Agent Carter {Seasons 1-2}
"What's your name, darling?" "Agent." My feminist soul, grabbing anyone who'll listen and shaking them by the shoulders: "hAVe YoU eVer HeARd aNYtHinG sO glORioUS iN YoUr LIFE ?!?!" As you may have guessed, I recently finished watching Marvel's Agent Carter television series. AND I FLIPPING LOVED IT OKAY AND I'M SO EXCITED TO TALK ABOUT IT WITH YOU. But before I do so, I first have to share what will probably turn out to be a rather lengthy recap of my history with Marvel — both in general and in particular as relates to the Captain America universe. I feel it incumbent upon me to warn you that Unsavory Revelations may follow. I may be about to say Hurtful Things about Beloved Characters. (I am definitely going to.) Ideals may be about to be shattered. You may never think of me in the same way again. I'm telling you like it is so that, when the time comes, you'll be prepared. Okay. Now that we're all on the same pag...