I was there at Calvary.

(Hello, beauties!  I wanted to preface this poem real quick.  I believe that  the Lord gave me this poem idea, and that He wants me to post it.  However, I really, at the risk of defeating the purpose, want to say that I am NOT trying to do this simply to garner complimentary comments--though y'all are always so kind in giving them.  I guess that's always a struggle, 'cause who doesn't love comments, but…I'm not really sure where I'm going with this; I know it doesn't make much sense.  I suppose just to say that, I'm sharing this in the hope that it can be of some help to someone in their walk with the Lord today--not because I'm trying to "show off" or tout myself as an amazing poet or anything.  Yeah.  Anywho.  Any goodness or worth you might see in this poem is solely the work of God, not me.  Just wanted to clarify that, if only to remind myself whenever bad motives try to sneak in, dontcha know :P  Thanks for reading my odd little spiel; I shall importune you no further!)

I was there at Calvary --
My mortal body yet to be born --
I was there the day the veil was torn;
I was there at Calvary. 

I was there at Calvary:
I was there when nails were driven,                                               
I was there when side was riven;
I was there at Calvary.  

I was there at Calvary.
Did I join the ingrate, insane crowd
In mocking Him Who made no sound?
I was there at Calvary.  

I was there at Calvary.
Was I one of the faithful few,
Who, fumbling, loved the Love we slew?
Oh, who was I at Calvary?

I was there at Calvary,
Where a war with hell was fought,
Where my future joy was bought --
I was there at Calvary.  

I was there at Calvary:
I saw those hands which were yet to make
My body, awash with all my reckless hate.
I was there at Calvary.

I was there at Calvary:
Those anguished eyes looked straight at me,                 
And now their grace is breaking me,
For I was there at Calvary.

I was there at Calvary.
You, my Brother, died for me,                                 
So that Your sister I could be,
Though I was there at Calvary?

You lead me here to Calvary
And let me touch the hands that formed my heart,
Though they hold my burning, sin-nail scars,
And we stay awhile at Calvary.

I was there at Calvary --
Your glorious grace, a thing I cannot reason --
So I will praise You in and out of season, 
For You forgave me my share in Calvary.  


  1. You posted this poem because you felt it might help somebody . . .

    Well, that somebody was me.

    Thank you, my friend. :-)

  2. You lead me here to Calvary
    And let me touch the hands that formed my heart,

    Wow...so beautiful. I appreciated how you clarified that all the glory should go to God alone. :)

    -- Faith, a follower who has probably never commented

    1. Thanks so much for commenting, Faith! I'm so glad to have met you.

  3. "Those anguished eyes looked straight at me,
    And now their grace is breaking me,"

    This poem is so beautiful, Olivia. The tears were just below the surface when I read that part quoted above. That part just really hit me. And I totally understand why you felt like you had to write a little explanation at the beginning. "Any goodness or worth you might see in this poem is solely the work of God, not me. Just wanted to clarify that, if only to remind myself whenever bad motives try to sneak in, dontcha know?" I can totally relate to that feeling. I second guess my motives all the time. But thank you for sharing this anyway. You have a gift for writing poetry, and God is using that gift to bless others. And yes, to Him be ALL the glory!! :) We have nothing that we have not first received from Him.

    Thank you! And have a blessed night, my friend! *hugs* :D

    ~Miss March

    1. Miss March, thank you so much. Your comment meant so much to me <3 I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has that struggle with motives. Thank you for your encouragement!!

      You as well :) *bear hugs*

  4. I believe God uses the gift He has given you, to speak to other people. This poem really did speak to me. All the words I loved, but this part, in particular, made me think of it in a new light:
    "I was there at Calvary.
    You, my Brother, died for me,
    So that Your sister I could be,"
    Keep at your writing, Olivia. I'm positive that God uses it in ways you can't imagine. :)
    Thanks for posting. <3

    ~Miss Meg

    1. Thanks ever so much, Miss Meg. Your poetry, too, really touches me--let's keep writing for God! :D

  5. This is...amazingly beautiful. I know somebody else has already said this, but I love the lines "Those anguished eyes looked straight at me/And now their grace is breaking me". Wow. This is really gorgeous!

    1. I so appreciate it, Ilse <3 Those two lines are coincidentally the ones that mean the most to me, I think. It's something the Lord has really been impressing on me now and then, over the past few months.

  6. Literally I have chills right now. This poem is extremely powerful (not to mention well written).

    1. Thank you so much, Laura! I'm so glad it touched you <3 <3

  7. Put simply, this was wonderful.

  8. This was incredibly powerful and beautiful, Olivia.

    ~Rilla Blythe

  9. I liked your poem; it was partly what made me sit down last night and just write a couple of my own freestyle poems about what He did for me last night.

    This may be an obvious question, but would you recommend the TV show Once Upon a Time? It sounds interesting, and I seem to remember that you like it.

    1. That's so cool! It makes me happy that it helped you, in a way, to decide to sit down and write some poetry. Could I maybe see some of your poetry some time? If you'd rather keep it private I COMPLETELY understand (truly, I do), but if not I'd love to see some :D

      Hmm, Once…well, yes, I think I would, as long as you're okay with some of the content. I haven't seen the latest seasons, but there is of course a good deal of magic (though some of the characters are "born with powers" and those that aren't are typically the bad--or conflicted--characters), and some moderate swearing, and in the earlier seasons there was a good bit of sensuality. Nothing was ever really "shown" in detail, but you, um, you definitely knew what was going on, if you know what I mean. So, other than all that (which I thiiiiink has gotten better as the show has progressed), it's got some awesome character development and absolutely AMAHZING plot twists.

  10. I completely understand your reasons for your little "preface". :) But, I do have to say that you have an amazing gift. Your poem is beautiful, Olivia, and it made me tear up. Keep on sharing God's love and beauty through your words!

    1. Oh! *sniffles and hugs you* Thank you SO much for your comment, Natalie! It was so encouraging <3

    2. :) :) I'm so glad! -hugs back-

  11. Thank you love. This was beautiful. :) Keep writing for Him. :)

    1. Thank YOU, Abigail <3 I really appreciate it.


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