5 underrated movies that are worth a watch

Isn't it interesting how many un-talked-about movies there are?  Think about it.  We all have different ones--ones we've grown up with, ones we've happened upon purely by chance, ones that make us think, 'Hey, that was a really good movie', ones that make us frustrated due to their lack of presence on Pinterest…

So, for no good reason, I've decided to briefly ramble about a few good men movies that aren't talked about very much, but that deserve to be.

Gimme Shelter 

This is a really good, really hard movie.  When I first heard of it, and based solely on the movie poster, I got a vague impression that it was a horror movie.  But then I watched the trailer, and realized that it is not a horror film--it's just a very, very intense drama.  The story is (apparently the true one) of a teenage girl named Apple, who flees from an abusive mother to find her father.  While on her journey, she becomes pregnant, and eventually finds a place in a shelter specifically built for teens facing unexpected pregnancies.  The cast is excellent in this movie, and the message is startling and ultimately hopeful, especially given that it is a mainly secular movie, made with big-name actors, in today's society.  It's a defense of those teenagers who do not want to have abortions and who are struggling to find a way to keep their babies.  I highly recommend it, but with caution--like I said, it's REALLY intense.  While there is nothing inappropriate shown, Apple's mother is absolutely terrifying.  Her interaction with her daughter is the epitome of a manipulative, unhealthy relationship, and how difficult and confusing those sorts of relationships are.  There is one scene in particular with her, Apple's mother, that is just too horrific.  I don't think I could watch it again.  But aside from that, it's an amazing film.  Unprecedented and raw and gripping, it's unapologetically realistic, with a killer ending.  

Change of Plans

This is a really cute, random movie with good themes and a good message and all that jazz.  If you look at the summary and the cover of the movie itself, it looks painfully cheesy, but, surprisingly, it wasn't.  It actually has a lot of merit.  I've watched it about thrice now, and I enjoy it every time.  Sally Danville (played by the singer Brooke White) and her husband Jason are two devoted, carefree people greatly enjoying their responsibility-free life, but when Sally's best friend dies in a plane crash, their world is turned upside down as her friend's four children are left to Sally and Jason.  The interactions in this movie are really cute, and the grief the children are going through--as well as their struggles to adapt to life in America as radically opposed to life in Uganda--is realistically and respectfully portrayed.  The movie is predictable, sure, but it isn't corny, and it's uplifting and generally upbeat.  Plus, the music is fun ;)

Though None Go With Me

This movie is never really talked about, but oh, what a movie it is.  I think it'd be a great favorite in the blogging community :D  It chronicles the life a young woman named Elizabeth, starting in her 20s in the 1940s, and progressing throughout her life.  And FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.  What that woman has to go through…anyway, it's very emotional (I've cried both times I've watched it), and it's a dang fine story, and the costumes are delicious.  Plus the ending.  Gaaaaahhh.

Home Run

So…this is a sports movie.  I know, I know.  BUT it has unusual themes for a sports movie (sort of), and it's really good.  It's about a baseball player, Cory (stay with me), who has come from a very difficult familial background and risen to stardom.  However, he's an alcoholic, and eventually that leads to some Major Problems, resulting in his being suspended and forced to undergo a time of therapy by his agent and his team.  That also requires returning to his hometown and coaching the Little League team his brother used to coach (due to Cory's drunken shenanigans, his brother is temporarily incapacitated).  But, of course, there's a lot of emotional baggage from his past hanging around in his hometown, including an ex-flame and her son, but I'm going to stop right there, because spoilers ;)  I know it doesn't sound like much, but it's actually a really good film.  The Christian element is actually strong, and, once again, THE ENDING.  Total feels.  (This movie, like Gimme Shelter, does have some more mature themes, though, so…don't watch it with your younger siblings, and all that.)

Extraordinary Measures

Hmm…two Brendan Fraser movies in the same post…however did that happen? ;)  Now, this one is about a business-man father whose children have a devastating disease that will inevitably take their lives before they reach ten years old.  There is no cure, and every doctor keeps telling the same story.  But the father isn't about to take no for an answer, so he contacts Harrison Ford's character, a scientist who has made huge progress in research for a cure.  They team up and determine to somehow find a cure, no matter what it takes.  And it's really stinkin' good.  There is a fair amount of pretty strong language, I warn you, as well as one scene (which is interrupted, and put in more for comic relief than anything else) between a husband and wife.  Keri Russell stars as Brendan Fraser's wife, and she's lovely, as ever.  Oh, and did I mention that it's based on a true story?  Because it is :)

Have you seen any of these movies?
What are some underrated movies you recommend? 


  1. Though None Go With Me looks SO GOOD. The others don't look as my-cuppa-tea-ish, but if you say they're good, I might consider. (Though None Go With Me, though... like, from the twenties to the fourties???? I NEED TO SEE.)

    Some underrated movies *I* need to give a shoutout? Goodbye Mr Chips, with Martin Clunes - AMAZING MOVIE JUST WATCH IT - and Berkerly Square, and Treasures in the Snow. Those are the three that come to my mind first. :-)

    ~ Naomi

    1. Naomi, I think you'd absolutely LOVE TNGwM :) The costumes are absolutely delectable!

      Ooh, Goodbye Mr. Chips! I should watch that movie, I loved the book. Thanks! I'll have to keep my eye open for those :D

  2. I remember hearing about Extraordinary Measures before and thinking it looked interesting. I think I've heard of Gimme Shelter also. I haven't heard of any of these others though. I might have to check them out. :)
    Underrated movies I recommend... agh! Too many! Try The Gods Must be Crazy. It's weird and quirky but so hilarious! Just don't watch with little kids as there is a scene with a lady in her underclothing. :)

    1. Honestly, I think you'd really like both of those, Lois! TGMBC sounds fun; I'll have to go look it up! :)

  3. Hmm, I have seen Extraordinary Measures, I think. Possibly. Which is kind of sad that I don't actually remember 100% whether I saw it or simply imagined that I saw it.

    The sports movie sounds really good. I find them to be very inspirational most of the time and well worth the watch, but I haven't seen Home Run so I'll have to track it down.

    A really awesome sports movie that I just saw is Woodlawn. It's amazing imo! Christian, but high quality and a true story to boot. It doesn't get much better.

    I also love In Time that's a speculative film where everyone's life is based off time, as in they don't earn money but minutes to keep themselves alive. If most people are lucky they have maybe a week or a couple of months stored up except for the people who are wealthy and possess 100s of years. Time can also be transferred which the hero discovers when a stranger gifts him enough time to literally live forever. And you do, aging isn't something that happens in this society. It really is a great movie, has some intense emotional moments, and overall is just an intriguing idea.

    1. Haha, I know what you mean.

      Then I think you'd really like HR, Carissa! It's really, REALLY good.

      Woodlawn was wonderful! I went into it really skeptically, but then it rather blew me away. I haven't yet seen something I didn't like from the Erwin brothers!

      Ohhh, yes, I've heard of In Time! It's a really interesting premise.

  4. I saw Gimme Shelter, too. I thought it was well done. Some underrated movies I like are, Where Hope Grows, Legend of the Guardians, and Cool Runnings. I like and reccomend all three of those if you haven't seen them. :)

    1. Wasn't it, Morgan?! Oh, I've heard of WHG, I think…what's it about, again? And the others?

  5. "A Few Good Men!" I GOT IT! Have you seen that movie? I haven't but I kinda want to, because y'know, it's Tom Cruise....

    HAHA. I saw Though None Go With Me, and personally...I thought it was terrible. ;-P Well, okay, it was several years ago, and I was sick at the time, so maaaybe if I watched it again I'd be able to get more good out of it. All I remember is that I thought the minister looked like Brad Pitt, her husband when he was older was played by a guy who's in an 80's TV show my parents watch (which my mom thought was hilarious) and thinking that Cheryl Ladd's makeup was horrible. That's pretty much what I remember.

    The only other one I've heard of is Extraordinary Measures, which looks somewhat interesting.

    Hmmmm, what are some underrated movies I love? Well, The Stars Fell on Henrietta for sure, which no one seems to know about but it's AMAZING. And The Journey of August King. Oh, and a movie called The Sandy Bottom Orchestra, which I've watched about once a year since I was eight and always gives me a warm, fuzzy, sunshiney-golden feeling. :-)

    1. Yay! I was hoping somebody would get that reference ;P I've seen bits and pieces of it, including the iconic "You can't handle the truth!" scene, which was admittedly pretty epic. It looks really good!

      Hehe, well, it took a while to grow on me, too ;) He DOES look like Brad Pitt! It's kind of creepy.

      I think you'd enjoy EM :)

      I want to see TSFoH! I mean, ROBERT DUVALL <3 I don't think I've ever heard of TSBO, but just the name makes me feel that feeling you mentioned. And it makes me think of peaches, for some reason.

  6. Wow! Thanks for this post! I am really interested in gimme shelter- Vanessa looks great!

    1. Morg, you'd LOVE GS, I think! Vanessa is incredible in it.

  7. Well, I've never seen any of these! (Or heard of them either!) I'll have to keep an eye out for them. :)
    Movies that are underrated and mostly unheard of...hmm...well, "Treasures of the Snow" is one (which I think I saw Naomi mentioned...yup, she did. ;P), "Basil the Great Mouse Detective", "The Rescuers" and "The Rescuers Down Under" (wait a minute...these are all more little kid movies than anything else...haha, oh well, they're still worth watching! ;D) um... OH! "Nim's Island" (NOT the sequel - the original, with Abigail Breslin)... not sure how popular that movie is, but I personally LOVE it. :D "Second Chances"...I love that movie too, although that's also a bit of a kid movie...(you have to be in the mood, put it that way.) Um... "The Miracle Worker", about Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan...THAT'S SUCH A GOOD MOVIE. :D And I'll stop there, otherwise I'll overwhelm you. (Oh but also the movie "I am David"... :D)
    ~Miss Meg

    1. Yes, do!

      Aaaaaahhh! I LOVE those three kids' movies you mentioned! Especially TRDU. It's basically my childhood :D

      I've heard of Nim's Island, it looks awesome! And the others do, too :) (I Am David is so intense! Mah gosh!)

  8. I've never seen any of these . . . Change of Plans looks real sweet :)

    One movie that definitely doesn't get enough attention is Bernadette, the Sydney Penny version. It's just an AMAZING movie :D

    1. CoP IS really sweet :)

      So I've heard! I really need to look into that...

  9. Great post, Olivia! I remember seeing advertisements for "Gimme Shelter" in one of our church papers. It sounds like a really powerful movie--I don't think I could watch it myself, but I'm really glad it was made anyway, because those issues are super important to talk about.

    Like Rosie said--Bernadette 1988 is an awesome underrated movie. I know I've brought this up before. But it's my favorite and I LOVE IT.

    "Thirteen Days," with Kevin Costner, is another fantastic movie that did really poorly at the box office. It's about the Cuban Missile Crisis, and it's really historically accurate, as well as being well-written and exciting and just plain GOOD. I don't know if it would be your sort of thing . . . it's very heavy on the politics and history, etc. But the relationship between Kevin Costner's character and the two Kennedy brothers is beautiful. And the guy playing Bobby Kennedy is BRILLIANT. There's also some cool family stuff between Costner's character and his wife. So . . . yeah. Basically, I loved it :-)

    1. Thanks, Jessica! :) GS is super intense, yes :( But yep, it's amazing as well.

      I need to look into Bernadette!!!

      Huh…that Kevin Costner one sounds intriguing…I'll have to look into that too :)

  10. "Extraordinary Measures" has been on my TBW list for years now. You're the first person I've encountered who has seen it!

    Hmmm. Some underrated/less-well-known movies I recommend:

    Tim (1979) stars a very young Mel Gibson as a mentally challenged man who befriends a lonely middle-aged woman (Piper Laurie) even though people make fun of them for being friends.

    Taras Bulba (1962) is kind of a Ukrainian Romeo and Juliet -- Cossack chieftain (Yul Brynner) hopes his son (Tony Curtis) will one day take his place, but instead the son falls for their enemy's daughter.

    Reunion in France (1942) has a fashionable, but downtrodden, woman (Joan Crawford) reluctantly helping a downed American pilot (John Wayne) and trying to figure out if the man she loves (Philip Dorn) is a collaborator or not.

    The Trouble with Harry (1955) -- the trouble with Harry is that he's dead, and no one can decide what to do with his body. This is a lighthearted, laugh-inducing romp from Alfred Hitchcock that delights me absurdly much.

    The Rocketeer (1991) is about a 1930s pilot who uses a jet pack to become a sort of super hero. It's a throwback to the kinds of peppy serials they used to show before movies back then.

    The Shadow (1994) stars a young and drool-worthy Alec Baldwin as Lamont Cranston, a wealthy, sophisticated man about town who has a secret identity, the ability to cloud men's minds, and a penchant for the lovely Margo Lane (Penelope Ann Miller). Margo's father (Ian McKellen) is a scientist whose research makes him a target for bad guys. It's based on the old radio drama, and great fun (but a leetle creepy at the beginning).

    1. I saw The Rocketeer for the first time this week! It's so funny that you would mention it! And it is darling, very cute, like a precursor to Captain America.

    2. Carissa, that's so cool! Are you thinking of reviewing it for the Period Drama Challenge? I've been toying with the idea, though I'd need to watch it again first. One of us definitely should!

    3. Hamlette, I think you'd really, really like EM. I mean, with that cast, you could hardly go wrong, but it's really amazing in its own right.

      Those all sound fun! I'm especially intrigued by RiF and TTwH ;)

  11. "Though None Go With Me" looks SO cute! Is there anything inappropriate in it?
    As for underrated movies I'd recommend....hmm. "Hockey Night" (starring Megan Follows-Anne Shirley!!) is really fun. "Remember the Titans" is one of my FAVORITE movies (it's definitely my favorite sports movie) and I don't think it's underrated but I've never mentioned it before. :) "The Ugly Dachshund" is an adorable old Disney film. (seriously, I could rattle off a BUNCH of old Disney films that are super cute haha)
    Fun post! It was a good idea. :)

    1. It's quite a film, Natalie! Really sad, but really good. It's complicated :P Nope, no inappropriate content in it! Well, one of the characters, to whom the main character narrates her story, is traveling with her boyfriend, but that gets resolved, actually. And nothing is ever shown.

      I really need to see RtT! And the other two movies you mentioned sound awesome!

      Aww, thanks, glad you liked it :)

    2. Ohh, it sounds so good! I'll definitely check it out! :D

      Yeees, please do see RtT! Goodness, the feels that surround that movie...I've watched it like 3 times now and I still cry every time. But sshh, I'm saying too much. I don't want to give anything away! :D

    3. Good! I think you'll lie it :)

      Oooh! I've heard nothing but good about it. It's been on my to-watch list for a long time! I'll be sure to let you know what I think of it when I watch it ;)

    4. Yay! I'll look forward to your thoughts. :D

  12. I've only seen Extraordinary Measures and it was pretty good. :D

    Ha, I didn't know Brooke White did any acting. Hmm.

    1. Wasn't it, Cordy?!

      Yeah, I thought of you when I thought of that one ;) I think you might like that one.

  13. I love posts like this!! I have only seen the last one. It was so good. And Harrison Ford???

    1. Aww, thanks! Eeeee, you've seen EM! Wasn't it amazing?! And HARRISON FORD. I know. No words ;D


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