sweet nothings

Here I shall proceed to ramble  ;)  Some serious stuff, some (cough) not so serious stuff, just the thoughts and experiences that have been floating around in my brain and/or been happening here and there.

~ Lessons learned whilst sick on 12/13-14/16, #1:  If you start having some nausea flashes and there's the possibility that you've recently been exposed to several sicknesses due to choir events in the midst of "sick season", that's not automatically a stomach-bug sentence.  God may yet be merciful.  (Seriously, though, I'm SOOOOO grateful that I didn't get a stomach bug earlier this week -- it turned out to only be a very low fever, sore throat, and two days in bed, which wasn't bad at all.)

~ Red carpet dresses are amazing.

~ I used to be rather incensed that Redbox replaced Blockbuster in our town, but I think I'm making my peace with it now.  I mean, really, Redbox is convenient and the prices are pretty nice, so…yeah.

~ I'm halfway done with my senior year of high school!  WHAAAA?  It's pretty freaky if I dwell on it too long.  How are the rest of my fellow seniors doing?

~ You know something God's shown me, dearies?  Satan will stop at nothing -- n-o-t-h-i-n-g -- to try and stop you from following God's plan for your life.  When he sees one tactic work one time, he'll come back to it.  We've got to be on our guard, because his deceptions can take on oh, so many forms.  "Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." (2 Corinthians 11:14)  He can tell us that that calling we've felt isn't God -- it couldn't be God, because it's not "spiritual enough."  Or whatever else he can do to get us stuck and focused on ourselves and morbid introspection instead of moving forward, prayerfully and in faith, toward God.  (For instance, he can convince us that cultivating patience in "the messy bits" of life -- patience when your family leaves dishes in the sink for the umpteenth time, patience when your car breaks down, patience when people are not acting rationally or quickly enough, patience when there's a new cashier at the grocery store, patience in whatever irritating circumstance -- isn't as important as some other "spiritual discipline" that is in fact only something he is trying to get you to focus on at the expense of what God has really been trying to get through to you.)   I don't know all the ways Satan is trying to scam you, darlings.  I know how he fools me sometimes, and I bet some of those struggles are the same for some of you, though.  Those of you who, like me, struggle with perfectionism, works-based approval, etc., I hear you.  Oh, boy, do I hear you.  But the Lord has big plans for us, plans that are far beyond anything we can do in ourselves, but which He is more than capable of bringing to completion for the glory of His almighty Name.  We can't let fear of doing the wrong thing paralyze us -- that's exactly what the enemy of our souls wants and exactly what the Savior of our souls does not want.  Jesus knows how to sanctify us and get us on the right track, but we need to surrender control of it to Him.  I recently saw a C.S. Lewis quote (I don't know from which book) that puts it well:  "Remember He is the artist and you are only the picture.  You can't see it.  So quietly submit to be painted -- i.e., keep fulfilling all the obvious duties of your station (you really know quite well enough what they are!), asking forgiveness for each failure and then leaving it alone.  You are in the right way. Walk -- don't keep on looking at it."  Now, I'm not saying we don't take time to pray and consider and weigh the options and seek the Lord's guidance and the guidance of fellow believers -- we absolutely should and must.  But we also should not ignore "the still, small voice."  The Spirit is alive and ready to help us if we will let Him (John chapters 14 and 16).  Christ has already conquered and He is doing His good work -- we must let it be carried on to completion in His time, not ours.  We get so caught up in the desire for instant perfection that we forget that crucifying the flesh (including the pride and the self-sufficiency) may take longer than we wish it would.  Another thing that I was recently reminded of (through a school curriculum, no less!) is that nobody bothers somebody who's not doing something extraordinary.  But the moment you start branching out and thinking "maybe I can" -- well, then it is on.  God is still able to find us, though.  Satan may stop at nothing…but God will stop at nothing, either.  Our Redeemer will do whatever it takes to save us and show us His truth.  He knows what the real desires of our hearts are, and what's more, He's willing to change them if we want Him to.  "Praise His holy Name!"

~ Here, our winter has been indecisive.  I don't think we've actually gotten any snow (I haven't seen it, at least).  One day it's what seems like barbarically cold, and the next day (like today) it's practically spring weather.  What about y'all?  (Or, for our Aussie friends, how's the spring/summer been?)

~ Lessons learned whilst sick on 12/13-14/16, #2:  Being sort of sick is a wonderful excuse for binging Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.  And October Baby.  And Inkheart.  And Katie Gregoire.  Keep in mind.  

~ Oh, speaking of, Katie Gregoire!  Guys, THIS GIRL.  Her channel is basically a guaranteed pick-me-up.  She's a Christian, formerly homeschooled Youtuber who vlogs about many different things, and her videos are well-filmed, funny, and uplifting.  (And her analysis of most of Christian romance = perfection.)  

~ TOMATOES.  For some reason, I saw a dish this morning that my mom uses sometimes when she makes us Caprese salads, and got a sudden craving for fresh tomatoes.  (Actually tbh I'd been thinking about them before that…which is a little concerning…)

~ It's been a good couple of months, movie-wise.  I should post about some of the new cinematic delights to which I've been introduced.  

~ Wrapping presents sure gets you into the holiday mood, no?  It just does.  (But this works best if you're actually wrapping something -- not bagging-and-tissue-papering it.)  

~ If you get a random idea to look up an album on iTunes, even if you've already looked through it and semi-decided what songs you want to buy, you should do it.  Because if you do that and check the "Related" tab, you might discover a new, carefree, happy-inducing album from another artist (like this one).  

~ Can we all just take a moment to appreciate some of the totally boss one-liners in Ivanhoe?  "'By Heaven, Malvoisin, yonder girl hath wellnigh unmanned me.'" ~ "'Knave…thou hast broken my head'" ~ "'We should deserve to be stoned out of the lists; and I am not yet old enough to be a martyr.'"

~ THE MOVIE THE NATIVITY STORY.  I know I mention it too often, but guys, THE NATIVITY STORY.  (Hearts forever.  HOW IS IT SO GOOD.)

~ Lessons learned whilst sick on 12/13-14/16, #3:  "Cooper vs. Quinn" is a good episode.  (You know how you love Horace & Myra and you know that Hank's and Myra's relationship wasn't/isn't healthy, yet you just want Hank to reform and be a good person and BE HAPPY and when Myra is walking the baby and comes into the saloon late at night so that Horace can sleep and then Hank takes the baby and soothes her enough to stop her crying and start her smiling and he's really sweet and doesn't make any sort of "pass" at Myra, your rational assessment of Hank's problems starts to go out the window??  Yep, that's kind of my life.)    

~ Also, y'all, Hillsong Worship's new(ish) album, "Let There Be Light" -- awestruck eyes emoji.  

Well, my dears, it's a beautiful life.  'Til next time! *blows kiss*


  1. "It's a beautiful life." IT IS INDEED, MY FRIEND. *blows kiss in return*

    I love your rambly thoughts :-)

    I know exactly what you mean about binge-watching-sessions while recuperating from sickness--I watched SO MUCH "Happy Days" last time I was sick, and fell hopelessly in love w/Fonzie in the process, so that was a Thing :-)

    It's been a good vacation for movie-watching so far. Oh, speaking of: I SAW "ROGUE ONE" LAST NIGHT AND I LITERALLY CANNOT EVEN. That movie is a gem. Pure and simple.

    1. Amen :)

      Aww, thanks!

      "So that was a Thing" -- I think that'd be me. I really want to watch more of Happy Days sometime; that and Laverne and Shirley.

      I'm so glad! OOOH! Was it really good?! I shall have to try it -- my brother just watched it tonight, actually. I hadn't been particularly enthused, but after hearing that both of you liked it, perhaps reconsideration is in order ;D

    2. It's a wonderful, wonderful film. VERY intense and feels-y--much more so than your typical SW movie, in fact--but a really amazing story. I loved it.

    3. I love Laverne and Shirley! Maybe even more than Happy Days, I don't know ... this was such a great post! Happy and serious and GREAT. Wrapping presents is my favorite. :)

    4. Hey girls! *whispers* can I just quickly join in?

      Sorry, but I just saw the words "Rogue One" and that made me jump up and down (not literally, sorry) with excitement! I LOVED THAT MOVIE!! I've seen it twice at the cinemas in the past 5 days, hehe! I didn't know much about it, nor had high hopes, but it exceeded my expectations, definitely. It was VERY feelsy, and action packed, and incredible. Do consider going to see it, Olivia! The plot was not a take-off of anything, the characters were awesome, it was brilliantly tied together and a thoroughly good movie. Besides, if you watch it, then we can properly squeal over it together. ;D

      ~Miss Meg

    5. ROGUE ONE THOUGH. I'm so happy you loved it too, Miss Meg!!! It's such an emotional movie and it was *original* and just really great.

    6. Rosie -- ooh! All the more reason to watch it, then ;) Thanks!

      Miss Meg & Jessica -- Well, I saw Rogue One! And . . . I didn't like it. *ducks* I'm sorry! It was very well-done, but . . . y'see, there were a number of factors influencing why I didn't like it. One was that my brother told me that there was only ONE feelsy scene (and his idea of the "one feelsy scene" was the part when the blind guy is talking to Kassian about prisons). So, needless to say, I was NOT expecting that ending. I think that was really the biggest thing -- I wasn't expecting the sadness of it, and to be honest, though I sometimes love stories where You Know What Happens, I don't want that in my Star Wars movie. (Plus, I felt like it was unnecessary. I mean, it's SW. There could have been a way.) Aside from that, it just took me a while to get into it anyway. And is it seriously too much to ask for just ONE SW couple to have a happily ever after?!

      *ahem* Rant over. Sorry :P Nonetheless, it was GOOD, and it had some really good lines, and great characters, and the tie-in to TNH was pretty fabulous.

  2. I hope you're feeling fully recovered Olivia! Colds are (almost) no fun, except for the movies. :)
    I'm nearly halfway through senior year, and although it is going fast, it can't go fast enough for me! My high school is decent I suppose, but hardly pleasant!
    We've had bitter cold all week, and on Friday we had a blizzard. I love all the snow. :)
    I watch Katie Gregoire too! I found her through Blimey Cow, which is another great way to waste time.
    YES wrapping presents is the best! I love making the Crisp corners in the paper and using yards of pretty ribbon.
    And I love the Nativity Story; my family still has to watch it though!

    1. Thanks, Abby!

      Ah, a fellow senior! *high five* Ooh, yeah, I get that. I'm homeschooled, so I don't have to deal with some of that unpleasantness :P

      Yay for blizzards! And yay for Blimey Cow! "Making the crisp corners" -- YAAAASSS. I'm actually not that good at it, but I think I'm learning ;)

      TNS is WONDERFUL. Yes and yes :D

  3. Oh! I'm so glad you are better! I'm really bad about colds. In my family I always seem to be the first on to get it and the last one to get rid of it.
    Oh yeah, it was so cold Saturday we couldn't get outside!
    I love your ramblings! "Satan may stop at nothing…but God will stop at nothing, either." Thank you for the great reminder!!
    I taught my little sister how to wrap presents, now she is the pro. Hmm...
    Thanks for the post!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks! Ick, that's terrible! I'm really bad about stomach bugs :-/

      Awww, thank YOU! I'm glad it could encourage you like it encouraged me.

      Haha, yes, funny how that happens . . .

      No problem! Thanks for the comment! :)

  4. Well, if this is a taste of your rambling posts, I very much like them. :D

    Congrats on how your school is doing! I understand about it being a challenge and time consuming - I'm on my last couple years. :)

    I really liked some of the points you made in your more 'serious' part. I think people often consider God in the big things of their lives, but forget how He is in EVERYTHING - even things that appear miniscule and insignificant. He can teach us the most complicated lessons in the simplest things. :) I like to pray to God even about unimportant stuff - like, maybe I'm afraid I'm going to get nervous for a doctor's appointment that morning, so talk to God. Or, I'll climb into our treehouse and thank him for how pretty the clouds look today. I've been learning how God isn't a part of our lives - He really IS our lives. He is the centre of everything. :)

    Hehe, well, I reckon I classify as an Aussie friend, so I can answer for myself about the weather over here... it's hot. ;P Summer is in full ball! Where I am it's very humid, and the temperature has been rising lately. Tomorrow it's predicted to be about 38 degrees Celsius (100 degrees Fahrenheit) here. That'll be swell. :P (Air conditioning is our best friend at the moment.)

    KATIE GREGOIRE!!!!! I know!!!! I just discovered her the last few months, too, and she's soared up to practically my favourite YouTuber!! She's just GAAHH... amazing. I am very much like her, and I just GET her and her humour and her convictions and... I just love her. SO MUCH. :D

    I just finished wrapping up some Christmas presents! And I agree - it DOES get you in the mood! It was very fun. :) (They were for our Mummy, and as all of us kids were carrying them, wrapped up, out to place under the Christmas tree, Mummy's eyes grew larger as every present was bigger and bigger, hehe!)

    This was a beautiful post. <3 :)

    ~Miss Meg

    1. Awwww, thanks, Miss Meg!

      Yep, we're in this together ;)

      "I think people often consider God in the big things of their lives, but forget how He is in EVERYTHING - even things that appear miniscule and insignificant. He can teach us the most complicated lessons in the simplest things. :)" So true! He IS our lives -- you're right!

      Haha, oh my! 100 degrees Fahrenheit . . . have fun :P (AC is awesome.)

      I know, right?!?!?! She's fabulous :D Oh, that's so cool that you can relate to her so much!

      AWWW! That's so cute! What did you get her??

      Thank you, dearie <3

  5. "We get so caught up in the desire for instant perfection that we forget that crucifying the flesh (including the pride and the self-sufficiency) may take longer than we wish it would." Amen! Preach it, sister! You have so many good thoughts in this paragraph that I can't comment on all of them, but I can totally relate to the perfectionism thing. I don't know if you've ever struggled with this in particular, but one of the tactics I believe Satan has tried on me is making me feel that everything I want, or enjoy doing, must be given up in order for me to be truly spiritual. It's actually really silly because God is the one who puts certain desires and passions inside of us, and if we're constantly squelching those things because we enjoy them, we may actually be squelching God's plan for our lives. (Does that make sense? :P)

    Aww. I'm sorry you've been sick, dear. :( But I'm glad you were able to watch some fun movies. It's nice sometimes to have an excuse to watch movies, isn't it? ;)

    THAT GIF OF PETER PAN! Dawwww. It's making me feel so cozy. :)

    Thanks for the post, Olivia! :)

    1. "I don't know if you've ever struggled with this in particular, but one of the tactics I believe Satan has tried on me is making me feel that everything I want, or enjoy doing, must be given up in order for me to be truly spiritual." GIRL. That is a lie that continually fall for, but God has helped me soooo much with that over the past summer and autumn, so here's hoping that I'll refuse to get so stuck in that trap again. Thank you SO SO much for sharing that; it was so encouraging to know that I'm not the only one who's struggled with feeling that . . . even though I'm sorry that you've had to, as well. You know? Yes, yes, it definitely makes sense, and I'm so glad you shared that. Thank you <3

      Thanks! But yes, it was of short duration and I got to watch lots of stuff, so . . . ;)

      Isn't it cute?!?! I like it a lot :)

      Thank you!!

  6. Ahhh! Olivia!! I do love your posts!!

    ~I love your new header. It is absolutely amazing!
    ~Sick is no fun. I was sick back at the beginning of November. Bleh.
    ~Yes, Red Carpet dresses are amazing. I really, really like Claire Danes light up 'Cinderella' dress.
    ~Oh yes, Satan sure is.....well let's just say he and I have been having QUITE a few arguments over the last few months. QUITE a few.
    ~Winter has been indecisive here too! I WANT MY SNOW BACK!!
    ~Or for watching Leverage!!

    1. Aww, thanks, Erudessa! You're so sweet!

      Eeep, thank you! I was happy with how it turned out :)

      No, not much!

      Claire Danes' Cinderella dress . . . <3 <3

      Hahahaha, yes, I relate to that. But with God we'll gain the victory, right? ;D

      Haha, indeed so!!

  7. Yay for ramblings!

    Ah love the encouragement! We all need it. :D

    Oh man, the weather here is definitely indecisive. But then again it always is. And it's going to be a warm Christmas here.

    Haha, yes to food cravings. I work around food and end up craving a lot of things that I don't need at all.

    1. That we do, Faith!

      Haha, yeah, same here :P I hope your Christmas was good!!

      Oh dear! Haha, working around food would probably do the same thing to me :P

  8. I'm sorry you were sick! I'm actually sick myself right now. :/

    Yay for being halfway done!! I know how weird that feels....trust me, actually BEING done feels even more weird.

    Wow...those are amazing words, Olivia. Praying for you, dear friend! Thanks for the inspiring thoughts. :) :)

    October Baby. <3 I've actually used my sick time to read a lot. Which is good, because I really need to read more. :/

    Katie Gregroire is fantastic! And YUS. Her CFR video is one of my favorites.

    I need to read Ivanhoe. :D

    I also need to watch more Dr. Quinn, from the looks of it.

    Sorry this comment is so late. I've really enjoyed having you back in my blogging world. It just isn't the same without you. <3

    1. Aww, Natalie, I'm sorry! You have a cold, right? They're not fun :( I've been praying for you; I hope you get better soon!

      Haha, I'm sure it will . . . I shall count on you for empathy ;)

      Thank you muchly! Right back at you <3

      Ooh, good for you! I tend to get headaches if I read while sick (or at least I think I will, so either way I don't end up reading that much). I relate to the whole needing to read more!

      HAHA, I'm glad you like her, too! It's so great xD

      Yes, you should! It's a little dry in parts, but even the dynamic between Bois-Guilbert and Rebecca of York alone makes it worth reading :D

      Yaaaaasssss. Do ;)

      Oh, pish posh, you're fine! AWWWW, THANK YOU! You're so sweet <3

    2. Yeah, I did. I'm almost all well now, though. :) Thank you so much!!!

      Aww, sorry about that. I'm glad you were able to enjoy some movies, though. Lots of movie and book time is the best part about being sick. ;)

      I'm sure I'll like it when I read it! :D



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