Legends of Western Cinema Week || Tag
Heidi and Hamlette are hosting 2020's Legends of Western Cinema blog week! I had a few ideas of things to write for the event, but due to how busy I am right now, I don't know how many of those ideas will be realized. We shall see! In the meantime, I'm glad there's a tag so I can at least be sure of contributing one post. 😉
3) The funniest Western you've seen?

6) Favorite Western hero/sidekick pairing?

1) What's the last Western you watched?
The last one I watched was Rango, but in terms of new-to-me Westerns? It's been quite a while, actually — probably since I watched part of Tombstone.
2) A Western of any stripe (happy or tragic) where you were highly satisfied by the ending?
The last one I watched was Rango, but in terms of new-to-me Westerns? It's been quite a while, actually — probably since I watched part of Tombstone.
2) A Western of any stripe (happy or tragic) where you were highly satisfied by the ending?
I feel like there's an obvious answer that I'm missing, but the conclusion of The War Wagon was lots of fun.
3) The funniest Western you've seen?
That one's got to be, once again, Rango. I just cannot get over how clever the script is, and how eccentric and entertaining the story-world is.
4) What similar elements/themes show up in your favorite Westerns?
4) What similar elements/themes show up in your favorite Westerns?
This is a very good question, and it actually relates to a whole other post idea that I have. Even if I don't get it written in time for the party, I may still want to do it later, so I won't flesh out my answer too deeply. But I will say this:
Most of my favorite fictional cowboys are the ones who act the least like stereotypical fictional cowboys.
5) Favorite actress who made one or more Westerns?
5) Favorite actress who made one or more Westerns?
Hmm . . . there hasn't been a lot of actress crossover between the Westerns I've watched . . . so I guess we'll say Maureen O'Hara? She's not necessarily one of my favorite actresses in general (though I do like her), but she's probably got the most Westerns under her belt. (Of the actresses with whom I'm familiar, that is.)
Edit: I just realized that this question included actresses who only made one Western. *facepalm* In that case, it would probably be Hailee Steinfeld. ↓

6) Favorite Western hero/sidekick pairing?
Chris and Vin from The Magnificent Seven! I love how their relationship only exists because they were both literally like, "we should hang out now," and then just . . . did . . . lol. They're both hardworking and philanthropic at heart, however much they try to hide it, and each seems to be mildly amused by the other, which is fun.
7) Scariest villain/antagonist in a Western?
There may be one I'm forgetting, but Buck Hannassey in The Big Country is one of those that gives me literal, physical Anxious Feelings every time he's in the same frame as Julie. (Because . . . you know . . . of the whole sexual predation thing.)
8) Favorite romance in a Western?
7) Scariest villain/antagonist in a Western?
There may be one I'm forgetting, but Buck Hannassey in The Big Country is one of those that gives me literal, physical Anxious Feelings every time he's in the same frame as Julie. (Because . . . you know . . . of the whole sexual predation thing.)
8) Favorite romance in a Western?
Say it with me, now, 'cause I know you know it:
Tom & Sun Foy, cAN I GET A WITNESS? (Apparently her name is actually spelled "Foy." I've been spelling it "Fu" on this blog for years. My apologies.)
I will never be over them.
9) Three of your favorite Westerns?
9) Three of your favorite Westerns?
The Apple Dumpling Gang, Quigley Down Under, and Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. Since you said "three of," not "your three favorite".
10) Share one (or several!) of your favorite quotes from a Western.
10) Share one (or several!) of your favorite quotes from a Western.
"This ain't Dodge City, and you ain't Bill Hickok" IS QUITE POSSIBLY MY FAVORITE EVERRRRR, oh my word. I love the way it's delivered, its significance in context, everything.
(I mean, in terms of non-comedic quotes. In terms of comedic quotes, Rango is probably the winner.)

Be sure to check out Heidi's & Hamlette's blogs for more Western goodness!
(Psst: There are giveaways.)
ReplyDeleteI knewwwwwwww you were gonna mention Tom and Sun Foy in this post!! *happy feels*
"the cowboys who act the least like stereotypical fictional cowboys," yup yup. We stan a man who goes beyond shallow or harmful gender expectations, we do indeed. ;)
Delete'Cause you know my FEELINGS. ;)
yes, ma'am. we do, indeed.
I love Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron and was actually going to mention it in my post but decided on another animated favorite of mine. :) Each time you mention Tom and Sun Foy makes me want to watch them more...
ReplyDeleteYES! Such a good one. :)
DeleteAhhhh, that makes me happy! (As always whenever I'm discussing this movie with people, I feel compelled to disclaim once again that there IS a decent amount of Mature Content in their show, so, you know . . . )
Loved your sidekick pairing choice!
ReplyDeleteI guess I need to see Lonesome Dove (right?) one of these days.
And I immediately think of you wheneverrrrrrr and wherever I see Rango mentioned. XD
So glad you could fill out the tag!
Thank you! *grins*
DeleteMmmm, actually, which question/answer made you think of Lonesome Dove? I don't think I mentioned that one in this post.
Ahhhhhh, that makes me happy. xD
Thank you! It was fun. :)
Eeeep! Sorry, maybe it'sBroken Trail?? They're both still on my TBW list and I get them mixed up. *face palm*
DeleteNo worries! Yes, probably Broken Trail -- I did mention that one, with the couple question. ;) ;) And yes, you SHOULD watch it!! As long as you're prepared for the content, of course. ;-P