A Couple Polls

In case you're reading this post despite optical challenges, I'll repeat that I have two polls I need you lovely dears to take!  (Not tolls, polls.  Tolls are tolls and rolls are rolls and you can't have one without the other.  If you get that reference, let's talk about our little guilty pleasure.)

I like to plan ahead with my headers, partially because I really enjoy figuring them out *ahem*, and partially because I like to have a general idea of what I'll be doing with the ol' blog over the months.  So I've made a number of headers, and I'd like you guys to lemme know which one you like the best or would most like to see.  (Of course, I'll probably end up using all or none of them over the course of this winter as I please, hehe, but democracy is smiled upon, and hence the poll.)

Secondly, I'm a bit hard up for time and post inspiration at the moment, so I'm afraid y'all will probably be stuck with lots of movie reviews for awhile.  That being the case, there are a number I could do, so which would you prefer?

Ever After

The Philadelphia Story

Lorna Doone


The Magnificent Seven

Northanger Abbey

August Rush

Around the World in 80 Days

Miss Congeniality

Letters to Juliet


You get the picture.  So what would you be most interested in reading?

Thanks, darlin's!:D


  1. I like all of those headers but I think I might prefer the Frozen one. Movie reviews..... well I'm particularly fond of Casablanca, Lorna Doone and Northanger Abbey. I haven't seen The Philadelphia Story or The Magnificent Seven yet but I've heard they're awesome.

    1. Thanks, Lois! I'm thinking I might use the Frozen one in February--not sure why, but the idea struck my fancy.

      Great! We shall have to see...I'm really feeling a Lorna Doone review, though...;) And YES, they ARE! I just finished the Mag7 today *sniffle*

  2. Personally I like the third header best :D

    1. Thank you, JH! I think I might agree with you:D

  3. Ooooo, I love the third header! Yup, that one is my personal favorite! :D
    For Movie reviews, Ever After and The Philadelphia Story, for my vote. :)

    1. Thanks, Morgan! It made me happy to fit Marian in;)

      Yaysies! *gasp* Have you seen The Philadelphia Story? WE MUST TALK.

    2. Yes, and Nanny McPhee! I love that picture! :)

      I looked it up and it sounds somewhat familiar...but I can't remember if I have seen it or not! :)

    3. I haven't seen Nanny McPhee yet, but I love the picture--it's so pretty and adorable (plus it's Colin Firth) :D

      You should watch it. It's awesome;)

  4. I love the Frozen header, because, you know, Frozen is Frozen :) But I also really like the third one - the color and pictures are beautiful!!
    Oh dear, I just picked two out of three. That wasn't very helpful, was it? Sorry :)

    I would be really interested in a Northanger Abbey review, because I've only read the book - never seen the movie. I've read several different viewpoints on it but I would like to see what you think.

    Only if you do a review on Northanger Abbey, be forewarned: I Do Not Like Henry Tilney. Sorry, peoples, but he and I don't click.

    But maybe he's different in the movie. I have no idea - I do know that EVERYONE seems to like the movie Henry Tilney.

    1. Haha, thank you! Oh, I don't mind;)

      Yeah, book-Tilney is really not so very great. But MOVIE-Tilney is DEFINITELY great:D

    2. That's good they improved him - I definitely think he needed it :)

    3. Ha! HA! (said Crispin, as if he were saying it amongst the trumpets)
      Okay, hushing up now. :)

  5. Hmm, they were all so cute! The... I can't decide!

    Any of those posts seem delightful! Oh yes, Northanger Abbey... I have been wanting to do a review for Northanger Abbey for a while and I never get around to it. (I just love Mr. Tilney though, I mean, he understands muslin!!!)

    1. Aww, thanks, Abby!:)

      Ooh, you must review it! I'd love to read your review of NA! (Haha, I know. "I shouldn't have allowed you to talk to him, but he had such an understanding of muslin!" Hehe:) )

  6. Ever After, The Philadelphia Story, Lorna Doone, Casablanca, The Magnificent Seven, Northanger Abbey, Letters to Juliet.

    I know that doesn't narrow it down much, sorry.

    (I love Henry Tilney. I thought everyone loved Henry Tilney. I'm not entirely sure how someone can un-love Henry Tilney, but now I've seen TWO people on the internet who don't, and my world is a sadder place.)

    1. Hamlette, I don't mean to make you sad by saying I don't like Henry. I just want people to know what MY opinion is, because, you know, it's my opinion.

      But really, I don't want you to think that I just don't like Henry cause I'm a grouchy person or whatever :) It's basically a personality issue. I'm an INFJ--and I don't know what he is, but it's definitely not an INFJ or anything close to it. And so we CLASH. Period.

      If you want to see some reasons why we clash, the following link may be helpful: http://personalitygrowth.com/infj-problems/
      (Pay special attention to the gif for #8. It's SO ACCURATE that it's scary. Plus it's hilarious.)

    2. Jessica, it's not exactly that I myself am sad. I mean, a little bit I guess, but more like I'm sad on behalf of Henry Tilney that someone doesn't like him? It's that defend-and-protect thing.

      That site is awesome! Thanks for sharing. I found their list of introvert problems hilarious and true. Especially #7 -- today at Toddler Time at church, we had to say our names and the names of our children because we had some new people, and I had actual anxiety about having to say my name. For a moment after I said my name, I was like, "Wait, did I say the right name? Did I accidentally say 'Mommy' instead?"

      Randomly, this pretty accurately describes my relationship with Cowboy.

    3. I understand! See, that "defensive" thing is just not something I have myself--although I really admire people who have it :) With fictional characters, I don't ever really feel like I want to "protect" any of them. I can EMPATHIZE with them, but that's different. And I can also get really, really mad at the ones--like Henry--who don't live up to my (admittedly unusual) standards for What A Good Character Is Supposed To Do. Because INFJs are often extremely idealistic--unrealistically so, maybe--and we get really worked up by anything that doesn't seem "right" to us. Like that gif of the little girl saying, "You say things you don't mean, and you JUST CAN'T DO THAT!" That is sooooooooo me :)

      Thanks so much for sharing that "Introvert Problems" list! Some of them are so accurate it's creepy :) Like #5. YEAH.

      Oh, and #7--yes, I totally understand what you mean! That happens to me at college, too, when the teacher is like, "okay, introduce yourself and tell one interesting thing about yourself." I have a great time listening to everyone ELSE'S answers, but when all of a sudden I realize it's my turn, I freak out :-)

      I really liked that INTJ-and-ISFJ page. I think that's kind of the way it is for my parents, because my mom's INTJ and my dad is ISFJ. Rosie is an INTJ too, which is funny because only about 1% of women have that type :)

    4. Haha! That's all right, I don't mind;) By the way, Hamlette, I finished Mag7 yesterday, and MAH GASH. *sniffle*

      (I understand:( But I also understand not liking him, if you've never watched the movie. He really isn't so swell in the book, y'know.)

      I'll have to check out those websites! Thanks, you two!:D

    5. It really is an interesting site--specially the link to the page on "13 Ways You Know You're an INFJ." It's hilarious :)

    6. Olivia, Mag7!!!!!! Isn't it, well, magnificent? Loooove it.

    7. Yeah, that was the one I read, I think XD

      YES IT IS. I love all the characteerrrrrrrrrsss!:D

  7. The middle one. Isn't that Snow from Mirror, Mirror?

    Ever After
    The Magnificent Seven (you have seen that? I ADORE it!!!!)
    Northanger Abbey (which version? I adore that story)
    Letters to Juliet

    1. Yes, yes it is! I quite like that movie:D

      (Yes!! I just saw it the other day. I'm pretty dang sure I review will be forthcoming.) :D

  8. Okay, the frozen header is my personal favorite.

    And I'd love to hear your review of Around the World in Eighty Days(if you've read the book, we need to talk about that!!). :D

    1. Thanks!:)

      Heehee! I think I'd have fun reviewing it. (But no, I haven't read the book. Sowwy.)

  9. I really like the Frozen header! But whichever one you like best, go for it! :)

    Hmmm.... I'd love to hear you thoughts on Around the world in 80 days, or Penelope.

    1. Thank ya, Chloe! I think both of those would be fun...I guess we'll see:)

  10. The first one and the third ones are my favourite. Ohhh, I CAN'T WAIT to decorate my blog for the winter. :-) Thanks for giving me ideas! :-P

    I love to see a review from Northanger Abbey! Also, Loorna Doone (because I really want to see it, haha) and Casablanca (because I've just seen it. :-)) I love your reviews! :-)

    ~ Naomi

    1. Thank you! SQUEE, I can't wait to see what you'll do, Naomi!:D

      Oh, you'd love Lorna Doone...why, thank you! T'is so kind of you;)

  11. Oh, that's hard, they're all nice. However, the first and last are particularly attractive. :D
    I'd be most keen for Ever After, Lorna Doone and the Magnificent Seven. Pretty epic, those. ;)
    ~Miss Meg

    1. Thanks, Miss Meg!:)
      Yes!! I think they are, too.

  12. I like the second header the best. Very pretty :)


    1. Thank you, Bekah!

      YOU LIKE THAT MOVIE TOO?!?! It's so adorably awesome:D

  13. Well, they're all LOVELY, duh, but I think I like the last one best because the pictures are most recognizable to me. ;-) And things I know and love make me happy. (This is the way it works in my funny little brain.)

    I love movie reviews! A review of Penelope would be great fun. ;-D And would that be the Around the World in 80 Days with Jackie Chan, or the old one from the 60's? Because if it's the newer one, please do review it!!! One of the few movies I've seen that I actually laughed so hard I nearly hurt myself.


    1. Why thanks, Emma!:D (I'm that way too, don't worry.)

      Yes, that ATWi8D! Hahaha! It really is ridiculously hilarious:D

  14. The first header, definitely. It's BEAUTIFUL. Plus it's from Frozen. How could you go wrong? :)

    I'd actually like to see a review of Northanger Abbey, even though I don't much like the book, because I'm curious to know how they adapted it! Also, I would LOVE it if you could review "Lorna Doone" and "Ever After." I haven't seen either one, but I really want to--especially Lorna Doone.

    1. Thanks, Jessica! Frozen <3

      Yay! That'd be great fun. I think you'd like the movie, it's better than the book in my opinion:D

    2. It probably is better than the book . . . S&S08 is even a bit better than the book, in my opinion (although of course the book is amazing :) )

  15. I think the last header is really pretty! :) That's probably my favorite.

    As to the movie reviews...I'd like to hear what you thought about Casablanca. (I just watched that movie for the first time a couple weeks ago.) Also, a Northanger Abbey review would be interesting, since I'm familiar with that story, but have not seen the movie yet. :) (Actually, I would enjoy reading a review on any one of the movies you mentioned, so you can just do all of them if you want to! Heehee!)

    ~Miss March

    1. Thanks, Miss March! :D

      Haha! Thank you so much! I don't know which one to do first!;)

  16. I love the middle header (Gilmore Girls XD) but I would have to say that the last header is my favorite. It's just so darn pretty.

  17. Of the headers, I liked the last one especially. As to the reviews, I would enjoy reading what you think about Casablanca.

  18. Love the header for Frozen. :)

    As for reviews:

    Ever After

    Lorna Doone

    The Magnificent Seven

    August Rush

    Letters to Juliet (this one I've never seen and it has me curious)

    1. Yay! Glad you like it:)

      Oh, LtJ is a lovely movie.

  19. The third header! I love it! Movie reviews...Ever After. Reminds me that I need to review that one too.

    1. Thanks, Ivy! Oooh, I want to read your review of Ever After!

  20. These headers are all so lovely, Olivia. I think the Frozen one is my favourite though.
    Regarding the reviews I would love to hear your thoughts on Lorna Doone, Casablanca, Northanger Abbey, Around the world in 80 days (which version are you thinking of reviewing?) and Miss Congeniality

    1. Aww, thank you, Rose!

      And thanks for the input! (I'm thinking of reviewing the newer version of AtWi8D--the one with Jackie Chan.)

  21. I know you're drowning in comments and opinions (and of course I can't refuse adding to it) I vote for header 3 and August Rush (I've only heard those two words, or is it a name? And I am filled with curiosity)

    1. Yay! I'm glad you didn't refuse, Alicia!:D YES! August Rush is a name and the movie is BEAUTIFUL.

  22. Okay, here's my vote! Hope it's not too late!
    My favorite header is definitely the 3rd one (Marian!!!). Although I do like the others too!
    Ooh, yes, those movie reviews sound great! Especially Ever After, Lorna Doone, Northanger Abbey, and The Magnificent Seven. I've seen all those but the last one.

    1. Nope, not too late at all, Natalie!

      Squeee, I was so happy to finally find a way to successfully incorporate Marian into a header! It made me muchly happy:D

      Thank ya! One down, a bunch to go;)

  23. *Thud*
    Colin Firth......

    Ok I think it's obvious which one? ;) Gosh darn it that film makes me cry! :P

    xD Lovely as ever!
    PS: gaaaaaah I need to post but don't have tiiiiiime :(((((((

    1. Yes!!! (I think you should know, Evie, that I totally stole that picture from one of your blog posts *coughcough*)

      I should watch it! Aww, thank you so much--you're such a sweetheart:D

      P.S. I know how you feel:( I can try to get a post in over there soon, if you want!


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