
Showing posts from July, 2023

Legends of Western Cinema Week | Wrap-Up

Another Western Week on the books!  As always, thanks a million to everyone who's participating.  I always get a kick out of hosting with Heidi and Rachel, and we love seeing what you guys contribute! Remember, the party runs through today, so you can still get a post or two in under the wire if you'd like.  And don't forget to check out my co-hosts' giveaways, here and here ! I hope to comment on several party posts today, and maybe watch a Western this evening after work.  Do any of you have any Western-related plans to commemorate the end of the party? 😉 Lest you've missed any, you can find everyone's LoWCW posts for this year in the widget below.  Be sure to add links to your own if you've shared any! 'Til next year, partners!

Legends of Western Cinema Week | Gender Commentary in The Big Country {1958}

Howdy, partners!  For today's LoWCW post, I'm sharing an essay that I wrote last year for a Western film class in college.  This essay is about one of my tip-top favorite Westerns (and probably movies in general??) :  The Big Country (1958).   Now, a couple of notes before we begin: 1)   I wrote this essay during a compressed sub-semester.  As I recently mentioned , I'm also working full time and managing health stuff.  So, take the writing with a merciful grain of salt — it's not quite as strong or polished as it could/should be, and I know that.  For example, syntax is a growth area for me, so when you encounter all those overly long, twisty sentences . . . just know that I already know. 😂 2)   I am, of course, dealing in generalities when I speak of traditional Western gender constructs, stereotypes, problems, etc.  Don't get your panties in a wad.  I like Westerns, remember? 3)   I've cut and pasted the text verbatim,...

Legends of Western Cinema Week | The English {2022}

{The Plot} In 1890, British aristocrat Cornelia Locke (Emily Blunt) arrives in the lawless American West as a woman on a mission:  to find the man who killed her son and make him wish he hadn't.  She crosses paths with Eli Whipp (Chaske Spencer), a Pawnee ex-Cavalry scout.  They join forces and set out to reach the offender before his henchmen reach them.  {My Thoughts} If I had to sum up my thoughts on The English in one word, that word would be 'crammed.'  There's a lot going on, here — a little too much, I think.  Colonization, rape, child loss, murder, racism, cattle rustling, vengeance, late-stage syphilis . . . it's A Lot.  And while everything is more than deserving of a full-fledged narrative exploration, that's an exploration that the constraints of a six-episode format don't really allow.  The show succeeds in many areas, but would have benefited significantly from either a pared-down thematic agenda or an expanded runtime.  That's ...

Legends of Western Cinema Week | Kick-off + Tag

Yee, my friends, and dare I say it, haw:  2023's Legends of Western Cinema Week is here!  Rachel and Heidi and I are tickled pink as always to be co-hosting, and we can't wait to see what you all contribute. To start things off, we've concocted another tag full of fun Western-related prompts for you to answer.  This year, we're giving you prompts based off of archetypal objects frequently found in Westerns and asking you to shout-out some favorite Western moments that fit those prompts. 2023 Tag Prompts Stetson — a favorite hero moment (i.e. highlighting their character and/or making a pivotal decision etc) Petticoat  —  a favorite heroine moment Canteen  —  a favorite scene with a leader/mentor Gloves  —  a favorite sidekick/friend scene Canyon  —  a favorite western landscape Pistol  —  a favorite fight scene Saddle  —  a favorite horse / animal in a western Sky  —  a favorite ambitious / crazy plan...