Top Ten New-to-Me Films of 2022

Happy turn-of-the-year to you all! I don't really make New Year's resolutions, but one of my hopes for 2023 is that I will get back into the habit of blogging regularly. Or, at least, of blogging more regularly than once every three to five months. *ahem* I certainly can't guarantee that, either to myself or to any of you sweet souls still following this blog, but I can hope it and try to make it happen. We'll see. At the very least, I can keep up this semi-tradition. After due deliberation, I've selected the ten best films I watched for the first time in 2022. ("Best," in this context, meaning "my personal favorite," of course.) I've also ranked them, but the top five rankings are all pretty arbitrary because I really can't decide where each film should be placed. Let's dive in! ⸻ #10. Game Night (2018) A couple's weekly game night with their friends takes a wild turn when a fake murder mystery becomes indistinguishabl...