The 5 Things Tag
When Eva recently did this tag, I knew I wanted to join in! I've seen it floating around before, I think, but I've never answered it for myself. So here we are! ;) 5 Things You'll Find in My Purse My wallet My phone My CPR mask, because now, having taken a class, I never feel like I can be without it Tissues. I get nervous when I don't have Kleenex readily handy! Ibuprofen 5 Things You'll Find in My Bedroom A lamp A little framed still from one of the Winnie the Pooh movies that I found at a thrift store and that makes me happy ♥ Perfume A saucer chair Books :) 5 Things I've Always Wanted to Do Go to Disney World Star in a musical See Prince Edward Island Be on a talk show (don't ask) Learn how to cook more stuff 5 Things That Make Me Feel Happy Watching movies Finishing a book and updating my Goodreads status The relationship between Emma Swan and Killian Jones in Once...