10 Favorite Screen Characters Tag

Sarah and Hamlette have both tagged me for the 10 Favorite Screen Characters tag!  I'd seen the tag floating around and was debating stealing it anyway, so I'm quite excited:D

So!  Apparently what you do is list ten of your favorite movie/tv characters, elaborate a little, and then tag ten blogging friends.  Let's do it!;)

I'm going to mention ten of those characters whom I don't speak about much, because while a lot of these are new, I don't want to just keep rehashing the same people over and over--I mean, where's the fun in that?  (Do I preface too much in my posts?  Yeah, I think I do...)  Oh, and I refuse to make this a countdown list.  Just no.  And don't expect too much elaboration--I'm terrible at explaining why I love characters.  Just doesn't come easily to me *shrugs*, so…be prepared for lots of pictures and gifs to clog your connections, and little else;)

John Davinier from Belle

Have you watched Belle yet?  Because if you haven't, fix that heinous problem forthwith.  It is amazing and inspiring and beautiful and all the things a period drama should be:)

Now, about John Davinier.  Yep.  He's awesome.

Admit it--you melted into puddles of feels during that scene.  (And I was so happy to find gifs that accurately portray it!)

Bard from The Hobbit movies

Bard is pretty fantastic.  He's a strong leader, a peacemaker, one heck of a father, and just generally great.

Parker from Leverage 

I love how Parker has been through so much in her life, yet she remains so positive and happy (most of the time), that she just makes you smile.  All her little quirks are awesome.  And her vulnerability makes you want to protect her, doesn't it?:)

I started out a diehard Elliot/Parker shipper, but after a little while, I figured out that yes, everything worked out as it should have:D

Because Pardison is a precious ship.

 "When do the happy drugs wear off?"  
Her big brother/little sister relationship with Elliot is still adorable, though. 

Mushu from Mulan

Because I felt like including a Disney character, and Mushu is epic.  "Oh, I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover."

Theodore and Amos from The Apple Dumpling Gang (these two totally count as one; one does not simply separate Theodore and Amos)

You can read more about why I love this duo here.  Long story short, they are hilarious (I mean, Don Knotts and Tim Conway!), and they can even manage to make a sequel that doesn't include Donovan and Dusty and the kids an entertaining movie.  

Reuben J. (Rooster) Cogburn from True Grit (either version, but particularly 2011)

Oh, the immortal Rooster;)  I love how Rooster is so uncouth and (at times) scatterbrained, but deep down he's really got a good heart and loves Mattie.  The warm fuzzies:D

Tom Harte from Broken Trail

You won't fully understand until you watch Broken Trail, and then you will.  So go watch it;)

Mr. LaBoeuf from True Grit (2011)

You love LaBoeuf.  You know you do.  

THIS. LINE.  'Nuff said.

"I'm a Texas Ranger."

Che from Evita 

Even though the character of Che isn't exactly explained with perfect clarity, I love him more each time I watch it.  AND THE END.  The end gets me every. single. time.  Even if I'm just listening to the music.  Because, guys, he really does love her under all the frustration and the anger and OH THE PAIN!

This picture…why is someone out to try and break my heart...

Neal from Once Upon a Time

Despite my personal opinion that he is in a constant state of looking hungover, Neal is a great guy.  And I'll admit…*SPOILERS* I cried when he died. *END OF SPOILERS*  


I can't decide between Team Neal and Team Kilian.  It's too hard.

Whew!  That took me way too long…but anyway, thanks for tagging me, you two!:D

Now for those I tag:


  1. Tagged again? Looks like fun! Thanks! :D

  2. You're right -- I do love Mr. LeBoeuf. :D Out of curiosity, have you read the True Grit book? It next up on my stack of to-read books, and earlier today I was wondering about and anticipating reading his character particularly.

    I also like Parker very much -- and in fact all the Leverage characters. Her, Hardison and Elliot are the best. And Bard is definitely one of my favorite-est characters ever!

    Great picks! :D

    1. Heehee:D As a matter of fact, I'm just finishing up the book! It's quite good:) LaBoeuf--well, he is, at times, slightly more, um...silly than in the movie. But he's still great! I'm actually hoping to write a big True Grit post soon, because now that I've seen both movie versions and the book, I want to compare them:)

      Yes! Leverage forever! Oh, absolutely, I agree--Parker/Elliot/Hardison are totally the best. Nate and Sophie aren't even close;)

      I know, Bard is awesome, isn't he?


    2. Cool! That's sound like a very interesting post. I'll have to get started on the book, and then look forward to reading your comparison. :)

    3. Yes, read it! It's quite an enjoyable read:)

  3. This is the story of what Emma did when she read this post.

    First, she though, Oooh, Olivia did this tag! Cool! Let's see who her favorite characters are!

    Then she was reduced to a puddle of tears almost immediately upon sighting the face of John Davinier.

    From then on she pretty much squealed (while trying very much to keep breathing)...


    TOM HARTE!!!!!

    MR LABOEUF!!!!!!

    She can't say anything more. She has no words. ;-) Good night.


    1. Hahaha, well, I'm glad you liked it:)

      YES. Davinier's face at that part! I just can't...his emotion...and Dido's expression when she looks at him...it's too much!

      As a matter of fact, speaking of True Grit, I've finished the book and plan to write a big TG comparison post soon, talking about both movie versions and the book. You're welcome;)

    2. Oh, and I would tag you, Emma, except that you've already been tagged, so, ya know.

  4. Bard! Theodore and Amos! Che! All such fun.

    1. Oops, hit the publish button too soon;) As I was saying, yes! Thanks so much for tagging me, Hamlette!

  5. FINALLY!!!! Someone besides me who loves Neal! My two nieces and I have these conversations that go:

    me: "I love Neal!"
    both nieces: "We hate Neal!"
    Elder niece: "I love Charming!"
    me and younger niece: "We hate Charming!"
    Younger niece: "I love Hook!"
    me and elder niece: "We hate Hook!"

    Around and around we go. (It really isn't as strong as hate... that's an exaggeration...) The nice thing is we all like someone different. But it's very funny. My favorite in that show is Mr. Gold, (who, if I had done a straight answer to this tag instead of skewing it, would have been on my list), but I did really like Neal.

    I think I must be the only person who loves Westerns, but walked out of the new True Grit part way in. Ah well. Just wasn't for me!

    And I love Che. And that ending... ahhhh, so good.

    1. YES! At first, I will admit, I didn't like him, but that's because I was a staunch Captain Swan person and resented any threat to their becoming "a thing." I've moved on, however, and I love both of them now:D

      Haha! Those are adorable conversations! I like all of those guys, but probably Charming the least, if I had to choose:)

      Cool! I have to admit, um...I'm not a big fan of Mr. Gold *ducks* I don't know why! He's a great character in that he's so complex, but...I dunno. I guess I'm just too wary of him.

      You walked out of the new True Grit?! Ah, what a shame. Haha, no, like you said, it's cool that we all have our different preferences:D

      Che is amazing! The ending...I can't even...

    2. On Mr. Gold, I've been a big fan of Robert Carlyle for almost twenty years (yikes!) so, yeah... he can do no wrong for me. :-D I just grin every time it's a scene with him, just because he's so delightful. And I really love watching him go from Gold to Rumple and back, how he changes personalities, but is still essentially the same. He's probably the only character on the show whose fate I genuinely care about. Although I really have come to love Regina too.

    3. Oh, gotcha:D I'm definitely interested in how he ends up, but yeah, I can't say he's that big of a favorite. I do like Rumple/Gold in 'Skin Deep' and in 'Lacey.' And in Neverland, and...

  6. Ooooh, thanks for the tag!!! I can't wait to answer it!!

    1. Anytime, Abigail! I can't wait to read your answers:)

  7. Thanks so much for the tag Olivia! :)

  8. Well I have a confession to make. The only one of those movies/tv series that I have seen is The Hobbit.....and I TOTALLY agree with you where Bard is concerned!!!!! I ADORE Bard!!! And Luke Evans does a FANTASTIC job!!!!!!

    1. Haha, well, you should watch the others, too! But YES, Bard is incredible:D

    2. Oh my word, yes, you MUST see Belle! It's gorgeous. If you're a fan of period drama, you'll love it:)

    3. I LOVE Period Drama!!!!!! My first Period Drama was Amazing Grace. LOVE that movie!!!!!!!!!

    4. Yay!!! *high five* Your first period drama was Amazing Grace?! That's an incredible movie. Actually, Belle has much the same sort of feel as AG, but they're different enough to both be interesting separately:)

    5. Yep. Back in 2008. I have since seen, Pride & Prejudice (1995. As far as I'm concerned that is the only version of that story on film), Sense & Sensibility (1995), Emma (2009. By far the best version of it), Mansfield Park (1983. Loved it because it was Nicholas Farrell and Sylvestra Le Touzel), North & South, Wives & Daughters, The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982. LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!! AND THE MAN!!!!! ;) ) and more that I can't think of off the top of my head. Yeah it made me think immediately of AG when I first read about it. I think that I will really like it when ever I finally get to watch it!!!

      Have you ever seen The Secret of Moonacre? I just watched it for the first time last night and ADORED it!!!!!

    6. That's awesome! I've seen all of those and love them:D I know!!!! I watched that Mansfield Park before I saw Amazing Grace, so I was really excited when I saw that those two were a couple again!!! They're just adorable:)

      I haven't seen that, but I'll have to check it out, won't I?

    7. I saw Amazing Grace first and was SOO excited when I found out that they play Edmund and Fannie!!! I love the two of them!!! And they are SOO funny as Henry and Marianne!!!!

      Yeah its really good!! And Ioan Gruffudd plays in it so that makes it even better!!!

    8. *sigh* I want them to be a couple in real life:D Haha, yes, as Henry and Marianne: "Wilbur, there's an exceptionally fine [whatever it was] down in the garden." "Barbara, you really must go and see it too." XD

      Oh, it has Ioan Gruffudd? Cool! I'll DEFINITELY have to check it out!:)

    9. I KNOW!!!!! That part is the best!!!!! Or, "Marianne.....your OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!!!!" I love how she starts off so nicely and then is SOOO mad!!!

      Yeah it was a cool movie. Its based off of the book The Little White Horse.

    10. Gaha, YES! I love that actress;)


    11. I know!!! Romola Garai is the best!!! And I love here as Emma!!

    12. Yeah, she makes a great Emma:D

  9. I will admit, I didn't know many movies you mentioned, but out of the ones I did, you picked wonderful characters that I also adore! I have been missing Neal lately. Did you watch the Once Upon a Time season finale last night? It was amazingly crazy!

    1. Yeah, I miss Neal too:( No, I haven't! I don't have TV, so I'm waiting till it comes onto Netflix. But it sounds like it was a good 'un!;)

    2. ugh, yeah. There is kinda a lot that goes on this season, and it ends in a pretty crazy way. I cannot wait to see what happens in the next season.

    3. Ooh! I look forward to seeing it!

  10. Perfect Tag Liv!! (So sorry your guest post is coming soon! Life's just hit me full on in the face right now) Is it ok if I do this on my blog? :-)

    1. Thanks, Evie! Oh, don't worry about it! Of course, please do it!

  11. Thank you for tagging me, Arwen!!! I hope I can get around to it soon...unfortunately life is busy at the moment and I still have some posts collecting dust in my drafts that I need to finish (like my post about POTO live...).

    1. Of course! No pressure, I know life is busy. Oh my goodness, I'm still SOOO looking forward to your POTO post!!!

  12. Hi! I just found your blog, and I have to say that I really like it. :)
    I'm glad you put Parker on that list. She makes the most hilarious comments.

    1. Hi! Oh, thank you so much! I'd seen your comments floating around the blogosphere, so I'm glad to officially meet you:)

      I agree, Parker's the best:D Thanks so much for your comment!

  13. Oh, I've suddenly seen that you've tagged me! Thank you so much my dear. :-) I hope that, if I find the time, I'll be able to squeeze that into my blog-time. :-)

    I'm also ashamed to say that I haven't seen any of these movies. I REALLY want to watch Belle badly, though, so maybe that one soon. :-)

    Great post. Your blog is jolly good fun, Olivia!

    ~ Naomi

    1. You're welcome, Naomi! I look forward to reading your answers if you find the time:)

      Oh, well, you should watch the rest, but YOU MUST WATCH BELLE. You will adore it, m'dear:)

      I say, old bean, jolly decent of you, what!

  14. I've only seen two of the movies these characters are from(I know, it's bad), and I realize you posted this a few weeks ago, but would you mind if I stole the idea? I may not even tag anyone, just do it for my own enjoyment. :D

    1. No, please steal it, Meredith! I look forward to your post!!:)

    2. Thanks! I'll have to think about it for a while, though... :D Oh, and Amos and Theodore may make an appearance, sorry to steal that too! :)

    3. Haha, take your time:) Yay, Theodore and Amos! They're the best:D

    4. Okay, here it is... https://twobooksinmypocket.wordpress.com/2015/05/25/10-favorite-screen-characters/

  15. Aw, Parker...! She's one of my always favorites. Love that girl and her entertaining one-liners. :)

    1. Mine, too! She's great:) Thanks so much for visiting and commenting, Rissi! I really appreciate it:D


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