just a bit "too scary" for us little kids. And I prefer my Disney songs with fun and laughter, so it's always a bit too heavy for me... but it definitely has some good points! I love some of the songs.

    The Frozen movies are a lot of fun and very clever!! I agree. :D

    I really feel the need to go and watch Pocahontas again, then!

    I watched Winnie the Pooh and Peter Pan a lot, too. And I'm sure there were others I can't remember...

    My favourite animated Disney movies would probably be Winnie the Pooh movies, Tangled, Frozen, Ratatouille, The Rescuers (and Down Under), Finding Nemo and Robin Hood.

    (But it's so hard to chooooose. :P)

    1. Ditto, kiddo. ;D

      Haha, yes! Madame Medusa is simultaneously creepy/annoying and very amusing. XD "SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPS!!"

      The aesthetic of Ratatouille is Very Enticing Indeed. :D

      Hahaha! "I'm waiting!" I love that movie so much. "You eeeeeeel in snake's clothing!"

      Lol. XD

      I have NO IDEA why Disney thought it'd be a good idea to market Hunchback to kids. I guess that was their only market at the time, bUT REALLY. It's a fantastic movie, but intrinsically very inappropriate for children. XD

      Yes! Yes, do it. :)

      Great choices!

  7. Love the new blog look!!! It's my favorite color! 😍


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