
Showing posts from 2013

Pictures, Part 2

I actually didn't originally title the last post full of pictures (I just went back and edited both that post and this one today: 2/13/14), but it's part two anyway.  I've got quite a few posts in draft to finish, but for now, just so I can post something without it taking a whole lot of concentration and organization, here's another peek into what I've been making recently (notice I said "peek."  This one has only five pics).  'Cause I know y'all were just dying to know;)  By the way, you won't "get" some of these unless you've seen certain movies.  Okay.  Enough talking.  Here you go. (By the way, I have a LOT more POTO pictures to share as well, but I think I'll save them for my POTO post.  Oh, yes, that's coming soon;)  And it will be , haha, um, lengthy , shall we say;))

Faramir + Eowyn

I love this couple... so flippin' much... it's actually rather pathetic... ;) (All are pictures I've been far too gratified by making.  And all are inspired by a music video.)

Top 10 Movie Heroes

I've seen these kinds of posts on other blogs, and decided I wanted to share my top ten movie heroes with you.  You should know, however, that this is the list of my top favorite movie heroes as of right now .  It's actually kind of been put together on a whim...This list is subject to change at a moment's notice;)  (In fact, it has, several times, throughout its creation.)  Oh, and as you guys could probably guess, there will be more than one from LOTR - but probably less than you're expecting! - and more than one from Disney movies.  Don't laugh.  Now, this list will be a kind of countdown, with the #1 movie hero being my favorite.  (I might not be quoting them entirely correctly;())  Here goes! #10:  Dustfinger from Inkheart                                                            ...


I was just rereading my review of The Return of the King , and it came to my attention that I may have - gasp! - unintentionally plagiarized therein!!  I think two of the phrases I used I MIGHT have either read or heard elsewhere, like on another blog or an audiobook.  If that be the case, my sincerest apologies.   Believe me, it was most unconsciously done, and I hope will be of short duration   I didn't mean to:(


I know I've been a shamefully neglectful blogger - really hardly worthy of the name, but here's a small token just so this poor website knows I haven't completely forgotten about it.  I've got a longer post on hold, and hopefully I'll get it posted soon, but until then, I thought I'd share with you all some of the pictures that I have been taking far too much delight in making recently.  Some of them were inspired by music videos, movies (wow, SHOCKER there), etc., and some of them came out of my own creative little noggin;)  Anywho, here you are (ahem, yes, the majority are LOTR-themed with other captions.  OK, so all of them are except for two.) : (Both those last two were inspired by this totally epic music video - if you're interested in watching it, send me an email or post me a comment and I shall email it to you.  Also, the next one about Arwen and Aragorn was inspired by a different music video, which I can also send to you.) ...

LOTR: The Return of the King movie review

I do apologize for the delay in getting this review out, m'dears.  I got busy with school and such, and then - hurrah! - Dad let me create my own little blog:)  But regardless, I have returned, to inundate you with more of my entertaining opinions on this trilogy:)  The last installment opens with the tragic account of how Sméagol morphed into Gollum.  I have not seen that entire thing, since apparently he gets slightly creepy, and as y’all know, I get scared easily.  I have now, however, watched both Shelob and the green ghost army.  I’ll get to them.  I think that for this last review of the LOTR trilogy I shall only go over certain parts, like those of the utmost importance, or those that I especially like or dislike:)  So here goes. Pippin's curiosity regarding Saruman's palantir leads to trouble - but as we all know, curiosity often does;)  Gandalf sets out for Gondor to warn that creep  Deneth...


Well, here I be, at long last, ready to pour out my stimulating opinions about movies, books, music, and other such delights:)  I can't wait to get started!!