The Honestea Tag

The beautiful Ivy Miranda tagged me for this!  Thanks, Ivy.


- no lies allowed. if an answer is too shameful to expose you may substitute the answer with a gif/image of someone drinking tea.

- there are optional bonus additions to questions but these are not for the faint of heart.

- if you complete the tag having answered every question + the bonus additions (no gifs used), you are dubbed a certified tea chugger, and you deserve a badge to show the world that you are not afraid of a steaming hot cup of TRUTH.

- tag at least one other person (a tea party with just one is not very fun. trust me.) untagged persons are more than welcome to fill it out as well (nothing cooler than crashing a tea party).


what is a 'bad' (generally disliked) movie that you actually love?

The Phantom Menace, maybe?  I don't know if that one is generally disliked or just generally mocked (which, fair).  Either way, I enjoy it.  Some other candidates (except I won't concede that they're bad) would be:  The Lion King (2019), Emma (1996) with Kate Beckinsale, and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010).

what is your most shocking reading habit?

Um . . . I dog-ear, sometimes?  Again, I don't know if that's considered shocking or not.  Either way, I feel no guilt about it. 😜

Or maybe the fact that I don't always "skip" objectionable content when I'm reading?  IDK WHAT YOU GUYS THINK IS SHOCKING. 😂

tell us the number one lie you write in your posts.

I can't think of anything I tend to lie about in my posts other than your typical, everyday exaggeration.  I withhold information or only give part of the story sometimes, but I don't think I say things that I know are incorrect on here.

tell us the worst character name you've ever thought up. {bonus: share a character name you find ridiculous in a book/movie}

I'm coming up empty, sorry.  My very first protagonist was named Jewel because she was a princess and had sapphire eyes and was modeled after a cartoon on a birthday card — but I was also, like, seven, so cut me some slack.

what is the real reason you procrastinate writing your work in progress?


Actually, I do know:  It's a combination of lack of energy, lack of inspiration, and lack of desire to spend my free time on it.

what is a genre of music you secretly love?

I have a love/hate relationship with some country and some mainstream pop.  [To be clear, other country/other mainstream pop, I have a fully love relationship with.  (Don't come at me for that dangling preposition.)]

if you're a plotter, what do you really think of pansters? and if you're a panster, what do you really think of plotters?

I'm a plantser, but in my experience, plotters are the ones who tend to be a bit more elitist and more likely to issue (faulty) universal advice.  So, they're the ones I'd like to see take a seat every now and then. 

share at least three lines of dialogue from one of your first writing projects {bonus: give us the good stuff. your most gruesome butchering of the English language}

Believe me, no one wants to revisit my old writing less more than I do, but, alas, I don't have access to my early projects at the moment.  They're in relatively deep storage and I don't feel like delaying this post until I can dig them up.  As a compromise, here's a more or less verbatim one-liner from an early story, because it's the worst one that I can remember relatively clearly:

"I shall see you again when summer's magnificency is upon us."

As that one extra in Where'd You Go, Bernadette put it, I didn't just think outside the box, I thought outside the dictionary.

tell us the title & artist of the last song you listened to.

As of this edit, "Wild Sea" by Phildel.  (Fantastic artist, by the way.  Go to her for all of your fantasy WIP needs.)

which beloved book/movie character do you dislike & why?

steve rogers steve rogers steve rogers steve rogers steve rogers steve rogers steve rogers steve rogers steve rogers steve rogers steve rogers steve rogers steve rogers steve rogers steve rogers steve rogers steve rogers steve rogers

I actually have a post in draft explaining all my opinions on Steve, why I despise him so virulently, etc.  I'm just torn on whether or not to finish and publish it. 

Also, Jo March.  I've never liked Jo March very much.  Partially because she's always triggered memories of some personal trauma, and partially because I almost always dislike hot-tempered characters.  It's incredibly difficult for me to respect them.

tell us the title & topic of a post you have left in draft.

"Black Comedy:  My Do's and Dont's" — an exploration of dark/morbid humor in literature and film.

what is a book you pretend you've read/would like to read but know you never will? {bonus: share a time when claiming you've read a classic/well-known book didn't end well}

I'd like to have one day read all of The Canterbury Tales, but will I ever actually finish them?  Probably not.  Same goes for a lot of the ancient philosophers/historians.

tell us the title & topic of the most embarrassing post you've ever written. {bonus: include. the. link.}

Listen, anything I posted before 2019 tends to embarrass me when I reread it, so . . . the bar is real low, here. 😂  I don't know if I could isolate the single most embarrassing post, though.

{I Tag}

Katie, because there are few things I love more than "spilling the tea," as the kids say, with her. 😉

- what is a 'bad' (generally disliked) movie that you actually love?
- what is your most shocking reading habit?
- tell us the number one lie you write in your posts.
- tell us the worst character name you've ever thought up. {bonus: share a character name you find ridiculous in a book/movie}
- what is the real reason you procrastinate writing your work in progress?
- what is a genre of music you secretly love?
- if you're a plotter, what do you really think of pansters? and if you're a panster, what do you really think of plotters?
- share at least three lines of dialogue from one of your first writing projects {bonus: give us the good stuff. your most gruesome butchering of the English language)
- tell us the title & artist of the last song you listened to.
- which beloved book/movie character do you dislike & why?
- tell us the title & topic of a post you have left in draft.
- what is a book you pretend you've read/would like to read but know you never will? {bonus: share a time when claiming you've read a classic/well-known book didn't end well}
- tell us the title & topic of the most embarrassing post you've ever written. {bonus: include. the. link.}

Weigh in:  Should I spew unfiltered hatred 
at Steve Rogers in blog post form?


  1. Voyage of the Dawn Treader is a Good Movie and you can't tell me otherwise.

    YES to the Steve Rogers post! Honestly, I'm still torn. XD He was my first superhero love and I do genuinely love him in The First Avenger and The Winter Soldier. After that, it all gets a little fuzzy...

    1. TRUTH. It's a good movie.

      Hehehe, I so appreciate your support of my hatred of Steve, even though you're torn on him.

  2. I am V I B R A T I N G with excitement

    You tagged me to spill the tea, and spill the tea I certainly shall!!!!!

    (Not even joking, I am genuinely thrilled to be tagged for this game. Best blog post idea I've heard in ages. You know me so well, my dear.)

    100% support the Steve Rogers hate post--I won't read it or comment on it, true, but I fully support it because it's important to have an outlet for one's deepest rages every now and again. ;)

    1. Ahhh, I'm delighted that you enjoyed this tag so much! I enjoyed your answers! :D

      Lollllll, 'tis true, 'tis true.

  3. I love Steve, but I love a good intense post of hatred and discussion of characters. Life would be boring if everyone liked the same characters, and we couldn't argue over them. And I think curiosity almost always trumps everything for me, except if a few cases where something is super special to me, then I don't want to even know people's positive opinions. I'm also interested in your dark comedy draft. I tend to have a huge back log of drafts myself, not always welll though out but still.

    Also, love Dawn Treader book so much and even the dumb changes couldn't affect the overall perfect Narnia tone of that movie and just the perfection of the boat and setting and Eustace was perfect, love Edmund as always. The Kate Beckinsale Emma was the Emma I was introduced too (she is the most accurate Emma but now I prefer watching the happier, brighter, longer 2009 version which has the best JA soundtrack I think). I can't STAND the Gweneth Paltrow one. Is the Beckinsale one so disliked or just not as known? I feel like I've hardly ever seen anyone mention it.

    1. That's a good point! Variety is the spice of life, as they say. ;) But I know what you mean about sometimes not even wanting to hear positive opinions of something that means a lot to you. I'm definitely the same way.

      Exactly! The Dawn Treader was never my favorite book, but I really like the movie a lot. Will Poulter was PERFECT as Eustace.

      Yeah, sadly, it seems that people really tend to hate the Kate Beckinsale Emma. At least, I've heard almost exclusively negative things about it. ;) But it's definitely my favorite.

  4. Thanks for doing the tag! Your answers are great!

  5. I don't like Steve Rogers either... and I really didn't like Voyage of the Dawn Treader, but I don't think it's necessarily a bad movie, I just dislike it when something which is clearly *loosely inspired by* Lewis is marketed as an adaptation. :P

    1. THANK YOU. (Steve Rogers is The Living Worst and I will die on that hill.) Haha, it's very different from the book, so I understand disliking all the changes they made.

  6. I've been wanting to see the Kate Beckinsale Emma! I've watched the other 1996 version for ages, and that's been basically my only Emma exposure (besides Clueless), but recently my sisters and I watched the 2009 version and enjoyed it. We've been thinking about watching the 2020 and any other version we can get our hands on now...

    "summer's magnificency" is actually very inspiring to me. I have hardly what you can call a vocabulary, so I need more experience with words. xD

    I would love to read your dislike of Steve Rogers post! I personally like him a lot, but I don't think he's as perfect as everyone believes him to be, so I would enjoy reading your opinions. And I'd probably share it with my sister who will agree with you. ;) I totally feel you about hot-tempered characters! I just don't understand how they get angry and snappish all the time? That was such a struggle for me to read the Harry Potter books. I am guilty, though, of making that a trait of my characters in /plotting/ but when I get to writing, I always say, "Nope, not doing it." XD GIVE ME A REASON for people to be angry! It also feels like such an excuse that they hide behind, you know? They say, "I have a temper" instead of taking responsibility for any of their actions. Ugh.

    I've been reading your blog since 2017 or 2018 and you were always one of my favorites, so I don't think your writing before 2019 is embarrassing in the least! :D

    1. I highly recommend both the Kate Beckinsale '96 and the 2020 Emma! They're both fantastic. (Just beware of the bare butts in the 2020. xD)

      Well, "magnificency" is definitely not a word, so don't be too inspired, lol!

      Aww, thank you! We'll see, haha.

      YES! That's exactly how I feel about "hot-tempered" characters. Oh, you have a temper? Newsflash, buddy: so does literally everybody else. That doesn't give you the right to throw tantrums every time something doesn't go your way. Grow the frick up and stop wasting my time.

      Awwww, haha! You're too kind; thank you. :) <3

    2. Totally agree about the ‘96 Emma! It’s great!

      ~ Miss Winifred

  7. I really loved reading your answers. :) And also, yes I would love to hear a blog post why you hate Steve Rogers (even though I just found your blog). :)

    I also dog-ear books, I mostly do this with books I annotate though and not...normal books, that I read. Usually with books I annotate I just write down all the thoughts I have about said book in the book...But I think I just summed up what annotating is...

    And Jewel is a nice name. :) I don't see why it is bad, I've had characters with very weird names but not like weird in a good way-- like a Fantasy name would be, since I am a Fantasy writer, but like I had an obvious rip off the name Raven Queen (From Ever After High-- A show I liked), called Raven Nightshade just basically taking the name "Queen" of it and instead put "Nightshade" at the end basically claiming it was a new original name when it wasn't. XD

    Anyway, I loved reading your answers and look forward to reading more of your posts,

    1. Thank you so much, Quinley! I really enjoyed your comment. :) (Also, your name is beautiful!)

      I get that. I definitely wouldn't dog-ear every book, but I see no reason in the world to make it a hard and fast rule that one must NEVER dog-ear. Books are meant to be used and handled and loved. :-P

      Hehe, I don't think Jewel is the worst fantasy name, I just don't think it's a good one. xD (With the exception of Jewel the unicorn in The Last Battle, of course. ;))

      Haha, well, in fairness to you, "Raven" and "Nightshade" both seem to be very popular names in the fantasy realm!

      Thank you so much! :)

  8. I’m about to have a class but I’ll be back to comment ASAP!

    ~ Miss Winifred

  9. Well this was a fun tag that's a bit out of the ordinary!

    And yes. I want to read your thoughts on Steve Rogers. Just out of curiosity. I like him but I don't have strong feelings so I'm super curious about your thoughts!

    Have a wonderful day!! <3

    1. Isn't it? Definitely not my usual style, but it was fun. :)

      Thank you, haha! We'll see.

      You too, Sarah! <3

  10. I FINALLY have a minute to comment on this!

    I sometimes dog-ear. It happens. Books are not sacred objects.

    I think everyone has their level of how much "content" they're comfortable with, and so something I might skim, another person might not. And something I might read and be fine with might offend someone else. Everyone's own conscience is meant to be *their* guide, not everyone else's guide.

    Some country and some mainstream pop is really fun. Same for some rap. And some metal.

    Why ARE plotters so bossy, on a whole?

    1. Exactly! Plus, books are meant to be used and loved. You should be able to tell that they're daily, weekly, monthly companions.

      Yes! Everyone is different. And it may vary based on the medium of the story, too. One might have a different baseline for a book than they would for a movie.

      I don't mean to keep saying "yes" and "exactly," but -- yes! Exactly! ;) Music is meant to be fun and beautiful and cultural, so all kinds of genres are awesome.

      Why, indeed? Like?

    2. In fact, I often will replace a pristine new copy of a book with a well-loved old pocket paperback because I have a great fondness for them.

      Perhaps bossy people are plotters because it lets them boss all their characters around? Perhaps it's the bossiness that makes them plotters, not the plotterness that makes them bossy?

    3. Exactly! For the most part, I don't want to feel like I shouldn't touch one of my books. It's gotta have a thick skin, so to speak. ;)

      Oooooh, interesting, interesting. Perhaps that's it? There's an element of control, maybe? (Not that all plotters are bossy/control freaks, of course, but you know what I mean.)


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I've gotten really bad about replying in a timely manner, but it's always my intention to do so eventually. (Even though it doesn't always happen. ;))

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