Tolkien Blog Party 2024 | My Tag Answers

Well, folks, another Tolkien Blog Party is drawing to a close.  Today is the last day of Rachel's shindig, and therefore, high time for me to post my answers to this year's tag. 

Before we begin, though, a moment of silence for the end of a (sort of) era.  For the last several years I've used collages from a gorgeous Tumblr series as graphics for my tag answers, but at long last, I've used all or most of them at least once before.  I don't particularly want to recycle them, so I'm not including any in this post, but I think that Tumblr creator has made other Middle-earth inspired collections, so maybe I can scope out some new ones to use in coming years!  Anyway.  RIP, "modern LOTR aesthetics".  You did us a solid. ✌

On a cheerier note, read on for the 2024 tag questions and my answers thereto. 

1. The Shire: What place in Middle-earth do you think would feel the most like home for you?

Well, that's the million-dollar question, isn't it?  I lean toward the Withywindle Valley, Ithilien, or the Shire itself, but I don't think I could ever feel at home without mountains nearby, so maybe Rivendell would be a more correct answer.  In any case, those are my favorite Middle-earth locales, so I'd probably be pretty happy in any of them.

(Of course, in a perfect world, I would be married to Beorn and therefore living with my cool beekeeping vegetarian husband on his idyllic estate in Wilderland between the Misty Mountains and Mirkwood.  Ahem.)


2. Bree: If you could create a Middle-earth-themed restaurant, what would you serve there?

My instinctual answer is Beorn's honey cakes, but does The Hobbit ever explicitly state that Beorn serves honey cakes?  *ruminates*  Well, even if it doesn't, he probably does, so I'm sticking with my answer.  

(FYI, in my mind, the honey cakes are light and wafer-like, probably made out of some kind of pastry, almost a shortbread consistency or a Napoleon cake situation.  Not a rich/moist birthday cake texture.  I don't actually like the taste of honey in that form.)


3. Rivendell: Where in Middle-earth would you like to hang out with your friends for a week or so?

Maybe Lothlorien or Dale, because I wouldn't necessarily like to live long-term in either place, but I would like to visit both.  I think Dale would be especially interesting.


4. Moria: Have you ever delved into the history of Middle-earth (or the history of Tolkien's creative process)? If so, did you learn anything cool you'd like to share?

A bit!  Not very exhaustively, but I did glean some interesting insight into Tolkien's creative vision and priorities from Tolkien's Sacramental Vision (Bernthal) and A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War (Loconte).  I've also perused the appendices to The Lord of the Rings and learned fun family lore for some of the characters, like Elrond, Eomer, Merry, Pippin, etc.

A friend and I also briefly tried our hand at learning one or two of the Elven languages via an app.  All that I've retained are a few terms of endearment, like "melda" ("dear") and "mire" ("treasure," "precious," etc.), and "namarie"("farewell"). 😉

5. Lothlorien: Would you like to sleep in a tree?

I'd like to sleep in a flet, I think, but I'd prefer some kind of cot to just sleeping directly on the wooden floor.

6. Edoras: Do you like horses?

Of course, though I haven't interacted with them very much.


7. Minas Tirith: Have you ever dressed as a Tolkien character, whether for a convention or Halloween or anything else? (Bonus fake internet points if you share a photo!)

Not as a specific Tolkien character, but I did (attempt to) dress as a Tolkien-esque Elf for a trip to the movie theater once.  I believe it was for one of the Hobbit films?  Can't remember which one, though.


8. Erebor: Do you have any Middle-earth merchandise you particularly treasure?

YES.  One of my brothers gave me a sterling silver replica of the Evenstar necklace as my Secret Santa gift one Christmas, and I treasure that because of how thoughtful and generous that was of him.  (And also because of the item itself.  I mean, that's a stunning piece.  I don't wear it much because it feels too special and I prefer smaller necklaces for everyday wear, but I still love it.)

I also printed out all of the collages in that Tumblr series that I mentioned at the beginning of the post and am adding those to my omnibus copy of The Lord of the Rings so that I have them to gaze upon while I'm reading. 😍


9. Mordor: Have you ever read anything by Tolkien that wasn't about Middle-earth?

Yep.  I've read Farmer Giles of Ham, Smith of Wootton Major, Roverandum, and (I think?) Leaf by Niggle.  Maybe more; I can't remember for sure.  I think I liked Farmer Giles best.


10. The Grey Havens: How long has it been since you last ventured into Middle-earth via book or film?

Well, I commenced my Lord of the Rings reread on the 22nd in honor of our beloved hobbits' birthdays.  Before that, I actually can't remember.  I know I watched at least part of The Fellowship of the Ring last Christmas season, but I don't recall whether I watched or read anything from Middle-earth since then.

What is your favorite Middle-earth location?


  1. What fun! Thanks for the answers ;)

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting, Astrya! :)

  2. hot beekeeping vegetarian husband...Ok, moving on

    My favorite location is always going to be the Shire, followed very closely by Rivendell. Both Bilbo and Elrond's libraries are enough to make me want to live at either location.

    1. Hey, take it up with Tolkien, because why did he write him that way?! Haha.

      They're both such fabulous locations. The Shire is so homelike and idyllic; Rivendell is so beautiful and evocative.


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