Top 10 Movie/TV Couples

I really must learn to do more original blog posts someday.  Really, I must.  But I read a "Top 10 Movie Couples" list on another blog a long while ago (of course, I'm doing mine in a single post, and the other blogger devoted an individual post to each couple - if only I had that much originality;) ), and I rather wanted to share with you faithful darlin's who indulge me in this little nest of fangirling friends who read my blog about my personal favorite movie couples:)  By the way, it is again a countdown list, with the #1 couple being my favorite;)  As with the Top 10 Movie Heroes post, however, this list is subject to change whenever I next watch a movie with a romance in it.  Just so y'all know.  But after much deliberation, I think I have decided upon a reasonably accurate list of my favorite couples.  Notice "I think" - key word.  Besides, there were quite a few couples that were so close to making it onto this list that I can't be completely sure.  Also, I would like to point out right from the start that I do NOT endorse everything in all of these movies.  Some contain sinful elements, but they're either easily skippable or not discussed in much detail.  Everyone gots it?:)  All right.  To continue (again, I shall have more to say on some couples than others).

#10:  Charlie + Sophie from Letters to Juliet

So this is one of those movies I was talking about.  However, while one element of the movie is just plain wrong, Charlie and Sophie's relationship is precious.  I tend to vastly prefer couples who meet and immediately get off on the wrong foot, because…well, let's face it.  Couples who argue, even when you know that they are SO supposed to be together, are far more entertaining;)  And Charlie and Sophie fit right into that category:  "Can you imagine what would have happened if she hadn't seen sense?"  "Well, yeah, you wouldn't be here, and that would be an upside." ;) So anywho, if you don't know the storyline of Letters to Juliet, do allow me.  Sophie is a "fact-checker" for a newspaper in New York City.  While on a trip to Italy with her fiancé (the really unfavorable element:-/ ), she encounters the "Secretaries of Juliet,"a group of women who collect and respond to the letters girls from all over the world leave at…whatever the place is called (Juliet's Castle??).  As Sophie aspires to be a writer herself one day, she begins to help the Secretaries, and in so doing discovers a 50-year-old letter from a woman named Claire, who at the time had a romantic conundrum on her hands.

Sophie decides to respond, even at this late date, to Claire, and thus brings Claire and her grandson, Charlie, to Italy.  "It's all quite entertaining," as one of the gnomes from Gnomeo and Juliet put it, and I recommend the movie, if you can get past the fact that, unfortunately, Sophie is living with someone she isn't married to:-/  Aside from that (and various other, smaller objectionables (that isn't a word:D ), it's a grand movie;)

#9.  Georg + Maria from The Sound of Music

I would first like to point out that though I love Georg and Maria as a couple, I really do not like their love "scene."  It is far too mushy and nuzzly (that's not a word either!:D ).  In my opinion.  However, I like the quotes leading up to it.  "Oh, I'm sorry."  "Yes…you are?"  There are so many admirable exchanges between Georg and Maria, really: 

- "Were you this much trouble at the abbey?"  "Oh, much more, sir!"
- "It's the dress.  You'll have to put on another one before you meet the children."  "But I don't have another one!  When we entered the abbey our worldly clothes were given to the poor."  "What about this one?"  "The poor didn't want this one."
- "Fraulein, is it to be at every meal, or merely at dinnertime, that you intend on leading us all through this rare and wonderful new world of…indigestion?"  "Oh, they're all right, Captain; they're just happy."  *Outburst of sobs from the children*    

;)  I loves them.  I loves how Maria changes the Captain's relationship with his children; how she changes his and the children's lives.  And then how she runs away because she's scared, and how the Mother Abbess counsels her:  "Maria, if you love this man, it does not mean you love God less."  I shall have to file that nugget of wisdom away for future reference;)  

"What's that?"  "It's singing."  "Yes, I can hear that.  Who is it that's singing?"

#8.  Aragorn + Arwen from the The Lord of the Rings trilogy

I think I'll let the pictures speak for themselves:

Okay, never mind.  This couple is awesome.  They go through so much before they can finally be together in a world of peace.  Arwen sacrifices her immortality and practically all companionship except for her father in order to wait for Aragorn.  Aragorn stays faithful to Arwen even when he assumes that she has sailed to Valinor.  (Well, I maintain that he wavered a little, but hey, I should cut the guy some slack.  Eowyn is, after all, pretty cool as well.)  And then they're reunited at Aragorn's coronation, and it's just too sweet;)  <3

#7.  Declan + Anna from Leap Year

Again, a couple from a movie that has a few (ahem) issues.  This one might be a little more problematic than Letters to Juliet, actually…but I'm not sure.  Go see for yourself.  (Because, though there is premarital sin going on in this movie, it isn't gone into a lot of detail with, and aside from that - and the usual swearing/lying/brief inappropriate scenes - the movie's fantastic.)  So, background:  Anna (otherwise known as Anna-from-Boston;) ) is fed up with her boyfriend(Jeremy)'s delay in proposing, so she decides to follow him to a conference (I think it was a conference, that is) in Dublin, there to propose to him on Leap Day, in accordance with an old Irish tradition.  Her journey is complicated by unfavorable weather conditions, however, and long story short, she ends up at a pub in…where was it?  Anywho, she ends up at a pub in desperate need of food and shelter, and utterly determined to get to Dublin.  The pub's proprietor, Declan, though at first reluctant to take her ("Let me tell you something about Dublin, Anna-from-Boston.  Dublin is the city of chancers and cheats and back-stabbin' snakes.  It's where the worst of humanity collects to poison this fair country.  I wouldn't take you to Dublin if you were to offer me five hundred euro."), is eventually forced into taking her out of financial necessity.  So begins a hilarious trek to Dublin that makes for an extremely entertaining movie and a wonderful romance.  "After you, petal."  "Thank you, sunshine."  "Would you like a hand with the bag, pumpkin?" 

#6.  Han + Leia from the Star Wars movies

What?  They're cute together.  Like, really cute.  Especially in the second movie, which has the most about their relationship in it.  I love when Han's about to leave the Hoth rebel base, and he tries to say goodbye to Leia.  "Well, your Highness, I guess this is it."  "That's right." *Awkward pause* "Well, don't get all mushy on me.  So long, Princess!"  Oh, heck.  Why don't I just list some of my favorite quotes:

- "You're imagining things!"  "Am I?  Then why are you following me?  Afraid I was gonna leave without giving you a goodbye kiss?"  "I'd just as soon kiss a Wookie!"  "I can arrange that!"  
- "Why, you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking…Nerf herder!"  "Who's scruffy-looking?" 
- "Well, Princess, it looks like you've managed to keep me here a while longer."  "I had nothing to do with it.  General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for anyone to leave the system until they've activated the energy shield."  "That's a good story.  I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight."  "I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain."
- "You don't have to do this to impress me."
- "Would it help if I got out and pushed?"  "It might!"
- "What do you think of her, Han?"  "I'm tryin' not to, kid."

#5.  George + Emma from Emma (2009) AND Philip + Syrena from Pirates of the Caribbean:  On Stranger Tides

That's right, a tie!!!  I had practically finished this post when I realized that I hadn't even thought of Philip and Syrena (yes, apparently that's actually how her name is supposed to be spelled), so I found a convenient place to put 'em and put 'em there:)  (My humblest apologies for the awkward positioning of those pictures - they simply refused to do what I wanted them to;) )
Now, about Emma and George:  *Sigh*  How I love this couple;)  They're SO FLIPPIN' SWEET!!!  As I've said before, even when they're fighting, their adorableness and how you can tell that they totally belong together are almost unbearable:)  Go watch the movie.  Now.  

And about Philip and Syrena:  Again, "they're SO FLIPPIN' SWEET!!!" is most likely the best description of their relationship:)  Probably even more so.  But anyway, I just love them to pieces.  "You are different." ~ "Give her back!  Please, please, give her back!" ;)  Dawwwwwwwww. 

#4.  John + Margaret from North and South (2004)

*Clears throat and grins*  So.  Thornton and Margaret.  Um, yeah, love 'em.  Their story is quite similar to Pride and Prejudice (a darker P&P, I mean), and…it's pretty much awesome.  Especially in the second and fourth episodes.  It's epic, muchly so.  

I just wanna let you know…the chemistry between those two hands is ridikilous!;)  Heehee if you don't get it, go to this link and watch:  (And I apologize for the swearing.)

Okay, now, for some absurd reason, every time I watch this part (meaning the riot scene), and Margaret gets hit, I always think, when Mr. Thornton stands up to face the crowd as she's laying there unconscious:  "He's an angry elf!" ;)  Why?!

I love this part at the Thorntons' dinner party.  And the part I was just talking about in the riot scene.  And *sniffle* the proposal scene.  And - never mind.  Y'all get the picture;)  Oh, forget what I just said, one last thing:  "Look back.  Look back at me."  You now have my permission to bawl.  

#3.  Neil and Christy from the Christy TV series/movies


You would not believe how stuffy it is in there how difficult it is to find a good picture of these two.  Sheesh.

Okay, so I just recently "discovered" this awesome couple as I was sick and bored.  So I started watching one of the Christy movies (the ones made after the TV series).  I was instantly hooked on Neil and Christy's relationship, but then, horrors!  The movie ended with the love triangle between David, Christy and Neil unresolved!  Well, that wouldn't do.  I found out in which movie the love triangle was resolved, and watched it.  Then I began to watch the TV series on YouTube, and watched almost the whole two seasons in two days.  (I did skip a few, though.)  Yeah.  I loved it.  And now I'm reading the book, which I have kinda-sorta read before (meaning I've read some of the "interesting" parts and the ending).  Granted, there are a few (ahem) cheesy parts in both the TV series and the subsequent movies (more in the movies), but overall it's just plain terrifical;)  (Does anyone else absolutely LOVE Neil's accent??  "That blundering fool has hurt you!")  I like their arguments, too:  "Well, you are a stubborn, stupid Scot who doesn't deserve Daniel!"  "And you are a rotten cook!" ;)  I think this couple, more than any other couple I've seen, made me want to scream (internally, that is) at the characters in the TV series:  "PEOPLES!  These two belong together!  Why can't you all see that?!?!"  *Sigh*  Oh, well.  Everything comes right in the end;)

#2.  Edward + Jane from Jane Eyre (2006)

Guys, I'm telling you, I am SO excited that we're reading this book next year!  It's a great book, and I really can't wait for the movie night that I intend to make sure we have;)  Overall, I prefer this version - the 2006 with Toby Stevens and Ruth Wilson - but I also enjoy the newer 2011 adaptation.  I think that both Michael Fassbender and Toby Stevens did excellently as Rochester, but...I think Toby Stevens was Rochester;)  (But, then again, Michael Fassbender's acting in the scene after Jane finds out The Great Secret was better, in my opinion…he did, after all, have the better scene material, I think...hmm…)  This is such an emotional, involving story, and I can't wait to watch it with y'all!  (We shall have to skip at least one particular *aHEM* scene, though.)  I'm dying to fangirl about some of my favorite parts, but since I'm not sure that all of you have watched/read Jane Eyre, I shall control myself:) 


Drumroll, please…

And #1 is…

Faramir + Eowyn from the The Lord of the Rings trilogy!!! *confetti*




  1. George? Who on earth is George?

    Haha. I call Mr Knightley Mr Knighley. I really don't think 'George' fits with him. But it amused me to see that someone wrote his first name down... I've never seen anyone do that, ever. :-)

  2. Haha I agree! I don't care for the first names that Jane Austen chose for some of her heroes. (I don't like the name George for Mr. Knightly either, but since I was using first names for all the others I wanted to stay consistent;D) And to be honest I don't like the name "Fitzwilliam" for Mr. Darcy. It's grown on me, but still...

  3. Who actually calls Mr. Darcy anything but Darcy or Mr. Darcy though? ;)
    Lovely list! Somehow I didn't realize there were movies/TV show of Christy. I remember liking the book a lot when I read a few years ago. Obviously I need to watch the movie these too.
    I adored Han and Leia! My family just watched A New Hope the other day and <3!!!! :) The fifth one definitely has some of their best moments. And the quotes you had!!!!! Ahhhhh!!! So good!!!!
    And Eowyn and Faramir. :) I hated how little they had of them in the movies... they definitely could have taken out five minutes of Aragorn and Arwen for five more minutes with Eowyn and Faramir!

    1. Heehee, right?! Honestly, I have to say that I don't really care for the majority of the first names that Jane Austen gave her heroes:-P (Excepting Henry Tilney, of course=D )
      Thanks! Yup, there are, and they're pretty good! I'd definitely recommend the TV series over the movies, though. Like I said, there are some pretty cheesy parts in both, but particularly in the movies:-/
      Han and Leia forever!!!!! Yes, the fifth is my favorite of all the movies;) I LOVE Han Solo's quotes! They're just so epic and applicable =D
      Right?! I love Aragorn and Arwen, and all, but still. FORTY-FIVE SECONDS OUT OF A NINE-HOUR TRILOGY?!?! Seriously?!


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