Announcing Legends of Western Cinema Week 2022

Well, well, well, if it isn't that time of year again. I'm joining forces once more with my partners in crime, Rachel and Heidi, to bring you the latest installment of our annual Western blog party, Legends of Western Cinema Week.

This year, the party will run July 25-29.  There'll be a tag, reviews, probably a game or two, and who knows what else?  Also, we need you to contribute!  Any post idea you have that involves Westerns, we want to see it.

This party always ensures that I watch at least a few Westerns a year, and I love it for that.  I also love the sense of community it evokes, as any good blog party should. 😉  Looking forward to celebrating all things Western with you!

P.S.  Feel free to spread the word with one of these event buttons!  We want as many people as possible to participate. 😃

Are you excited about Legends of Western Cinema Week?


  1. Exciting!!!

    This is always such a fun time. <3

  2. Yay! This blog party always makes me happy. :) Especially right now as the majority of things I've been watching recently have been of the western genre.

    (Perhaps I'll even get to writing a blog post to contribute this year... we'll see. XD)

    1. Aww, that makes me happy, Faith! I hope you can join in, but either way, hope you'll enjoy the party! :)

  3. All aboard for a good time, everybody!

  4. Replies
    1. Same, Sarah! Hope you're doing well. :) <3

    2. Thank you, yes! And I hope you are too! <3


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