Inkling Explorations {July}

Time for Heidi's July edition of Inkling Explorations!  This month's topic is swell:D

a well-crafted animated film climax

Oh, it is on;)  

When I first read the prompt, I immediately thought of Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame, because let me tell you, that movie has climaxes.  I get goosebumps in more than one scene.

Initially, my thoughts turned to the opening sequence, which is absolutely shivery-wonderful, BUT, I thought, what if one of the prompts features "well-crafted animated film opening"?  So instead I thought I'd pick the scene when Quasimodo saves Esmeralda from burning.  OH MY HEAVENS ABOVE THAT SCENE THOUGH.

Okay, so this video is a little weirdly constructed…just watch until 3:14, and then, for some reason, it switches back to a part earlier on in the video, so…yeah.  Just watch until 3:14.  'T'IS INCREDIBLE.  I get chills.


  1. Oh, I really want to see that movie! My family has a read-the-book-first-before-the-movie rule, so it may be awhile till I get to it. Have you read the book?

    1. You shooooouuuuuld!:D Oh, that's cool!:) I haven't read the whole book, no--just snippets. I will say, though, that Disney doesn't really stick to the plot line of the book AT ALL, at least not from what I've heard and read (personally, I think that's a good thing), so…there really isn't that much of a connection between Disney's Hunchback and Hugo's Hunchback. Disney does, however, include cool references to the book, such as naming two of the gargoyles Victor and Hugo:D So maybe if you mentioned that to your family, you could watch it first? Whichever way you decide, of course--those are just my thoughts and experiences with the book:)

  2. I absolutely LOVE The Hunchback of Notre Dame!
    ...the Disney version that is. ;) I've heard such terrible things about the book. And I watched the old Charles Laughton version was pretty bad. :P

    1. Yay! Another fan!:D It doesn't get nearly as much popularity as it deserves. (Probably because it's not exactly one to show children *ahem*.)

      Heehee, yeah…I wasn't super impressed with what I read of the book. But then, maybe I should give it more of a chance...

    2. Hahaha, yes. It's one of those Disney films that, while exceptional, really shouldn't be shown to children under the age of 10 or so....haha.
      But. I did watch it when I was really little, and I can't say I was affected. I think most of it went over my head. heehee

    3. Heehee, exactly! The "Hellfire" sequence alone is enough to, um, age the film a bit;)

      Haha, well, that's good--maybe you were just a braver kid than I was XD

    4. Yes! Watching it for the first time since childhood I was like "wow. Um. Don't remember THIS..."

      Hahaha, I think I was just really oblivious. :P

    5. Haha, yeah--I don't think I remembered it either :D

  3. Haven't seen the movie, haven't read the book... but I'd rather see the movie first. One of these days!

    1. Yeah, that's what I'd suggest. I think if you read the book first, you might be disappointed with the movie, which would be dreadful, because it is INCREDIBLE:) Glad you're interested, Hamlette!:)

  4. This movie always gives me chills. I think it's definitely one of the darker Disney movies. I mean, Frollo has always been the worst Disney villain in my eyes. He was telling her that she had to either die, an unspeakable thing. I would choose death over...that. It is an amazing movie.

    1. Definitely. Yeah, I can't believe that it's marketed as a children's movie…my brother and I watched it when we were younger, and it definitely weirded and freaked us out a little. Frollo is awful. (But he's a "well done" villain.) I knoooww…ew. IT IS SO EPICLY AWESOME.

  5. Olivia!
    I haven't seen this yet, but great choice! I'm so glad you did it!

    I didn't realize you'd posted till Eowyn mentioned it this morning, so I apologize for not finding your post for a couple days!! I'm now "officially" following you, so that's one problem solved! ;D Question though: Did my Inklings link box not work for you? Wondering if I need to do some troubleshooting on it..... :P

    1. Thanks so much!

      Oh, no, I'm so sorry--I completely forgot to submit my link! My fault--no worries, your link box was working very well for me in the past, so I'm sure it's fine:) Goodness, I'll have to put my link in there soon; apologies again for not getting to it earlier--it had completely slipped my mind, haha!:)

      And oh, thank you SO much for the follow! That means a lot!:D


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