Movies: Month in Review {August 2020}

(Yes, I changed my blog look; and yes, it's a recycled one.  I was missing it. 😁)

Comet (2014) ● R

Speaking out of the reliable authority of one who has seen a whole two of his movies, Justin Long seems . . . to play a certain type of character rather a lot.  And that type of character is basically a word-I-can't-print-on-this-blog-on-account-of-the-children.

So . . . there's that.

Aside from that:  this is a visually gorgeous film about an extremely dysfunctional relationship.  

Dumbo (2019) ● PG

I covered this in my last post.  I had a few quibbles with it, but I liked it. 

French Kiss (1995)  ● PG-13

French Kiss · Miss Moss

Okay but I'm actually very happy about this.  I greatly enjoy rom-coms when I find a really solid one, but I don't find them as often as I'd like to.  This one was Highly improbable (as are most), but I honestly loved it.  I've already watched it several times and I can't wait to watch it several more. 

Meg Ryan is The Actual Cutest and she had me in stitches over lines that objectively weren't that funny; her delivery just made them hilarious.   ("SpAsM!  Spasm!")  And Kevin Kline's character was surprisingly sweet and endearing.  They're both dorks and it's adorable. 

The Holiday (2006) ● PG-13

Best Romantic Comedies of All Time: Rom-Coms to Watch Right Now - Thrillist

Finally got around to watching this one.  Didn't really care for it, but there were some sweet moments.  It's always fun to see so many good actors together.

Toy Story 4 (2019) ● G

Toy Story 4 Woody and Buzz Lightyear

Don't have much to say about this one.  I enjoyed it the same way I've enjoyed the other Toy Story movies:  I liked it but didn't love it.  (I did think it was an improvement on the third one, but it's been a long time since I've seen that one.)

Have you watched anything new / fun this month?


  1. Hmmm, I just watched my first movie with Justin Long (He's Just Not That Into You) and he, like all the other men and many of the women in this movie certainly fit into the unprintable category.

    I mostly rewatched a lot of movies, including Clueless, which I think I'm going to watch again. I started my first K-Drama, Oh My Venus.

    I feel like I need to see Holiday at least once, closer to Christmas since it makes all the list. As for Toy Story, I still haven't seen all of 3.

    1. Hehe, yeahhhhhhh . . . I'm a little confused by his typecast.

      Neat! I'd like to rewatch Clueless one of these days. What's the premise of Oh My Venus?

      That makes sense. I'd been aware of The Holiday for a long time, and always figured I'd watch it eventually.

    2. Oh, My Venus. Popular girl and boy meet in highschool and then fast forward 15 years, she's overweight they are still in a relationship but he isn't proposing, he dumps her for a skinny girl (a former overweight friend of hers), and she meets this trainer who she gets to help her lose weight, he's got a whole lot going on in his life too. And I'm not even that many episodes in. I was a bit confused even with the subtitles but there are some absolutely hysterical moments.

  2. I saw Justin Long in Live Free or Die Hard years ago, and I liked him a ton in it, and then he never made another movie I wanted to see.

    I don't want to see the new Dumbo because the animated one already makes me too sad.

    I adore French Kiss. Delightful.

    I also love The Holiday. A lot. Possibly my favorite Jude Law movie. I cannot get over the perfect adorableness that is the rascally, witty, charming Eli Wallach. Plus W-I-D-O-W-E-D makes me cry every time. I fell in love with the movie right there. It has flaws, but I can get past them.

    I am not sure what I watched this month because I have to tot all that up soon. I know I watched Saskatchewan (review coming for Alan's birthday on Thursday) and The Tin Star (review coming hopefully sooner than that). And I'm finishing the 1940 Pride & Prejudice tonight, which I totally dig. And I went to see The Greatest Showman in the theater with my girls last week, which was perfection as usual.

    1. See, I keep liking the idea of his acting / roles, but then . . . I don't end up liking the reality. I've wanted to watch Comet for a long time, and I was hoping to like him in it. Ah, well.

      The new Dumbo is quite dissimilar to the original (to the best of my recollection), if that makes any difference. *shrugs*

    2. Whoops, hit 'Publish' too soon.

      French Kiss is so much fun! A new favorite, I think. :D

      Eli Wallach's character was great! And yes, that part when Amanda meets Graham's kids for the first time was one of those moments that took me aback, it was so sweet.

      Gotcha. Ahh, yes, I remember the Showman expedition! You've also made me wonder if I should try the 1940's P&P.

    3. A review would be cool!

      And thanks again for the tag! :)

  3. "... a word-I-can't-print-on-this-blog-on-account-of-the-children."


    All kidding aside, I felt your point, my dear, I felt it deep within my soul. There's a rather lot of those characters about, aren't there? *shakes head at them*

    I love the Toy Story franchise with a blinding and overwhelming passion, partly because Nostalgia due to the fact that #1 was one of the very few movies I actually watched as a child. So those characters are my old friends. Movie #3 and #4 in particular make me cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.


      There . . . there are indeed, sometimes.

      Awwwww! I love that! Toy Story wasn't one of those franchises for me, but I can definitely see why it's so important to so many people.

  4. I love that header! The New World is such a beautiful film. French Kiss sounds like a cute movie and I'm always up for a good romantic comedy.

    The Holiday! That movie is one of my favorites! (I may or may not have gotten it for Jude Law..)

    1. Ahh, thanks! YES, isn't it?? I love it so much.

      I think you'd enjoy French Kiss!

      Haha, I understand. The cast is Quite Satisfactory. ;)

  5. Lately I haven't liked Rom-Coms, but this month I saw Letters to Juliet and really liked it!! Now I'm in the mood for trying French Kiss and The Holiday!

    1. Ahhh, you watched Letters to Juliet?! Was that your first time? I love that movie SOOO much. :D <3 <3 So glad you enjoyed it, too!

      Definitely, go for it!

  6. Just popping in to let you know that I tagged you for the Sunshine Blogger Award - Only play if you want. ;)


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