Tuck Everlasting (2002)

Natalie Babbitt's Tuck Everlasting is quickly becoming one of my favorite books. It holds a special place in my heart. My parents and sister had watched the movie version starring Alexis Bledel years before, but all I remember hearing about it was that it was heartbreakingly sad, and thus I'd airily dismissed it (this was before I read the book, understand). But then I began to appreciate the book, and decided to try it out after all. By the way, y'all should be prepared for a very picture-heavy review. Reaction? It was perfect . Seriously, I really do think it was about as perfect an adaptation as a movie possibly could be. Yes, I know some things were changed. Yes, I know Winnie is older than she's supposed to be, and that they over-romanticize Jesse's and her relationship. Yes, I know they spend more time in the beginning of the movie portraying Winnie's home life than Babbitt does in her book. I still think it's ...