"Hear ye, hear YE!" *dog barks* "Quiet!"

Sorry I've been rather scarce of late, peeps.  This past week, I worked five breakfast shifts at my part-time job, as well as several double shifts, and getting up at 5:30 a.m. five out of seven days will kind of take it out of a person.  (Unless you're a person who is just better at getting up early than I am, which is very likely.)

This has pretty much been me coming home in the afternoon/evening.

But anyway, first things first.  I have decided, after due deliberation, to extend my recent giveaway through July 25th, just to let any "stragglers" have a fair chance ;)  Because--and this may shock you; hold onto something--I myself know what it's like when life gets crazy and you can't spend as much time on the blogosphere and then find out you missed a giveaway.  Believe it or not, I have done it :P  If you "just missed" the deadline, fret not thyself!  You've still got plenty of time to enter for one of those lovely pictures or the book :)

So yes, hurrah and hooray, the My Fair Lady giveaway continues.  And now for the bigger news (in my opinion) of the post.  *clears throat and winks*

I'm preeeetttyyy sure you all know that I'm a Western fan, but just on the off chance that somebody brand-new is reading this post (and if a brand-new-somebody is doing just that, hello!  You're a kind soul and I want to be friends with you), I will restate it:  I am a Western gal.  (I mean, I'm a Western fan.  Real Western gals might scoff at me if I were to imply that I'm actually a Western gal.)  I enjoy Westerns rather passionately.  And if you don't, you have a problem that's totally fine, but you may have to endure an excessive amount of fangirling over them from yours truly in just a wee while, because…

Legends of Western Cinema Week is happening again!!!  *stars and confetti and balloons and joy*  If you missed this last year, it's a week created by none other than the amazing Emma, wherein she and I--and anyone else who wishes to participate--can bask in the glory of  dust and horses and old-fashioned valor for a few days.  And I, for one, am prodigiously excited about it.  

From August 1 to August 5, you'll be treated to scores of posts about all things Western--most likely reviews, lists, character studies, Deep Thoughts, maybe a challenge or a tag of some sort, and even a giveaway or two ;) I've made a few buttons to spread the word (as has Emma), and we'd appreciate it if y'all would be so kind as to take some and display them on your blogs, if you've a mind.  Stay tuned for further developments!  And hurry over to Emma's blog for more details and buttons--she is, after all, the founder of this wonderful week, and I am everlastingly grateful that she's invited me along for the ride!  She's a chum like that :)  So get thee over to meet her!  Meanwhile, here are the buttons I've made.

See you on August 1!  (Not that I won't be posting before then, of course.  I mean, I hope I will be…)


  1. Oh cool! I was sort of thinking about how I don't enjoy westerns very much and then I looked at your AMAZING buttons and realize I enjoy most of those :P There are certain ones I will forever love (like Big Country with Gregory Peck) but that's because they're not quite as typical. And the Love Come Softlys! I'd never even thought of those as westerns, haha, but the 3rd one is I guess :) Oklahoma is a good one, too. I can't decide how much I like Shane yet. And I should probably watch more John Wayne . . . because, you know . . . I live in Texas. ;)

    1. Haha! Aww, thanks ;) *gasp* You've seen TBC?! I really, REAAAALLY want to see that one, but I can't find it anywhere :'( Haha, yeah, the LCS movies are right on the line, in my opinion, as to whether they're Westerns or not :P I like non-typical Westerns, myself, so I feel you. Ooh, I haven't seen Shane yet, though I've heard quite a bit about it. You live in Texas?? Then yes, you must needs watch more John Wayne, for multiple reasons :D

    2. Oh, and Abigayle, have you by any chance decided which of the giveaway items you'd like? Because I'm hosting individual giveaways for each one, so it'd be great if you could let me know which one you'd like to enter! :)

  2. Ooooh! Another Western week!!

    I wouldn't call myself a HUGE Western fan, but I remember your week from last year, and it was a lot of fun. I think it's so neat that you and Emma are doing this together for the second year in a row, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with this time. Good luck with your preparations. I'm sure there's a lot of work that goes into hosting a week like this.

    Nice job on your buttons! That one of Theodore and Amos is great! It made me smile. ;)

    ~Miss March

    1. Thanks so much! I really appreciate your good wishes for the prep work--there is a fair amount to organize, but we have so much fun withn

    2. Oops! Published too soon.

      As I was saying, we have so much fun with it that it all works out pretty nicely :)

      Haha! Thanks bunches! I had a lot of fun making them, and as you know, TADG is my baby, so...yeah ;)

  3. Haha. Loved the title. :D

    5:30 AM? I'd be DEAD! My hat is off to you!

    Hehe... did I suspect this was going to happen? Yes, yes I did. Am I happy about it? Yes, yes I am. I wish I could be over the moon enthusiastic, but westerns aren't my first love... however, I still appreciate them (if they're done well :P).

    Just by gazing at the blog buttons (which are epic, btw), methinks you like John Wayne... haha. ;D

    Well, this is certainly something to look forward to! :D

    ~Miss Meg

    1. Heehee! I was hoping y'all would like that ;)

      *takes sweeping bow* Thank you, thank you very much. Your sympathy is greatly appreciated. But seriously, it's not THAT bad...I just whine about it :P At least I've never had to get up any earlier than five, that I know of! (Except that one time I almost headed off to work at 2 a.m. because I woke up confused, but that's another story...)

      Haha, aww, well, you're a dear to still be happy for us Western nerds :D

      (Why, thank you!) Yes, well, 'hem, I can certainly tolerate the man with a fair amount of enthusiasm ;) Haha, I remember you saying how your sisters are big John Wayne fans, but he doesn't do as much for you xD

      Agreed! :)

  4. Hurrah! I have never been that much into Westerns since my parents don't really care for them, so we don't own any. But I do have one question-does Hidalgo count as a western? Because I LOVE that movie :D

    1. YES. HIDALGO COUNTS. Hidalgo always counts, in Emma's and my opinion ;D That movie is a wondrous piece of beauty, isn't it??

  5. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, 5:30 . . . Yeah, I've done that and IT IS NOT FUN. Lots and lots of respect. Also cake, because cake is a Good Thing :-)

    Yay, I love it when you guys do Western Week!! Really looking forward to that :-) (Actually, I'm just about to watch "Hidalgo" for the first time this week, based on you guys' recommendation, so that's exciting too . . .)

    1. AAAHH, thank you. I knew you'd be supportive, old thing :) (Btw, I AM going to respond to your email SOON!)

      *splutters* WHAAAAAAAAT?!?! You're watching that precious bundle of feels and glory for the first time?! TELL ME ALLLLLLLLL.

  6. You people have TOOOOOOO many good buttons!! How shall I chose? I want to use Angel & The Badman AND Apple Dumpling Gang from yours.

    1. *blushes* Haha! You're too kind :) Well, you do have two story-themed blogs, so theoretically you COULD choose two from among Emma's and my collections ;)

    2. This is true. I might just manage to have a western book review done in time for the week, we'll see.

  7. Also, I almost forgot: I tagged you in a thingy :) http://somethingsplendidstudios.blogspot.com/2016/07/tag-youre-it.html?m=1 if you want to do it! :)

    1. Ooooohh! My thanks to you, good lady! I dearly love a tag :D

  8. I do love Westerns, although I haven't read or watched that many. I love that button of Willie and Missie! I'll post it to my blog. :)

    1. Awww, thanks, Natalie! I like that picture of the two of them--t'is sweet :) And yay for Westerns! I'm with you--that is, I've watched a good many, but I think the one I finished reading the other day was my first Western book. So you're in good company ;D

  9. I love Westerns . . . I can't wait!

  10. YUSSSSSSSS. It will be grand. :-) (Your buttons are great!)

    1. Yes, indeedy, it will ;) (Thanks ever so much!)

  11. Olivia! It's good to hear from you, again! :)

    Oh my goodness, congrats to you for getting a job and my respect for rolling out of bed early every morning for it! Do you mind if I ask what sort of place you're working at?

    (That gif is really cute, even though I don't know where it's from. :) )

    But about the Westerns Week--

    Yay! It looks like fun! I don't think I'll participate because a). I'll be rather busy with visitors and wrapping up the summer activities/school that week and b). I've actually only seen two Westerns, the Apple Dumpling Gang movies, and I reviewed the first one last year, so that doesn't leave me much to work with!

    But I hope you and Emma and everyone else who participates will have loads of fun! And your buttons are beautiful. :)

    1. AAAWWWW! *tackle hugs you* You too, Meredith!

      Haha, thank you so much! No, I don't mind at all :) It's a camp-and-conference center, and I'm on the dining room staff, which basically means I help set up and tear down beverages and such, and take dirty dishes from the campers as they finish their meals. It's been good, so far!

      (Isn't it?! It's from the TV show Gilmore Girls :))

      Aw, I wish you could participate :( But your excitement is appreciated just as much!! :D Best of luck with guests and winding down on the summer's activities, by the by!

      Aww, thanks, old gal! That's so kind and thoughtful of you :)

  12. Yay!!! Thank you! I can't wait. I've been watching a few more westerns recently!

    1. I love you header, by the way!

    2. Oooh, awesome! Which ones have you been watching? I can't wait to see what you come up with for the week, if you can participate :D

      Awwwww, thank you so much! I'm so glad you like it :)

  13. Olivia, you poor thing, having to get up so early. I feel your pain, as that's the same time I have to get up for work (never 5 days in row though, the Horror!!)
    Your Western week sounds just delightful! Sadly I'm away that week, so I can't participate, but to read the posts in retrospect will surely be delightful:)

    1. Thanks, Rose *sniffle* Oh, I'm sorry you have to do the same thing! Thankfully I had to do it only four days in a row, and then a different shift the next day, and then a breakfast shift again the day after that.

      Thanks! Aww, I'm sorry you'll be unable to join us, though :'( Oh, well! True friends are always together in spirit ;)


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